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I agree, I think there should be a drum breakdown after the skull kid laugh. Also, the second verse is very distorted, was it meant to be. It just seems over muddy. Also, I'm not sure how hard it would be, but after you say "play along, have the flute play, then mimic with a synth rather than the flute again. Just a suggestion. I dig the music though. Very good transition.

It doesn't seem to really be a remix of Oath to Order other than a part of the beginning
Yeaaah, I kind of started it off as an oath to order, but then I just kind of changed paths on that =/

I agree with you guys who are suggesting about the drum beat. It's pretty much a consistent suggestion I've gotten thus far to keep the energy of the song alive.

Also, the second verse is very distorted, was it meant to be. It just seems over muddy.
Yeah, I believe it's because I had removed more bass frequencies out of the first part to allow more room for vocals and I haven't done that to this second part, and as a result, it's really covering up the vocals. Still gotta work on the EQ a little bit for that and it should clear up.
Funny not everyone seem to notice that "scratching". There's definately some clipping.. it's not much.. but noticable in some passages.
Well, if you're talking the middle narrating passage, I can tell you that one is from me not drinking some water before hand and having a dry throat. It's actually my lips smacking unfortunately, not clipping. I made sure none of my takes clipped, so if anything it might be the result of me smashing the whole song too much on the master, I tend to do that when it's just a WIP and I'm trying to do a quick boost of level.
play along, have the flute play, then mimic with a synth rather than the flute again.
Not sure what you mean here. I don't really have the flute play again as much as it plays a single continuous line. Basically trying to make it like the flute you first here is link and the second one (oboe) coming in is zelda answering or something

Thanks for the suggestions folks, I've got quite a lot to work on musically with this piece. Hopefully next time you hear it, I'll have a nice improvement for you with clearer vocals and a 2nd part with more punch to it!


I was surprised to hear the second half take such a leap from the first. But I really like the narrative style! The mixing in the second half is excellent. While the rap style is different, it is just as sweet as the first half.

My only thought on the lyrics is that the use of the word "force" twice in a short span might sound a little awkward. Maybe that's just me... You make it work, though.

"'til I get my hands on the force of three, the holy trinity.

Struggling against the forces in my darkest hour..."

Nice work, Nubioso! Looking forward to another update.

This is an incerdibly unique song. Did you do the vocals yourself?

Yes I did :D I believe this is actually only the 2nd song or so that I've seriously tried to put vocals to because I'll be the first to admit, I'm no vocalist! In fact, as a result, my abilities to get good vocal recordings have also taken a hit. I can record and mix instruments fantastically but mixing in vocals is not my strong point!

"'til I get my hands on the force of three, the holy trinity.

Struggling against the forces in my darkest hour..."

Damn, lol, I actually never even thought about it.

Ahh well, I just might have to leave it since I'm not rhyming the two forces, and I'm talking about two seperate forces =P Guess I coulda just said "evil" instead or somethin.

Hopefully next update will address the beat issues, levels and mixing issues with the second halves vocals.

Lip smacking in the narratives =P (and I THINK unfortunately, my links scream is distorted in the original :( ) so I might have to find another, and MAN if I can ever sit down with her, my female vocals!

Ahh well, I just might have to leave it since I'm not rhyming the two forces, and I'm talking about two seperate forces =P Guess I coulda just said "evil" instead or somethin.

Well, I can't really fault you on it because I do the same thing in my WIP.

On the musical dialogue between Link and Zelda, is there any way you could work her lullaby into the oboe part? What you have is very similar (is it just modified and I'm missing it?).

"Oh, you know the rest." = hilarious.


On the musical dialogue between Link and Zelda, is there any way you could work her lullaby into the oboe part? What you have is very similar (is it just modified and I'm missing it?).

The flute part is just modified stone temple theme still, and the oboe was just a small part I wrote to coincide with that one. I never actually thought to include her lullaby into that though. Mainly just went for the call and echo of the instruments and was going with the whole "since he's stuck in the tower, it'd be appropriate to have him play that and her just answer his melody accordingly" or something like that.

Hmm, don't know, but thank you for the suggestion my friend, it is a good one!


Freakin I need some new speakers because everytime I play them through my commercial grade speakers, some of the sound starts gettin distorted I thought they were better than that lol -_-.

Anyways I'm listenin to this through my studiophones and there's no clipping. Love that first half I think I said that before. That second half turns into a completely different song almost, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing because it's totally unexpected lol. At any rate, they meld together pretty well no complaints about production because it sounds pretty good to me. I would love to see this pass because one, it's good and two, there's not enough hip hop tracks on here people definitely need to start openin their eyes about hip hop and you do the Del flow really good.

I would try to get a hold of one of the judges and see if they couldn't help you further because I think this would be close and they could tell you what to do to fine tune it.

Good luck man.

That second half turns into a completely different song almost, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing because it's totally unexpected lol.

Yeah, I totally agree, which is why I even stated earlier "I expect harsh critiques from people who hate the transition" lol.

I guess if I wanted to justify it, it would be this....

That what I'm trying to accomplish here is a song/story/levels of a game. When you're walking through a game, and entire different rooms, one song fades out and another pops in. Now of course, musically speaking and listening to a soundtrack, no one really wants to jump around songs. But I guess I'm going for this illusion that YOU are playing the game? Or something like that =P

So you get the story, then you get the music which is the action part, i.e. playing the game, more story with scene switching, and in comes the music for the next level because link was pushed into the stone tower so he's in a different environment.

Consider it a medley of sorts except I'm not just gonna throw a 4 on the floor beat down and throw 4 or 5 random songs over it in a 5 minute span!

Also, as for clipping, I'm pretty sure my majoras mask sound was in fact a distorted sample, so I just had to get rid of it. It was underlying with the 2nd narrator talk as link is screaming.

I've gotten a couple judges opinions through the IRC channel and I'm working on those now. The biggest part is just getting my female vocals.

My girl unfortunately just lost her job so I don't think she'll want to sing anytime soon :(

Awww sucks man first bein sick, then lose your job that's gotta be depressing -_-. Looks like you're already a step ahead though just get it subbed as soon as you can because I want to see this on the front page lol.

Well, even if by some luck the thing gets accepted, it'll be 3 months down the road because their queue list is so huge lol.

I think production and musically it'll be fine, but I can totally see them not liking the story aspect of it, and just wanting a solid one piece song instead of broken up like I did.....or maybe I'll get extra points for originality, who knows =P

I think production and musically it'll be fine, but I can totally see them not liking the story aspect of it, and just wanting a solid one piece song instead of broken up like I did.....or maybe I'll get extra points for originality, who knows =P

Yeah, that's a tough call. I'll bet on originality, particularly since everything else is grade A.

Hope things work out.


I usually don't like rap remixes, but I totally dig this one. Great voice by the way, I thought you made a really convincing rapper :). The only things I can think of that may need tweeking are:

1.First half of the lyrics are great. They are both dynamic and enganging (I loved the part about the stupid skull kid lol!) The second half however I just got a little bored. I felt like It was mostly repetition. Small quam, but I feel it none the less.

2. What was the source of the first half? I couldn't really tell. But maybe I'm just slow.

Awesome work man :D. Hope that if and when you submit it gets approved. <3

I usually don't like rap remixes, but I totally dig this one. Great voice by the way, I thought you made a really convincing rapper :). The only things I can think of that may need tweeking are:

1.First half of the lyrics are great. They are both dynamic and enganging (I loved the part about the stupid skull kid lol!) The second half however I just got a little bored. I felt like It was mostly repetition. Small quam, but I feel it none the less.

2. What was the source of the first half? I couldn't really tell. But maybe I'm just slow.

Awesome work man :D. Hope that if and when you submit it gets approved. <3

The source for the first part is Oath to order - Call of the four giants. I put a link in my first post if you want to check it out.

As for the boredom of the second half....yeah, I've got a new mix where I'm trying to make the music behind the rap more dynamic, I haven't uploaded it yet, because I don't feel it's a big enough update to justify having people critique it. I think the second half I was going for more of a "modern rap" style with a repeating heavily dubbed chorus and the first half was more "underground rap" or something....dunno man, I've never rapped on anything before to tell you the truth lol.

I might just wind up changing the ending lyrics to something original opposed to repeating the chorus. Who knows!

I think the second half I was going for more of a "modern rap" style with a repeating heavily dubbed chorus and the first half was more "underground rap" or something....dunno man, I've never rapped on anything before to tell you the truth lol.
(emphasis added)

WHAT? Seriously? It sounds so convincing, though...

The source for the first part is Oath to order - Call of the four giants. I put a link in my first post if you want to check it out.

Wow, I thought so, but I just couldn't tell I guess :| ( been a while since I last played so I might just not be on the band wagon on this one). Regardless, I love your tune and I hope To hear more soon. (you've created a bit of a monster in me lol!) Good Luck

Wow, I thought so, but I just couldn't tell I guess :| ( been a while since I last played so I might just not be on the band wagon on this one). Regardless, I love your tune and I hope To hear more soon. (you've created a bit of a monster in me lol!) Good Luck

This weekend damnit, I WILL record those female vocals!!

Wish me luck on achieving that, I keep telling my girl "We're recording today" she says "ok" and somehow it just doesn't get done..



Dude, just awesome. Love it. I dunno, it's probably just me but I thought you could just bump the vocal volumes up a lil', especially when the vocoder comes in. It's just a lil' inaudiable. However, thinking back to my thread, you probably know best. ^^

Anyway love it, that's not gunna be the real ending right? I think it could do with more of a wind down really.

Dude, just awesome. Love it. I dunno, it's probably just me but I thought you could just bump the vocal volumes up a lil', especially when the vocoder comes in. It's just a lil' inaudiable. However, thinking back to my thread, you probably know best. ^^

Anyway love it, that's not gunna be the real ending right? I think it could do with more of a wind down really.

Honestly man when it comes to my mixes "Turn up the vocals" is a very viable opinion because I tend to push them back since I'm more of a music man and want to hear what's being played, opposed to a vocal man. Most of the vocals seem pretty out there to me, EXCEPT that vocoded part that you've mentioned. I totally realize that that part is a little hard to hear what's being said, I'll wind up putting the lyrics up when I actually have all of the vocals in (hopefully today)

The ending will end like that for the most part, however, I've got another update that I haven't posted yet where I've changed the music up quite a bit in the end....took out a bassline chunk, re-wrote the bassline in an area, added some legato strings as well as pizzicatto and staccato strings during the dialogue for more build up, some cymbal hits, things like that.

I DO believe I will be writing more lyrics instead of repeating the "Looking through the castle" bit at the end and that should smooth out some of the "what happens at the end!?" issues =P

However, thinking back to my thread, you probably know best. ^^
no way man, no matter how much someone makes music or how skilled they may be doesn't mean they are impervious to hearing imperfections or needing advice. ;)

Woot! Finally got the female vocals done! Still a thing or two I might have her re-record but other than that, this is pretty much the jist of it.

I also re-wrote some of my rap lyrics, got rid of the repetitiveness of the chorus in the 2nd half. Also changed up the music arrangement, (mentioned in my previous post)

Let me know what you guys think, this is basically on the brink of finished. Just gotta go through, clean up the song, make the fades, edit out breaths, minor adjustments to levels, things of that nature.



Lyrics now on first page!


Sounds awesome. Vocal levels were great this time, you say you're not a lyric guy but I quite enjoyed them. Yeah, I agree, the female lyrics work really well at the beginning, the whole thing is kick-ass. You're gunna submit this right? Oh and make sure you put up the final track (so I can download it >:D)!


Haha damn this is sick man. Wasn't expecting your woman's voice to come in so soon in the beginning of the track, she's pretty damn good though. Another thing, you don't hear to many remixes on here that's actually about the game but you rap in a way where I realize it's about zelda but it could stand as it's own song in the mainstream world I don't know if that makes sense at all lol. But yeah clean that up not like there's much cleanin to do but get on that and sub it lol.

Sounds awesome. Vocal levels were great this time, you say you're not a lyric guy but I quite enjoyed them. Yeah, I agree, the female lyrics work really well at the beginning, the whole thing is kick-ass. You're gunna submit this right? Oh and make sure you put up the final track (so I can download it >:D)!

Yes I do plan on submitting it. I went to the mIRC channel last night and had one judge listen to it, and he suggested I send it to another judge to check out (I'll leave them nameless) and both of them said if submitted they would have given it a YES with some very minor production issues that'd be easy to fix, so I definitely got some encouragement for that.

I should be able to get this submitted within the end of the week and then 4 months from that point we'll see if it made it lol


Just Uber man! <3 The changes you made really made it even more awsome XD. Nice vocals from your gf too (never really noticed that the beginning was missing these lol!) Great work man. May you get approved soon :)

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