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I acutally started working on the drumwork for this mix about two months ago, but I couldn't decide what game track I was going to incorporate it into.

I finally decided about four hours ago and I chose the Volcano Valley Acts 1 and 2 from Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn Version dammit!) Not that I don't like the Genesis version of the game (I love both of the soundtracks), I've just been having better ideas with the Saturn version.

Now, I ALREADY KNOW the beginning sucks, but it wont remain that way for long.;-)

Like my "Day and Night" mix, I am working on this strictly from memory, so its not really accurate, but you can still tell that the original feel is in there.


Updates coming soon!


Awesome. I was a fan of your Day & Night mix back when you posted in here on the WIP boards. Love the percussion (little bell type things?). A very epic sound going. Besides the little bells, you don't have much in the high end, and it sounds a little...squashed. It's also a little repetitive. I suggest perhaps throwing in a little sax here and there? Maybe? Or is lava zones and sax too cliche?

Definitely nice start, but there doesn't seem to be much of a melody, it sounds more like the background to a movie. And while that may not be a bad thing, I think it needs something more (and perhaps that has some highs in it).

Can't wait to hear more!


Finally someone tackles this song, I absolutely love the Saturn version of Volcano Valley.

Can't wait to hear any updates and the finished product. Totally agree w/Sengin though: it sounds a lot like just some background music, but of course, this is video game BGM so well, I suppose it's supposed to sound like that a bit.

But the actual song had a bit more flesh in it, and maybe there's something you can do with this mix that'll give it more substance.

Eh...ionno. :-\


No source link, no source comment.

Yeah, strings in the intro are a little too keyboard-y, and the percussion is a little.. idunno, plinging. Plinging might work, but not the strings.

Staccato strings could use some more weight behind them, especially the higher notes, they're weak. overall, the track seems to lack weight, punch, bass, MOAR POWAH!

Arrangement sounds pretty promising, tho the percussion could use some more variation. Maybe there is variation, the plingy sound might just be throwing me off.


Wow. This sounds great! I agree with SynthesizedStampede and Rozovian though: it just feels like it needs more. I get this feeling that some awesome build is about to happen, but it just... doesn't.

I love the percusion in this. The (bongos? congos? I always get them mixed up) and high pitched clangs really create an epic, almost tribal, atmosphere that's perfect for a volcano.

Great stuff so far! This one's got a lot of potential. Good luck.

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