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Sorry, I don't understand your question.

Seconded. I'm not sure he's asking a question here or just making a statement about his setup. I think he might be wondering how to encode an mp3 with a small file size. I suppose if the bitrate of the file were extremely large, he could end up making an mp3 even larger than the original wav file.

So that's about all the more I can gather from his post: he doesn't know how to go about properly making an mp3 file, does that sound right?


Bit of a silly question, so apologies in advance.

I recently downloaded the Reason demo, and may possibly be making the switch from FruityLoops based on what I've heard from the web site demo and such.

The example songs, though, when I run them, don't sound especially great, very MIDI-ish. Is this just how the songs are, or is my sound card missing something? I don't want to drop 500 bucks to end up with things that sound like that.


SGX will come in here with a better answer, but the Reason sounds can be made pretty phat with some creative effects processing. The default songs are pretty boring. Fool around with the effects and see what you can do.

Propellerhead has a number of songs that they make available for download from their site. Listen to those and see what you think.

It's pretty much agreed-upon by most of the members here that Reason has pretty good sounds and samples right out of the box, and that there's nothing wrong with its sound quality.


Reason is incredible, Im not sure how it sounds MIDI-ish (plinks and planks instead of a flowing sound, Human LS :wink: ), but I would recommend listening to Charlie Clouser's "Four Notes" song to cure what ails ya. If it still sounds Midi-ish, its either you or your soundcard.


Any music software will sound cheesy like GM soundcard midi if you don't pick good samples, program good synths, use nice reverbs, etc. There is WAY more to making stuff sound cool than just picking a sample and going.

If anyone has serious complaints about Reason lacking fatness, please come forward with what fattening features Reason lacks. If nobody can come up with any, I'm inclined to think it's user incompetence.

Ooh here, here!! Can you make a synth fatter? Please show me. This was why I stopped using reason. I mean I still use Reason for Drum Machine (nothing is better) but synth? Sorry if I sound incompetent, How do you make it fatter.


I would say using Chorus + Unison would be more efficient than using layered subtractors.. but that works too. And yea, Vanguard is good for supersaw sounds - but I think that Reaktor's "Junatik" ensemble or layering a bunch of Synth1s is even better.


To clarify, I had particularly in mind that song that plays the very first time you load Reason up (name escapes me), before setting your own default song. I shouldn't have said MIDI-ish. It sounds a lot better than MIDIs. It doesn't sound like a lot of the remixes I've heard on the site that were made with Reason. From what you've all said, I think it's just the song itself being not as deep or complex.


a lot of blind's older stuff is all reason, and some of the newer stuff is part reason. Daniel Baranowski has a bunch of reason mixes. All of mine except Forgotten Daze are all Reason. E-Bison's Time Management mix is reason. Binster is all reason. There are others that I forget or I don't know about.

edit: Gray's only all Reason mix to my knowledge is his Mystical Ninja mix. The rest are combos of different things often including Reason.

Oh, and FFMusicDJ's older stuff was all Reason. String Machine was Reason 1.0 I think :).

Oh, and FFMusicDJ's older stuff was all Reason. String Machine was Reason 1.0 I think :).

It was all 1.0 strength baby! In fact ... what’s this?...


HAHA! I still don't believe I made this. Look at the stupid picture, it looks so horrid. Everything sounds chunky.

I still can’t believe it was 8 instruments, that’s it, nothing big.

Very rarely would I only make stuff on reason ... here is another!

http://ffmusic.net/Haroon%20Piracha%20-%20Horizion%20Beyond.rps (trance construction kit required)

I must admit, though I am partly sold to Cubase, working with reason couldn’t be anymore simpler!


I have a question!

How do you make a smooth transition from a realistic sounding instrument to a synthy techno instrument?

So, for example, I have a flute or something and I want to end up making it sound all... well, sawtooth-like or something over the course of a few seconds while making the transition really nice. I don't have an actual song example that I can think of, but I hope I got the idea across.

I have a question!

How do you make a smooth transition from a realistic sounding instrument to a synthy techno instrument?

So, for example, I have a flute or something and I want to end up making it sound all... well, sawtooth-like or something over the course of a few seconds while making the transition really nice. I don't have an actual song example that I can think of, but I hope I got the idea across.

Yes, I know what you mean. Haveing an organic instrument in a techno song can be rough sometimes, what you need to do is make that organic instrument a little less organic.

Here is a good example...

Say you got a piano as that organic instrument.

This is how the piano sounds in reason, very nice and organic...


The key to letting the piano mix in with alot of effects. Effects are the key in a techno songs sometimes.

This is how the piano sounds after some EQ and reverb/delay effect...


With a piano like that, it would sound more natural for it to be in a techno synthy song. It can easily be mixed in with synth without worrying. I dont know other people's methods... But I am sure everyone has ways they can improve on.

I hope that helped.


Another question, here.

I want to write an orchestra piece using the Orkester soundbank, but composing with Reason's editing tool is kind of a pain. Is there any way I can write what I want on Finale or some sort of staff paper (or anything easier) and then export it to Reason?

Another question, here.

I want to write an orchestra piece using the Orkester soundbank, but composing with Reason's editing tool is kind of a pain. Is there any way I can write what I want on Finale or some sort of staff paper (or anything easier) and then export it to Reason?

This is very easy, I sometimes transfer stuff form cubase to reason.

here is how.

Once you compose something form Final or Cubase or whatever, be sure to export in midi format.

You need midi. you cant transfer a song form one software into another without midi exporting.

When you have that midi file exported form Final or Cubase...

Start up Reason -

Click on file, Import MIDI file -

choose the file you exported from Final or Cubase -

And thats it! Just attach instruments to the appropriate midi instrument.

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