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Hi everyone, how's it going?

This is going to be (eventually) a Goa Trance remix of the Wild Pokemon theme from Pokemon Pearl (and Diamond, come to think about it).

I'm stuck.

Any ideas would be most helpful!


No longer available because I joined the missingno tracks project.


WOOOh wooohhh where's the cool "POKEMON BATTLE STARTING" intro? That could have been a rousing, ROLicking way to start the mix. I LOOOVE that announcer and the chrowd though, so maybe put the intro "random" stuff later in the song.

I relize the style you're going for, but mabey add something at :46 to :56. That's great mixing and rhythm and everything, really, but you lost all my interest there, which is sad bc the first 30 seconds totally grab my ears!

Up til 2:43 is truly great stuff, I dig the rhythmic hits and tension from the constant variation of the drums (or about as much as you can do in a techno peice).

That's a cool interpretation starting at 2:43

I don't know how else to say it, but the transition at 3:09 could be a little smoother imho.

As far as the source, starting at :50, which is where I assume you're stuck from, those tunes lend themselves perfectly I think to your style. Maybe your perdicament is you wish to vary the song a little there, and I'm actually not an arranger, I'm just a listener, so I don't know if I could help there very much. Synth solo? maybe break there and just do a drum "solo" of sorts for kind of an ear break from the constant bass thump? Sorry this is where I'm no good.

OK I hope that wasn't too painful, I wish you the best.


I get the entire point behind the whole "let's get ready to rumble" clip, but it comes off kind of long, and kind of clichéd. If you must use it, maybe shorten it a bit. There's got to be other sample of that guy saying the same basic thing, or you could edit it yourself.

The change of pace at 1:51 feels a little jarring. It stands out to me. Maybe add a slightly long transition to smooth it out.

That's a cool interpretation starting at 2:43

Agreed. That's a good example of how to pull off a transition. Keep that. Like a little cool-down after a big buildup.

and maybe the original pokemon fainting sfx at the end with a short victory tune.

Nah, it just doesn't work with this sort of remix. This is a more hard-ish sort of remix, and putting that at the end would come off as cartoony and ill-fitting. I'd say leave it out.

Its a pretty good remix but id say lose the vocal stuff at the start and maybe the original pokemon fainting sfx at the end with a short victory tune.

I disagree, the vocals had me laughing my head off! Please keep them!

This is really good, I'm impressed. I think the bass/percussion should get a lot heavier after the 'let's get ready to rumble' so it feels like things are really starting. And once the main melody breaks in, I'd recommend changing the pace of the tune a little, so it doesn't just sound like a sampling of the original.

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