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Photography - Tennessee Excursion - Oak Ridge 'Alexander Inn Guest House'

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So I don't know how many photographers there are on the forums, but I thought that I would share this day out taking photos with people that are, all of the photos are Here if you want to look at them in a link list, otherwise I will by the grace of asking make a nicely image heavy thread.

Starting at about 5pm in the Old City of Knoxville near University of Tennessee, we went down beneath a bridge that I've been at before, but honestly was too afraid to go under by myself because it's hobo central and frankly just too damned creepy for me to negotiate alone. Besides, most of the males in my family/friend units seem to think running around in shady corners of a major city as a lone female is dangerous, go figure. Anyway..


I had a few other photos from that spot that include a discarded bible and a pack of needles, but the needles were blurry and the bible isn't very impressive. Here are the other pictures linked for your comfort:


Entry beneath the bridge.

Offset Under the bridge

Standing farther back into the bridge and pointing out

After the bridge we went over to an obscure area just beyond UT near a warehouse that (as far as I can tell) makes large metal bits for industrial things.


Linked again the other pictures at that site:

Metal covered window

A slightly blurred shot of the metal yard

This shot is a stairway that leads up to a Marble sales building that is being used as a baptist church/gathering place for people who have wine/music events.

A wall with Vines on it

The inside of the warehouse, we're going to try and get all the way into it next time.

Side of the building looking through to the sun as we start to get more toward 6ish

Inside of the building with the darkened windows

Again outside the building where the windows are broken in

The third site that we went to was just down the road and we found some interesting signs of squatters like an a Marie Antoinette CD, clothing, and a suspiciously "organised" corner mounded with poop that I gladly did not step in because I'm pretty sure it was human (Not that stepping in animal poop would have been any better). It also had a pile of barrels that I think were filled with ground up plastic, but I'm not completely sure what they made in the factory.


Other shots of the same place are:

The Marie Antoinette CD, which I took BTW, it still plays, along with some tooth care objects

Squatter clothes! (no I didn't photograph the poop)

Alarm will Sound

Looking up through the 'roof'

The last site that we hit was much farther away so you can tell by the declined light that it took us a while to get there, over in Lenoir City standing on an overlook that peered out over the Dam/Lock. It was about 9pm and there were still people out fishing.


The light was really low so I got a bunch of light smears from the cars passing over the bridge, but I liked the colouring. The rest of the images in this location are

A full shot of the Dam, sans fishermen

Crazy Swirls that Mean I move the Camera too much

Hope you find this interesting, if you do let me know because I do this about once every other week and it's fun to share. I'm also interested of course in seeing other people's photo adventures.


Some truly badass photography, Rent. It's interesting that much of it seems reminiscent of Half-Life 2 for whatever reason. Pretty much every picture is worth taking a close look at and has a mood to it, though I imagine you took many more that aren't quite as good as these gems.


Heh, maybe it's just me, but this one looks like you're peeping in on some fire hydrant pron.


I miss Knoxville. Why the hell are you in Old City?

EDIT: Also why the hell are you in Lenoir City?

EDIT again: Why are you in Tennessee at all, for that matter? You should visit Sweetwater and then leave because there is nothing there. Other than the Lost Sea. Go there. Get some bland cave pics.

Some truly badass photography, Rent. It's interesting that much of it seems reminiscent of Half-Life 2 for whatever reason. Pretty much every picture is worth taking a close look at and has a mood to it, though I imagine you took many more that aren't quite as good as these gems.

Heh, maybe it's just me, but this one looks like you're peeping in on some fire hydrant pron.

Thanks, there were a lot of pictures that I deleted out of the mass I'd taken, my friend also took a bunch of pictures that I'm sure I'll get a look at later.

I'm a big fan of shots of broken down buildings, industrial wreck, and urban pictures, though there are a bunch of images of nature and what not that are also pretty great, art in general. Looking around the metal scrap was very half life 2, especially as the light started to fail.

Nice fiber drums. They're usually used in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

I'd wondered what those were, we found some long rods of hard plastic in the wreck, I was thinking it was a plastics something or other

I miss Knoxville. Why the hell are you in Old City?

EDIT: Also why the hell are you in Lenoir City?

EDIT again: Why are you in Tennessee at all, for that matter? You should visit Sweetwater and then leave because there is nothing there. Other than the Lost Sea. Go there. Get some bland cave pics.

I moved down here about 8 months ago for my family, Old City is interesting in terms of photography, and I stumbled on the old dam in Lenoir City with my sister in law, I'll check out Sweetwater though I probably won't leave after that.

I moved down here about 8 months ago for my family, Old City is interesting in terms of photography, and I stumbled on the old dam in Lenoir City with my sister in law, I'll check out Sweetwater though I probably won't leave after that.

I meant leave Sweetwater. It is small and there is not much to do. My parents live there, as well pretty much the entirity of my dad's side of the family. The first Clevelands moved to the Sweetwater area in the early 1800s. I'm sure that spells good things for the gene pool.

There are actually a good number of OCRers from East Tennessee. Me, Edge (who, coincidentally, is also from Sweetwater), JesustheDarkLord, AlmightyTim, and I feel like there are one or two more I'm not thinking of.

I meant leave Sweetwater. It is small and there is not much to do. My parents live there, as well pretty much the entirity of my dad's side of the family. The first Clevelands moved to the Sweetwater area in the early 1800s. I'm sure that spells good things for the gene pool.

There are actually a good number of OCRers from East Tennessee. Me, Edge (who, coincidentally, is also from Sweetwater), JesustheDarkLord, AlmightyTim, and I feel like there are one or two more I'm not thinking of.

I knew about Edgey, but that's a lot of people I never new lived around here, compared to North Dakota at least where there is a lone Flik and myself..and now just a lone Flik.

hi rent

bye rent

tennessee is pretty rnd

Hi Equiknox,

bye Equiknox,

I'll have a special picture posted for you in a day or so, just for you.. just...for...you...


The natural scenery in East Tennessee is pretty gorgeous, but personally, I'm really not a fan of Knoxville in particular. Interesting photos, though, and Knoxville does kind of fit the theme you have in mind.

I'm from Nashville, if anyone's at all curious. Lived there until I moved away for college. KF

I meant leave Sweetwater. It is small and there is not much to do. My parents live there, as well pretty much the entirity of my dad's side of the family. The first Clevelands moved to the Sweetwater area in the early 1800s. I'm sure that spells good things for the gene pool.

There are actually a good number of OCRers from East Tennessee. Me, Edge (who, coincidentally, is also from Sweetwater), JesustheDarkLord, AlmightyTim, and I feel like there are one or two more I'm not thinking of.

Before I moved to college last year, Knoxville was my home for 18 years. BGC also lives in Knoxville

Knoxville sucks balls. Except for Paddy's backdoor pub; that place was pretty cool.

Knoxville has lots of cool spots. You just have to know where they are. And the weather is really nice.

And East Tennessee is beautiful.

trashville's got nothing on roxville

radanooga comes close though

I see what you did there. I heard that East Tennessee is really cruddy and kind of ghetto, I've been looking for a house and that is the cheapest area. I like the imagery of slummy places though.

I see what you did there. I heard that East Tennessee is really cruddy and kind of ghetto, I've been looking for a house and that is the cheapest area. I like the imagery of slummy places though.

It really isn't ghetto. You're thinking of West Tennessee.

heh farragut... has turkey creek completely taken it over yet?

how old are you anyway?

I'm 26, Eulogic.

And no, it's really really trying to apparently but the Farragut snobs are kinda beatin' it back.


I went back out again, and I was going to drive to Chattanooga (spelling is stupid, unless I got it right then it's awesome). But then I got distracted by Eulogic's home town. Isn't it quaint?!


Look a cheese factory!




I also got a bunch of links here to the pictures I took up in the Cherokee National Forest

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