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PRC140 - Two Sources, More Fun (Faxanadu & Star Control 2)

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The People's Remix Competition 140


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition!

PRC139 started slow, but after the extension four songs including one bonus was the result. The compo was extremely close, two winners and the third song only one point away from victory. Evktalo and Thu ended better as Just64helpin. This means two sources for this round.

Thu decided to submit a source from a game which needs more mixes. The game is underrated, it has only one remix at Ocremix. It's a Nintendo game. Evktalo decided to pick something else. A Windows game which hasn't been remixed in PRC before too. 4 Ocremixes is more than 1, but still, the chosen theme doesn't have one (of course).

With two songs, you can chose to remix one of them, or both in one song.


Faxanadu (NES) - Syreen Theme


Star Control II - Land of Dwarf

MIDI Faxanadu

NSF Faxanadu (Track 14)

MOD Star Control II

ThaSauce link

I've heard from both games, but I didn't play them. Looking at the pictures, both games looks interesting. With two sources, there are more possibilities as remixing one source. For Star Control II, Evktalo send this interesting site: http://sc2.sourceforge.net

I hope to see a lot of remixers and voters in this contest. The rules will be a little difference this time, bacause the two sources.


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. You don't have to remix both songs, you may pick one of them and remix only that, however, you are encouraged to remix both songs in one. Winners from the last round (Thu and Evktalo) may participate this round as well, but they should remix the source from the other winner only.
  2. If you happen to be mixing this (or these) songs already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  3. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  4. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by SUNDAY February 22nd at 04:00 am ThaSauce time (Check my signature (below) and the ThaSauce page for the exact time left..
  5. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  6. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  7. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  8. The winner of the previous contest can take part as well. His vote won't be doubled, because that wouldn't be fair for the others. In a case of a tie, his vote will make the difference. In a case of a tie with the remixers himself, the other remixer will win. If Thu and Evktalo tie again, I don't know what I'll will do. Depending on the vote, I might let you both select again, I just don't hope this will happen.

Doulifee's PRC Archives! For information about the previous contests.



I can't seem to get the .mod file to play.

What I've read says its a mpeg2 format, but mpeg2 players don't like it. I did get Gnsf to play the nsf file though.

I don't suppose this will work? I half sure this is a theme from the cap'n gettin busy! O.O


Notes is good! I don't do well without them. I knew this guy once that could hear something and play it. I'm not even close. Thanks for the help, I'll get werkn on somefing here before long...


Notes is good! I don't do well without them. I knew this guy once that could hear something and play it. I'm not even close. Thanks for the help, I'll get werkn on somefing here before long...

Word of caution, the notes in a MOD are often not in the correct key. It will probably take a bit of figuring out.

I've started working, I've figured out some chords for the first 31 bars of Land of Dwarves.. the track is very similar to Clock Tower in Master System's Castle of Illusion. Is it against the rules to incorporate a source track from outside the compo? I think people have at least done it before. :)



I decided to do a simple song, I started one hour ago. It was to prevent that Showroom Dummy wins by default (in that time, Evktalo comes with an entry as well). This means we have competition, the participants can even vote :).


Here's the voting stage

Before the extension, only one song entered. One hour before the second deadline, it was still the only one, but then we received two others, including one from myself. All entries are eligible.

The mixing stage is over. To vote, you should do the following:

- Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries

- Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen

- Fill in the rank of the entries from first to third.

- State a reasoning for it.

Participants can vote, but not for themself. They can send in their top 2. As usual, they receive an added first place. The vote from Thu (as last rounds winner and not participant) counts twice, the vote from Evktalo (also last round winner) doesn't count twice but it can break up a tie between Showroom Dummy and Bundeslang for first place.

You have until NEXT WEDNESDAY, February 25th at 2:59 am ThaSauce time, check my signature in the first post or simply the ThaSauce page for the exact time you have.

The winner will get to choose the source tune for PRC141!

The songs:


Showroom Dummy - Raumschiff Alpha

Evktalo - Fax Bananas

Bundeslang - Land of Some Samples


It's results time.

This round started slow, after the extension the number of songs is 3. With 5 voters, it makes the following result:

Total number of mixes - 3

Total number of votes - 5

Highest possible score - 18

Bundeslang only spend one hour on his song and received a third and last place wooden spoon with 8 points.

Evktalo was the best in the last round, this time he ends with 13 points at second place.

And PRC140's winner is Showroom Dummy with 17 points!

Showroom Dummy received the first place from all voters except for one. Evktalo took that and received second places from the other voters. Bundeslang ends last with only last place votes and his own.

Thu forgot to vote for Bundeslang, so I decided to add it at the third place. Next time, I'll disqualify the vote.

Showroom Dummy, you have won and you may select the source tune for PRC141. Send it to me by PM before next Friday, 27 February at 11:59 am Eastern US Time.

Be there.


Thank you all for the votes! it was a very busy week for me and I had not much time to mix so my work was more rushed than often but I did try my best because I love StarControl 2.

I hope you all like the song I picked for the next competition! the worst part of winning is not being able to compete in the next one!

Good luck all, see you next time! sorry for any bad english, it's not my first language :)

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