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I really enjoyed the Island of Besaid music from both FFX games, but the remake in the sequel kind of caught my ear a bit more. I Hope all the fans enjoy this version of Besaid Island with the light, tranquil sound of rain and a little shift in ambiance i mixed together. Any Feedback greatly appreciated. :)

Created in FL Studio.


I like this a lot, it's quite soothing. I'd definitely like to hear more. I think the rain sounds are too prominent - maybe fading them in and out at times would work.


This is a great start. The rain compliments the song rather well but you need to complicate the remix and create a deeper ambient feel. Some parts of the song feel somewhat empty because of the nature of the song; you need to fill these sections and create a background, percussion perhaps.


No source link, no source comment. Dunno if FFX2 has different Besaid music, but I don't recognize anything. it is pretty, tho. Hope that's the remix, not just the source.

Yeah, kill the rain a bit in, use it to set the mood, the get rid of it. Use it for the quiet sections, not as ambience throughout the track.

Piano+cool drums+pad, that's a winning combination. Some mixing work might be needed, but it sounds passable to me. Piano might have a little too much reverb, just a little. Drums could be less repetitive. You could give the track some more bass frequencies, sounds a little low on lows.

Length and arrangement, imo. This is pretty. Make it more ocr-y. And use a real host next time, tindeck, mediafire, something.


I don't think you'll need to kill the rain, just bring it down to where it's barley audible, then fade it up and down during quiet parts. As is, it's too loud to be good ambient noise, but it's a great idea, top points for originality.

The Besaid theme is relatively short if I remember right, I'd say if you're trying to add length, play with the intro. The first idea that comes to my mind is a half time feel for an intro. You can add a lot of length quickly with it, and as far as mood goes: Rain, slow start, then the sort of happy song. (You'll have to forgive me, I'm only half familiar with the source, so I'm not sure how much of your intro is original and how much is from the game)

As far as drums go (insert shameless self promotion as a drummer here) A few well placed FFF accents could add a lot to that congo beat. The accents let you really keep the driving repetitive feel without something like a traditional drum fill. Congos and Bongos also complement eachother well if you want to go with something a bit more complex, or layer them to get a different accent sound.

The end just sort of cuts off. I know I harp on dynamics a lot, but I can really see again adding some length here, slowing down to a half time feel and lowering the dynamics for a nice gentle fade out to the rain.

I'm still learning about the finer points of mastering and that trained ear that says 'too much lows, highs, reverb' So I can't offer much advice there. Lows means something I'm in danger of stepping on, highs might fall and hit me in the head, and reverb is the new soda made by the Coca-Cola company:razz:


I'm not very familiar with the original so I can't comment on the arrangement or anything. This sounds basically like stock new age music to me, like the background music on the TV guide channel or something. Seems pretty cheesy to me. Other than that, if you were planning on submitting this a minute and a half is probably too short.


I normally don't bother posting (Mostly because I know nothing of music production), but this remix honestly sounds a LOT like the source in terms of the piano (That is, it sounds like the piano was just taken out and put in). I can tell it's not, but still, I don't think that's a good thing.

I would say the best thing to do would be to not even use a piano. Something, ANYTHING, would be better. In addition, it could use some variation (This is what all the good WIP critics say, anyway, so I'm gonna make myself look smart and say it as well!).


i like it, but then it pretty much is just like the source with a few minor tweaks. Hard to call this a remix actually >_<


pretty bad source material but it gets the idea across, I have the real mp3 of it but I dont want to share it as that would be against a few laws :P

The mp3 I have FFX-2 Eternity - Memory of Lightwaves\02 - Besaid.mp3 kinda show that this mix is not original enough to really qualify. I dont think it will passed unless a lot more is shown.

That said I like what Zigan has done so far but it needs more. More interpretation that is to make it differentiate from the original.

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