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So it's been a damn long time since I've done a video game remix. Chrono Trigger's "At the Bottom of the Night" remains one of my favorite pieces from the soundtrack, and I sat down the other day and hashed this out.


Lyrics recorded on a headset mic (YIKES) but for at least another month I will not have access to a decent one. Just a heads up that the production quality on the vocals will go up.

Anyway, yeah, is this enjoyable to listen to?

Newer version:



Ah sweet one of my favorite VGM evar.

That short two hit staccato background doesn't go with the background.

The general beat and piano def go well.

Your vocals are good per usual. :)

For production def look at some late 80's/90's tracks for reverb and stereo placement I think the production and mixing will just all fall into place on this one.

Would def like to hear some pads or more more harmony added in.

Good stuff so far dude!


I fail to recognize the source. Hm...

Feels a little loud, and I'm not a fan of those weird world music toms. The volume balance is a bit off, and it's a little weird to hear the full frequency range of the bells but not the voice, tho I like how the voice sounds.

Late 80s sound with pads and stuff would be great, this seems to be leaning that way already. Your voice sounds like it'd lend itself well to the style.

Is it enjoyable? Yeah it is.


Thanks for your comments everyone!


Here's a newer version. Still the headset mic vocals in there... *retch*

but things will hopefully sound a little better. I hadn't read the comment about the volume levels being off when I had finished this, but I definitely understand where you're coming from there. When I record the vocals for realz I will start spending more time tweaking production.

Hope you enjoy the new version!

Oh and> I fail to recognize the source. Hm...

I am singing the lead line, and my tone isn't exactly perfect for a lot of it, so that might be the confusion there.


I find the drums to be painful. Still don't like the ethno toms, hihats are clicky and high, plus they sound a little lofi.

Some lines feel a little too forced, and you seem to lose the tone when you bring it lower (like at 2:46, 3:00, and earlier). Singing needs to be more natural, even when it's got a desperate sound.


I think the soundscape doesn't really vary enough. A bit of texture fatigue going on still. I think a break in the vocals with something else doing a melodic interlude (hint hint cheesy strings) would work well. I would also add a lot more energy to it when you have the low vocal part come in toward the end. So far it's all at the same dynamic, even when you add more parts in.

  • 3 months later...

I've been listening to an old version of this for a long time.

I really like the changes you've made (xylophone, strings, flute). Maybe the strings could be a legato to give them a more natural feel?

Anyway, I just wanted to know if you had worked on this recently. I really dig it.


I think the only real thing that's distracting are the 2 short staccato bass hits that don't line up with the fundamentals (this was mentioned before). Other than that , flesh this out a bit more and it's readily enjoyable.


ZMG it's Wintermute!! I thought you died or something =p

Great to see you back in the game...too bad things've changed a lot at OCR...some of which not for the best...

ANYHOO, this is really awesome; however, the problem with sad music is that drums often take away from the sad factor. Perhaps if you made the drums much softer and push them back a bit, it wouldn't detract from the sad feeling as much. OR you could reduce the tempo of the drums to half time, which is very effective in rock songs, not so sure with a pop/rap beat, but you never know :<

Then again, if you're not going for complete sadness, then I suppose this'd work just fine.

Hope to see you on further works Wintermutey :-P

I find the drums to be painful. Still don't like the ethno toms, hihats are clicky and high, plus they sound a little lofi.

Some lines feel a little too forced, and you seem to lose the tone when you bring it lower (like at 2:46, 3:00, and earlier). Singing needs to be more natural, even when it's got a desperate sound.

Yeah I agree with you there Rozo...shoulda read the posts before I put in any comments hehe.

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