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Hey guys,

Im writing to you from my xbox using xdsl (linux), which is based on DSL (damn small linux). It was a jiff to install after getting ftp set up with UnleashX (an alternative dashboard software).

I don't advocate ripping off game companies by playing coppied games; i mostly wanted to play my legit SegaCD games on a tv, and xbox has a huuuuuge list of good emulators that you can use once you mod it.

Thats why I threw together an xbox controller port (which is just usb with a different plug shape) to female usb port, and then used a flash drive with a modified game save on it (softmod bootloader thingy) to take advantage of an exloit in Splinter Cell's game save loader, which allows you to execute your own code on the system, opening it up to mods etc.

It took like 5 hours in total, but it would be extremely fast for other people to do it if I explained it to them in detail. I had to piece together the info from like 7 different forums.

What I would really like to do now is find a linux audio app that can run on xbox's 700mhz/64mb ram system. To remix an xbox game soundtrack, ON the xbox is my ultimate goal. I'll keep you posted!

Awesome work dude! I've been looking at doing a similar mod (XBMC, rather than XDSL).

If there is any more documentation you can provide, it'd be great :)

I have xbmc installed also, but i never use it because its a sack, imo, The dashboard software that I am using (UnleashX) can to basically everything that xbmc can do except some of the live streaming stuff, which is glitchy at best. This is my limited experience of it, so I could be wrong.

The site you linked to says you need:

Items You'll Need

Microsoft Xbox ($150)

Networked PC Computer ($???)

Original MechAssault game ($20)

Datel Xbox Action Replay ($25)

Krayzie's NDURE installer ($0)

Xbox Media Center (XBMC) ($0)

FlashFXP ($0)

7-Zip ($0)

uTorrent ($0)

If you're interested I can describe how to do it without the datel xbox action replay, which could save some money (and time having it shipped here). I don't quite know how to do it with MechAssault, but Im sure I could figure out how to get that to do the exploit. I used splinter cell myself, so if you have that, i would use it, it was a breeze.

Anyways, gimme a shout if you want a walkthrough of my way, or if not then best of luck with your mod :)


So obviously, you've become quite good at hacking XBoxes. Have you, or anyone else for that matter, figured out a way to fix the RRoD? A friend of mine had this happen to him recently. The power comes on, the tray opens, but there is no signal.

So obviously, you've become quite good at hacking XBoxes. Have you, or anyone else for that matter, figured out a way to fix the RRoD? A friend of mine had this happen to him recently. The power comes on, the tray opens, but there is no signal.

He's talking about the Xbox1, not the 360.

The way to fix a RRoD is to send it into Microsoft and they will fix it/replace it free.


unless you've opened it or your kid brother broke the seals playing with a pen or you bought it online and it doesn't work...or any of a number of issues.

So obviously, you've become quite good at hacking XBoxes. Have you, or anyone else for that matter, figured out a way to fix the RRoD? A friend of mine had this happen to him recently. The power comes on, the tray opens, but there is no signal.

kittykar does fixes for really cheap. i'm thinking of buying a refurb from him. i think he charges like 30 or 40$ for it.


I fix RRoDs but to do so I void the warranty. I can make it look like I didn't open it because I can open the case without breaking the seal but it's never a sure shot deal because there are other signs that show it's been opened. Sending it back to MS doesn't directly fix the problem either. Many people report that their "fixed" units RRoD again some time down the line.

RRoDs result from a combination of heat and pressure problems with the GPU, CPU, and the motherboard as a whole. If your friend wants me to fix it just PM me. Price is $30 for the labor and it'll cost $26 (maybe less for just the console I base that price off of the large flat rate box from USPS) for shipping combined both ways.

EDIT: It's $19.60 (total both ways) for a smaller flat rate shipping box from USPS.


I do, but what I do inside the case makes it quite obvious that it's been tampered with, so heating the seal off doesn't do much. I do keep all the parts after I replace them so I could theoretically put the box back in its "original" condition to be sent off to MS.

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