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Creating a song, with not alot of sounds available.


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Lately, every time I start to compose. I get a good bass line going, but then when it gets into the lead. none of my sounds can match what I want the piece to sound like. Now. I know there are soundfonts and such out there.

Thing is. I've been working on an electronic style track, I simply don't have the sounds to do do so.

Does Independence free have a good source of electronic sounds? because thats what I need..

If you can route me some more options, that'd be great.

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So, synth sounds?

Find yourself a tutorial on subtractive synthesis, and then look up stuff on zircon's list of free music tools. Synth1 is good and free. Just don't expect to understand them at all if you don't know how subtractive synthesis works in general.

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