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So yeah, haven't really done anything in a while (more like ever) so thought I'd upload this. Okay, yeah, I know it's the same source before, it's just coincidence I 'spose. Anyways- here it is, a remix of Gameboy Tetris "Song B". (It's actually some Russian folksong or something if I'm right so I hope it counts on OCR...)


Feel free to criticize as much as you like. I'm still pretty much a newb and would love to know how to better myself. ^^

I hope you enjoy it anyway.

(Oh, and it's not actually finished- it just loops towards the end)


I think it's great.

Sometimes, the guitars feel a little flat. Sometimes this feels stylistically awesome, sometimes not.

I think this song would be awesome if it were 3 mins+ long. That is, if you really worked at experimenting with it.


Tetris is the most notable exception to the rule, you'll see that it has a number of remixes on here.

Guitars are a little weak and whiny... actually, the whole track is a little trebly, needs bass, either in the guitars and drums, or as a separate instrument.

There's a bunch of cool effects in this, but the flow is a bit jumpy. Might work better once it's longer.

I think the lack of bass is your biggest problem, tho. You're doing well for a newb, keep working on it.


Thanks for the advice, just need a bit of time to think about where to go next...

Yeah- see what you mean about the guitars. I'm still getting use to that FL's pluginny thingy- it's slowly sounding better so the lack of quality is a lil' learning on my part. Yeah- a bass part wouldn't be too hard to write, does sound a bit thin actually...

However- are there rules on good drum panning? Personally I thought the panning was alright... Ah well, I'll tone it down and see what happens! n___n


No rules, but if things aren't balanced, listeners easily get annoyed at the panning. Balanced means kick and snare are centered, and hats, rides, crashes, and other stuff isn't hardpanned. I recommend just shifting one channel of the hats (left/right) a a few milliseconds off, that'll give it a nice, realistic slightly-to-the-side sound. Sometimes, I add an echo in the other channel or a shaker track, something to even things out.

  • 2 weeks later...

I've always liked the B Theme and I was hoping someone would do an honest mix of it.

This mix would be a pretty good contender for save for a few things:

  1. Yes, there is a little too much panning in the percussion. If it were tighter, it would make this mix a few leagues better.
  2. Ever heard of canned drums? What we have here is a canned guitars. If you could make these a little more realistic, then that add to the musical depth this mix could provide.
  3. I think everyone here agrees that the length is too short. Three minutes, three and a half minutes, with a bridge or breakdown at around 1:15 and lasting thirty seconds can potentially extend the playability of this mix.
  4. Last thing: Could you possibly do a counter melody? YOu'd be surprised at just how good a counter melody makes a simple chip track sound.

And that's my two cents.

I've always liked the B Theme and I was hoping someone would do an honest mix of it.


I like the idea of this mix, man... but those guitars are obviously slayer, and slayer doesn't fare well on OCR

especially without effects... try using some cool stuff on the guitar, filters, phasers, post distortion... something

I like the chiptune segment and I also like the original harmonies you added, but that guitar is going to need something else

flesh it out and keep at it :)


I like the idea of this mix, man... but those guitars are obviously slayer, and slayer doesn't fare well on OCR

especially without effects... try using some cool stuff on the guitar, filters, phasers, post distortion... something

I like the chiptune segment and I also like the original harmonies you added, but that guitar is going to need something else

flesh it out and keep at it :)


ANOTHER honest mix.

(:tomatoface: @ myself.)


I like it. I think that the guitar goes great. You obviously need to expand upon the length and possibly use some filters to remove the raw and gritty sound, but I love the use of the actual sound effects from the game itself. Keep it up, dude. I'm looking forward to when you actually post this thing.


Okay- I've been kinda busy lately so I haven't really worked on my mix 'till today, but heck- thanks for the comments!

Rokin2Mordor: Yeah I know, drum panning's been changed, the guitar thing's a problem I'm quickly solving and heck the counter melody thing works! Thanks!

Chthonic: I'm messing around now with effects on the guitar- howeeeeever I'm not gunna give away all mah credit yet 'till I'm really stuck.

FinalTrigger85: Thanks very much!! Yeah currently working on all that stuff. (Especially length)

Okay- should update real soon.


Okay I've had a bit of time to work on this again so here's the update:


I'm about halfway through the actual structure of it and I think it's pretty much gunna write itself 'till the end but any groundbreaking ideas overlywelcome. Gwah, the main problem is still the Slayer Guitars. Hopefully it's a improvement (probably only slightly- working on it). Panning reduced. Length increased.

Oh and thanks chthonic, the Love Filter is actually freakin' useful!

I tried to throw in some counter melodies towards the end (hopefully you'll recognise it as the Tetris A theme- everyone I showed really didn't get that)

Okay I've had a bit of time to work on this again so here's the update:


I'm about halfway through the actual structure of it and I think it's pretty much gunna write itself 'till the end but any groundbreaking ideas overly welcome. Gwah, the main problem is still the Slayer Guitars. Hopefully it's a improvement (probably only slightly- working on it). Panning reduced. Length increased.

Oh and thanks chthonic, the Love Filter is actually freakin' useful!

I tried to throw in some counter melodies towards the end (hopefully you'll [recognize] it as the Tetris A theme- everyone I showed really didn't get that)




I can no hear lovely, lovely Tetris music.

Why for does The Universe hate me so?

Urrmm... Oh.


That should fix it! n___n (plz no moar internez problmz)

Read below for mah explanation.



So very vastly improved!!

The fade-outs are well placed, the guitars are very much improved, the chiptune effects and themes are an added little touch that I definitely approve of.


I can help but get rockin'-with-Dakken* when I hear the shredding at 00:26, and I LOVE the counter-meoldy(s) piece you used!

The ending needs a little tightening up, I keep thinking there should be more of riff roar or maybe a classic GnR style whine to finish the end.

Still, a vastly improved bit of work over the original.

-Headbanging furiously.-


*I've never actually listened to Dakken. I was strictly using the phrase to empasize that this is a kick ass piece of rearrangement.



So very vastly improved!!

The fade-outs are well placed, the guitars are very much improved, the chiptune effects and themes are an added little touch that I definitely approve of.


I can help but get rockin'-with-Dakken* when I hear the shredding at 00:26, and I LOVE the counter-meoldy(s) piece you used!

The ending needs a little tightening up, I keep thinking there should be more of riff roar or maybe a classic GnR style whine to finish the end.

Still, a vastly improved bit of work over the original.

-Headbanging furiously.-


*I've never actually listened to Dakken. I was strictly using the phrase to empasize that this is a kick ass piece of rearrangement.

Freakin' ace! I'm (very) glad you liked it! I hadn't actually finished it... erm looped. >___>

Ooh, mind you I am very much liking the whine idea. Mind if I steal? (like I stole the counter melody thing, thanks for that by the way)

But yah, ending anytime soon.

Okay this is it. Finalized. SplinterofChaos you were waaay right. I guess I'd just heard it too many times to notice. Again tell me what you think, I really hope this is done. >__<


-Cannot type a proper review because he is headbanging too much.-


---------------- Now playing: ProtoDome - Surface Proximity Warning via FoxyTunes


Good name for it. What's with the left-channel noise in the intro?

Could use more bass, everything sounds a bit hissy and weak without enough bass.

Lead is a little loud, would have loved to hear more backing around 0:50. Lead is also a little on the ugly side, it's got a weird sample loop effect on it that's not pretty. Great use of chippy parts. :D but drop the lead volume a bit, you've got another great backing part around 1:33.

Around 1:50 you completely leave out the higher notes. The lead there could use a less aggressive filter, it sounds like something's missing, even when the chip backing comes in.

Ending is awesome. Good work, source is there, no doubt, and a lot of interpretation's here as well. Clean it up, it's not far from ocr-worthy, imo.

it's got a weird sample loop effect on it that's not pretty.

Sorry, I'm probably being really stupid here (I'm still a newb) but what exactly do you mean? One of the filters I've applied? I think I've got a chorus and some distortion on the lead guitar... Apart from that I think I've sorted the rest...

(God knows why I had that static at the beginning... I actually don't remember putting it in- especially panning to the left.)


Sample loop effect, the sound a sample has when it's looping a too short loop and where the sound doesn't change over sustained notes. If you listen closely, you should hear a very annoying repetitive tone to it, something synths rarely get and can easily fix, and something non-looped recordings never suffer from. Listen to it sustained at 1:37, it's noisy in a bad way.

On the flip side, it's loopy qualities makes the whole track a bit reminiscent of Metroid MODulus (iirc), a nice tracker or tracker-ish remix that I picked up from vgmix way back. It was NOed here.

Try using some other samples for the part.

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