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The reason this occurs is simple. Let's say the company WANTS costumes as DLC. That's reasonable in and of itself, right? Sure. Now consider, in online play, how does the console render costumes that aren't on the disc or the system? Let's say you're playing someone who DID buy them, but you didn't. Do you not see their costume? If so, what's the point of the costume? If you do see them, then you HAVE to have the content. Hence, it has to be on the disc, even if it's an unlockable.

I'm not intending to sound like a jerk here, but that explanation means nothing to someone who's pissed that they have to pay more money to use what's already on the disc that they've already paid for. I believe abg's point is that if it's on the disc, they should get to use it seeing as they've technically paid for those items. And really, I tend to agree. Can you imagine having to pay to "unlock" the BFG 9000 in Doom, even though the data for it would already on the floppy disk? Sure, you can beat the game without it, but considering that it would already be there, why should you have to fork out even more dough to use it? When you get content that's done, implemented, and then locked out so the game maker can try to get more cash from their customers under the guise of DLC, it's just chintzy.

If I buy the full version of a game, but I can only use a percentage of it, that raises a red flag in my mind. It tells me something might not be kosher. And having to pay again in order to use the rest of what I already paid for once, brings up a lit technicolor billboard that flashes in random patterns and colors "Fuck you and your game". Even if the reason you gave for it being done that way makes sense zircon, that doesn't diminish the "this is bullshit"-feeling some people get when things like this are done by game companies.

Given what they've released for it so far (90% shit) yeah it's a ripoff.

Personal opinion. I have over 200 songs for rock band 2, either from RB1 or DLC, and enjoy most of them. So I and just about anyone with any kind of DLC for RB would think its awesome.

And seriously, if you dont like the DLC, don't buy it. Whats the big deal of it?


I haven't played any games with DLC yet, however...

I also disagree with the concept of episodic gaming. I don't want to pay $5/week to play a game; give me the whole thing at once.

Telltale games has proved that episodic gaming can work. At least for the fun, light genre of games they make. Those games only take about 1-2 hours to complete, depending on how quick you are with the puzzles. The stories are also connected in terms of plot, so you really get a sense of progression.

Sam & Max is the only game I have played through at college because I can pick it up and put it down so readily.

How many of you people bitching about DLC play MMOs? Cause I don't see how any of you can justify paying 15 bucks a month just to play the game, and bitch about DLC in general.

I don't play MMOs - never have, never will. Know why? Because when I pay $50 for a game, I should be able to play the game as much as I want, whenever I want, for as long as I want. If I wish to play if for a week or two, put it down for three months, and then pick it up again and actually play through it (which, due to class, is frequently the case), there is no way some company should be able to tell me that my subscription to the aforementioned $50 game is expired and I have to pay another $15 to play for the next 30 days. That is ridiculous.

How many of you people bitching about DLC play MMOs? Cause I don't see how any of you can justify paying 15 bucks a month just to play the game, and bitch about DLC in general.

No MMOs here. Never liked the idea of spending $50 to purchase a game, and then fork out monthly fees to be able to play it "legally".


Point being, a large majority of people on OCR either have, or do play at least one MMO, and I know at least some of the people so up at arms about DLC in this thread have at least played one for a while. So yeah, I just see that as hypocritical.

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