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NOTE: I just listened to your most recent update about 50 times in a row lol. I hope you don't take the constructive criticism the wrong way I just wanted to tell you what I thought. And in no way do I have any DJ or remix credentials so please take my criticism with a grain of salt. I just love video game music and trance =p those are my only credentials.

Wow this is a tough one for me. I absolutely love sonic and I love trance so I'm super excited already about this remix :)

You're opening is AMAZING I really like it a lot, seriously it's awesome!

If a person was just listening to your song not knowing the title, they wouldn't know what song you were remixing until the chorus dropped so I feel like that is the most important part of the song so far.

So with that being said I would go with a deeper tone for the chorus, the one you have right now is super high pitched and it's way too surprising when it starts playing.

Also, I'm wondering what it would sound like if you dragged out the first 4 measures (I hope its the first 4 measures, if I'm wrong then I mean the first 15 notes of the chorus) a little longer, maybe 8-12 measures before you give them the next part of the chorus. I say this because you drop this really cool beat after the first 4 measures of the chorus. I feel like looping the first 4 measures of the chorus while you introduce the new background beat would help smooth out the song.

I also have a question :)

Are you planning on using the bridge in this remix?

Anyways great stuff so far! I can't wait for the next update, great choice of song too! :-P

NOTE: I just listened to your most recent update about 50 times in a row lol. I hope you don't take the constructive criticism the wrong way I just wanted to tell you what I thought. And in no way do I have any DJ or remix credentials so please take my criticism with a grain of salt. I just love video game music and trance =p those are my only credentials.

Wow this is a tough one for me. I absolutely love sonic and I love trance so I'm super excited already about this remix :)

You're opening is AMAZING I really like it a lot, seriously it's awesome!

If a person was just listening to your song not knowing the title, they wouldn't know what song you were remixing until the chorus dropped so I feel like that is the most important part of the song so far.

So with that being said I would go with a deeper tone for the chorus, the one you have right now is super high pitched and it's way too surprising when it starts playing.

Also, I'm wondering what it would sound like if you dragged out the first 4 measures (I hope its the first 4 measures, if I'm wrong then I mean the first 15 notes of the chorus) a little longer, maybe 8-12 measures before you give them the next part of the chorus. I say this because you drop this really cool beat after the first 4 measures of the chorus. I feel like looping the first 4 measures of the chorus while you introduce the new background beat would help smooth out the song.

I also have a question :)

Are you planning on using the bridge in this remix?

Anyways great stuff so far! I can't wait for the next update, great choice of song too! :-P

Thank you for the feedback yeah i was thinking about extending the intro a lil longer i will definitely take that into consideration when i start working on it again. The reason why i havent worked on this in a long while because i need to upgrade my sound library im planning on buying my access virus ti desktop around November so once I get that i will finish this mix and sub it. I Also have another WIP in the works its from phoenix wright: trails and tribulations. so keep on the look out for that one as well.

and yeah im planning on adding the bridge :)


The harmonic reinterpretation of the melody works great at first, then it hits some sour/not so great notes. Particularily at 1:16, The bass plays Bb (suggesting a VIb major chord) but there's a B in the melody, which is the major sixth in relation to the key of D the tune is in. Not a good combination unless you wanna get experimental.

Not sure what the synth strings are doing at that point either.

Basically, work on the melody (and accompaniment) so that they complement the new chord progression nicely.

Sound is phatzor, no complaints there. The long intro is good as well, even kind of a necessity if you want to call it a club mix :)

edit: heh, my comments where based on the first version. For some reason the melody works a bit better in the 2nd version, maybe because those strings aren't there anymore to add confusion. The particular dissonance i mentioned is still there though, and still not a great choice methinks.

  • 2 weeks later...
new update coming at the end of next week.

Bout damn time! Nah, you've been working on this mix for a loooong time now. Then again, i still have mixes from over a year ago that i go back and polish up here and there.

Bout damn time! Nah, you've been working on this mix for a loooong time now. Then again, i still have mixes from over a year ago that i go back and polish up here and there.

yeah man i know the feeling lol in my case i had to upgrade my sound library and im still not done buying the sounds i need. but i have enough now to implement the ideas i originally had in mind.

also im working on a phoenix wright trance mix as well. i will most likely upload that one soon as well. ive been working on that one for like 3 months.

yeah man i know the feeling lol in my case i had to upgrade my sound library and im still not done buying the sounds i need. but i have enough now to implement the ideas i originally had in mind.

also im working on a phoenix wright trance mix as well. i will most likely upload that one soon as well. ive been working on that one for like 3 months.

What software do you use for writing your remixes?

FL Studio ^^ been using it for 8yrs now

Nice. I just got FL 8 but i'm trying to figure out just what the hell it is i'm doing with it, lol. I have always been using Mixcraft for about 2 years now.

Nice. I just got FL 8 but i'm trying to figure out just what the hell it is i'm doing with it, lol. I have always been using Mixcraft for about 2 years now.

dont worry man you will learn fast FL is fairly easy to learn. it took me about a year to learn everything

It took me... 1... 2... 12 months. xDDDDD

Jabond if you wanna know how to use FL just PM me 'bout something specific and I'll help ya out.

Yeah, one of these days i gotta sit down and spend more than 5 minutes on it. :)

FL Studio ^^ been using it for 8yrs now

Wow?! Really? That's one heck of along time! I didn't even like music eight years ago let alone have a DAW! And Jabond, you'll be fine- at least it exports to MIDI! ^o^ Takes about six months or so to get good with it, and a year to know the program pretty much inside out.


yeah ProtoDome your right about that im STILL learning new things with this program everyday. currently im running on FL 8.5 ....FL 9 is about to come out id say between this month or the next. so which each new versions they are new features to learn.


Bout time there's an update! :D

Nah, i can definitely hear the updates/changes you've added to mix. The intro sounds much more cohesive with the different synths jumping in to compliment each other. I still love that big build up before you the source clearly. Its very nice. I think your drum track only has a kick and cymbals, right? Its not a big deal, and its working well for you so far. I would suggest that maybe once the source kicks in after that big build, maybe add an alternating snare with the kick. Also, and i'm just nitpicking here, i think the kick could be a tad thicker. Just a tad more bass really help complete that techno/trance feel you're going for with this track.

Either way, i think its just about for submission! :D

ahh thanks jabond yeah im going to add more cussion i only do have a kick and a closed hat and a hi hat. im jus loking to see what more stuff to add. im going to see what to do to beef up the kick a lil more and the bass

I think some general EQing should help, right? Also, do you plan on making this longer? I know that its been about the same length since you started posting it and updates. I think maybe adding a nice little breakdown followed by a short synth of some kind would be pretty kick ass. Then, of course, a repeat of when the source jumps in for the outro! :D

I think some general EQing should help, right? Also, do you plan on making this longer? I know that its been about the same length since you started posting it and updates. I think maybe adding a nice little breakdown followed by a short synth of some kind would be pretty kick ass. Then, of course, a repeat of when the source jumps in for the outro! :D

actaully i eq'ed the hell out of the kick even compressed it and added a lil bit of distortion. and yes this is gonna be long im assuming 6mins. but im trying to see how to fuse everything together.

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