TheDaysOfNetTong Posted August 18, 2004 Posted August 18, 2004 yeah silent hill 2 was scary as hell, but 3 kind of sucked, i mean they KILLED HARRY! how can they do that?, but it was a good suprise Quote
ifirit Posted August 25, 2004 Posted August 25, 2004 Well, it's been a while, but I thought I'd bring you guys a... Silent Hill Movie Update: Well, according to the staff at Silent Hill Heaven, an interview with Akira Yamaoka has confirmed that production of the Silent Hill movie is underway. Yamaoka-san has stated that he will be one of the producers representing Konami on this project, so quality control will be maintained. In addition to this, Akira Yamaoka will also be composing and scoring his own music for the movie. Many of you are probably aware of these details already, but here are the really interesting parts. Davis Films (the production company in charge of bringing the Silent Hill movie to life) has constructed a set in the Australian countryside. The set covers a distance of 5km. According to rumors, this set is a reconstruction of Old Silent Hill from the first game, of which the most prominent building in construction is a large "church" at the set's center. It is hard to say if the details are completely correct, since a barracade has been constructed around the set, allowing access to the site only by helicopter. It seems Konami is trying to keep as much secret about the film as possible. As opposed to the intial rumors that the Silent Hill movie was going to be a CG animated film like Final Fantasy, it seems that the film will be live action due to the construction of the large set. Silent Hill 4 Update: With the North American release of Silent Hill 4 fast approaching, and the PAL release only 3 weeks away, Konami has decided to release a special Robbie package for Japanese gamers. (Go figure.) This package will include a copy of the special CD containing "Robbie's Tracks" and a special Robbie T-shirt (one for men or one for women). The T-shirt is the same as the album cover, which is the British flag with pink and purple colors with Robbie standing in front. I'm interested in what exactly comes on the CD, but I don't read Japanese and few websites have details about the offer in any other languages. If anyone can offer any additional information, it would be greatly appreciated. Quote
Sentora Posted August 29, 2004 Posted August 29, 2004 *Almost feels stupid for asking this, but hey it bumps the Topic* SPOILERS AHEAD ---------------------------------------------------- Playing through SH3 recently made me wonder about two things. One: In the alternate version of Office building, that part you go through before arriving home. In the room you enter after burning the painting and going through the hatch...why does it feel like I've seen that cross like painting/image that's on the wall beside the burnt hanging woman somewhere else? It looks like a bunch of smaller pictures making up a symbol or decpiction of something but I can't remember what...anyone have an idea or am I tripping? Two: In the ride to Silent Hill with Douglass...he comments about a missing persons case that brought him there, (Amanda perhaps?) also that in his field of work he heard bad rumors of that place and said himself it's a screwed up town. (Which he's seemingly got out of unscathed...) so that makes me wonder, is there others not only aware of what's going on in silent hill, but have their own motives toward it? It seems with parts four and now five, we're getting further away from the town itself but it's influence is spreading outward, so do you think there are others like Claudia and her cult or even servants of the 'old gods of silent hill'? Just a thought. Like to know what you guys think. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted September 1, 2004 Posted September 1, 2004 I reccently just picked up on the series and thought it'd be fun to revive this thread because of it. In this rathole know as Johnstown, there is only an EB store here and it didn't have either SH 1 or 2, so I had to go to a Gamestop in Monroville (place near Pittsburgh) Mall to pick up used copies of both games. Right now, I'm playing through SH1... and I don't think I was supposed to kill Cybil like I did... Once I got to the Resort Aera, I got lazy and went straight for the Lighthouse. Looks like I'm gonna have to play through again since I'm in "Nowhere". Has anyone had this the first time they've played through? Quote
StarZander Posted September 1, 2004 Posted September 1, 2004 I reccently just picked up on the series and thought it'd be fun to revive this thread because of it. In this rathole know as Johnstown, there is only an EB store here and it didn't have either SH 1 or 2, so I had to go to a Gamestop in Monroville (place near Pittsburgh) Mall to pick up used copies of both games. Right now, I'm playing through SH1... and I don't think I was supposed to kill Cybil like I did... Once I got to the Resort Aera, I got lazy and went straight for the Lighthouse. Looks like I'm gonna have to play through again since I'm in "Nowhere". Has anyone had this the first time they've played through? Yeah, I killed Cybil the first time aswell, but then I had no idea I could save her. But yeah, since there are 5 endings in SH1, you should try to get them all Quote
M@ Posted September 1, 2004 Posted September 1, 2004 Speaking of the original Silent Hill, this guy here has made a user-friendly GUI for emulation of the game. Essentially it's ePSXe optimised for the SH ROM (which is included in the 400MB torrent), but I found it a most refreshing alternative to playing the game on the PSX, simply because it looks, and plays, much better when emulated on a PC. Mind, you need at least 'mid-level' specs. to play with most of the good graphical options turned on or maximised. For anyone questioning the legality of my own actions in this instance, I have the original game, and as such believe I am entitled to a backup. M@ does not encourage illegal emulation. However, should you mods wish to edit this post, it's cool with me . I also had a picture of a signpost reading 'Bachman Ave.' which I'd share if photo bucket were not going retarded on me. Clearly this continuity error ruined my gaming experience and I was quick to pen a harshly-worded letter to Konami enquiring as to how many of their clearly sub-par employees were fired for such a catastrophic blunder. Has anyone else noticed any such errors they wish to share? One nice touch of emulating the game is that screenshots can easily be taken, which obviously aids discussion for a game such as this. Quote
ifirit Posted September 1, 2004 Posted September 1, 2004 One: In the alternate version of Office building, that part you go through before arriving home. In the room you enter after burning the painting and going through the hatch...why does it feel like I've seen that cross like painting/image that's on the wall beside the burnt hanging woman somewhere else? It looks like a bunch of smaller pictures making up a symbol or decpiction of something but I can't remember what...anyone have an idea or am I tripping? No, you're not misguided. The paintings in the Art Gallery of the Hilltop Center Offices are actual paintings of an artist that the developers felt inspired the motif of SH3. Unfortunately, the artist and the painting titles escape me, right now. When I can remember the artist and find screens of the paintings (both from the game and from real life), I will post them and add them to my collection of outside influences in Silent Hill. Two: In the ride to Silent Hill with Douglass...he comments about a missing persons case that brought him there, (Amanda perhaps?) also that in his field of work he heard bad rumors of that place and said himself it's a screwed up town. (Which he's seemingly got out of unscathed...)So, that makes me wonder; are there others not only aware of what's going on in silent hill, but have their own motives toward it? It seems with parts four and now five, we're getting further away from the town itself but it's influence is spreading outward, so do you think there are others like Claudia and her cult or even servants of the 'old gods of silent hill'? **SH1 & SH3 Spoilers Ahead** According to the "Lost Memories," the town of Silent Hill is not completely shut-off from the world. Like James, Angela and Eddie, outsiders of Silent Hill have been drawn in by the negative emotions in their hearts. Since the "Lost Memories" also claims that SH2 occurs two years before SH3, it is possible that Douglas could have come to Silent Hill roughly about the same time as James and the others, which means that the effects of the "old gods" has already taken over the town. However, whom he was searching for and the exact time of the search is unknown. (In case you are thinking that Douglas is searching for one of the characters in SH2.) We can however discern that Douglas is aware of the effects that that town has had since it became a ghost town. As to the reprocussions created by SH4 are yet to be seen, but it is likely that the town is not simply the delusions created by the minds of those with negative emotions in their hearts (or is it? You decide for yourself.) It is possible that other people can see the monsters and have experienced the Alternate World. Well, it's very possible since Douglas also comments on it to Heather in the Amusement Park ("If this is what a god of mercy is like, I don't want to see anymore of him.") Again unfortunately, this becomes a trivial topic when discussing the topic of Douglas' first visit to Silent Hill, and since his voice actor has passed away, it is very unlikely to ever hear from him again. (R.I.P. Richard Grosse) There are a variety of tedious questions that I've accumulated over a long period of time. But, if you're interested, let me know. Right now, I'm playing through SH1... and I don't think I was supposed to kill Cybil like I did... Once I got to the Resort Aera, I got lazy and went straight for the Lighthouse. Looks like I'm gonna have to play through again since I'm in "Nowhere". Has anyone had this the first time they've played through? Don't worry, not completing everything right the first time through doesn't really hurt your gaming experience in SH1, because as SZ said, there are five different endings in the game: Bad, Bad+, Good, Good+ and UFO endings. And in addition, in order to unlock some secret weapons, you need to get at least one good ending and one bad ending, so you'll have to use the Next Fear game to obtain all the secret stuff. Needs help finding the the paintings from SH1. In case you still are looking for a screenshot of the "Light Illuminating Darkness" painting in SH3, I found a screenshot of the entire smokey room. Apparently, if you use the Trainer Maker with the PC version of SH3, you can use it to walk through walls and camera hack the game. A few screenshots of different areas in the game can be found here. Quote
Sentora Posted September 2, 2004 Posted September 2, 2004 Thanks as always for answering my questions,ifirit. And yeah, I'm interested in those tedious questions, since I'll probably see a lot of my own on there lol. Good luck finding the artist. Richard Grosse died? damn that's a shame...I was really hoping to run into ol' Douglas again in future Silent hills. Now thinking about him seeing the monsters, The story of his past, that trip to silent hill and the situation with his estranged son now sounds like perfect fodder for an installment all of it's own if the Town could affect him. Makes me wonder if he saw the same monsters or something else...*sighs* Thanks again Quote
Stan Tuna Posted September 2, 2004 Posted September 2, 2004 I got the SH4 demo. It's funny. Not really. But I like beating on the worm. Quote
ifirit Posted September 3, 2004 Posted September 3, 2004 I got the SH4 demo. It's funny.Not really. But I like beating on the worm. Here. Try writing your text like this. It helps us know where your Silent Hill 4 spoilers are. With the worldwide releases coming soon, it's best to not spoil the goodies for those wanting to have a clean experience their first time through. Speaking of spoilers, have you seen the unlockable costumes for Eileen and Cynthia. :cat's meow: Thanks as always for answering my questions,ifirit. And yeah, I'm interested in those tedious questions, since I'll probably see a lot of my own on there lol. Well, I figure now as good a time as any to post these. Since these are rhetorical and tedious questions, only respond to those you feel strike a chord with you. Otherwise, this can get really ugly, really quick. If anyone else feels compelled to comment, have fun. **Spoiler Warning** Heather Morris 1.) Heather comments on quitting smoking, though she is only 17 years old (before her awakening). If she started at such a young age, what pressured her to start? What convinced her to quit? 2.) In the beginning of the game, Heather wakes up in the Happy Burger. Is it possible that she worked there? 3.) Does Heather have friends? Though she did move around a lot to avoid some threating people, would she still have friends (as the song Letter from Lost Days suggests)? 4.) The story only shows Heather through an extreme situation, which she cracks under and has several mental break-downs. Was her character over-simplified, un-expressive, or just underdeveloped in the game? Being that she was both Cheryl and Alessa at one point, should we have seen many more memories and internal dialogue from that time period? 5.) Does Heather go to school? Is she a drop-out or is she homeschooled? If she was homeschooled, how deep was her relationship with Harry then? Is she too much of a "Daddy's girl?" 6.) What does she do after the game is over? Does she go home and sulk in the past? Does she move on with her life and try to build a new one elsewhere? Does she build on her relationship with Douglas? Harry Mason 1.) Harry was a writer, but it is presumed he was a freelance writer, which doesn't make much money. Did he moonlight on the side? 2.) Seeing as how Harry's relationships were compremised after his murdering of the "occult freak," did he still have friends or other personal relationships? Who was the "freak" and what was the motive behind the shooting? 3.) How was Heather effected by the whole incident? 4.) Thinking about geography some, did Harry live in Portland, Oregon or Portland, Maine? Where is the game taking place during the first half (Central Square Shopping Center, Hilltop Offices, ect.)? Douglas Cartland 1.) Douglas says that he knew how his son died, but was he actually present at the shooting? 2.) Douglas' voice is very raspy, which suggests years of smoking. Was he another smoker as well? Considering his profession and all that he has gone through, would he be a drinker as well? 3.)Considering that Douglas had been to Silent Hill before, what exactly did he see? (Everything is different for each person, so I wonder how much he saw.) What were the details of his missing-persons case? 4.) Douglas says that he's killed someone before. He says it in a very tense tone of voice, suggesting that it was both disjointing and very personal. Who would he have killed to cause these feelings? His son? 5.) During his encounter with Claudia, she was able to stop Douglas and cause him injury. How was she able to do so? She had no gun and avoided direct physical confrontation when unprovoked. 6.) In the Possessed Ending, Heather kills Douglas. Why would she do so? If she was possessed, what would her possesser gain by killing Douglas? Vincent 1.) What is his last name? 2.) Vincent speaks of having the "power of money." Though it is possible to extort a good sum of money from his followers, it would not be enough to build a church. Is Vincent a wealthy professional, or does he come from "old-money?" 3.) Though Vincent is referred to as "Father," where is his rank within the church? Is he a subordinate of Claudia's, her superior, or simply her equal? 4.) Vincent's age is said to be in his mid-twenties, while Claudia's is in her thirties. With reference to Leonard's cruelty, was he there during her childhood or did he somehow have visions that connected Claudia and him together? 5.) Why is Vincent trying to prevent "god's" birth? What is his reasoning behind this? What are his beliefs on the matter of "god" and "paradise?" Quote
Weiss-Engel Posted September 3, 2004 Posted September 3, 2004 I can't believe I read the WHOLE THING. Took me all day and I'll probably have nightmares once I go to bed when my husband gets home from work at 7 AM (it's 4 AM now), especially since I was taking little breaks from reading by watching the cutscenes for all 3 games on that site posted on, like, page 3 or so; but I really feel like I know a whole lot more about the games. I've watched my husband play most of 2 (he's beaten it a few times) and some of 3 (never could get past one part in the game, but I can't remember what it was), and I'm TRYING to play 2, but I'm too chicken to get any farther than PyramidHead's first appearance . I'm glad to see that it seems Akira Yamaoka is going to have a hand in the movie...maybe it won't suck like most game-to-movie productions do. My interesting thing that I discovered by going through the cutscenes and getting curious about the voice talent: the voice actress for Angela in SH2 (Donna Burke) is the same person who did Claudia in SH3, merely covering her voice with an accent for Claudia. Also: my result for the quiz posted earlier. Quote
Night10194 Posted September 3, 2004 Author Posted September 3, 2004 You know what...? I have a crazy, crazy, probably unfounded theory about Henry of SH4, and that little radio broadcast in the trailer. SH 4 Speculation! Refers to trailer! May be thought of as Spoiler! Warning! Okay, that's over, now. I think the wounded woman, the one who died outside the town of South Ashfield...think that might be...Angela? We never see her die. She just runs up the burning stairs. And since she was found with 'murder' victims, Eddy may've been nearby, before hand, possibly. Since she was found near said bodies, and the hotel WAS near the lake, etc. Why do I think this? Because, I honestly think Henry may be Angela's brother, etc. He...looks a bit like her. Perhaps I'm speculating wildly, but that's a favored hobby of us SH fans, eh? Quote
Night10194 Posted September 3, 2004 Author Posted September 3, 2004 You know what else is a bit irritating, though? I came back to checking this topic just in time for all the delightful soundtrack and music links to change or go down. I'm stuck streaming the trailor to hear that delightfully creepy, sad lullaby song. If anyone has a link to it... Quote
Stan Tuna Posted September 3, 2004 Posted September 3, 2004 I got the SH4 demo. It's funny.Not really. But I like beating on the worm. Here. Try writing your text like this. It helps us know where your Silent Hill 4 spoilers are. With the worldwide releases coming soon, it's best to not spoil the goodies for those wanting to have a clean experience their first time through. Speaking of spoilers, have you seen the unlockable costumes for Eileen and Cynthia. :cat's meow: ...there were absolutely no spoilers in that post. There was absolutely no INFORMATION in that post. But yeah. Quote
Night10194 Posted September 6, 2004 Author Posted September 6, 2004 Hey, is it true that there're only 4 or so days until SH4 comes out? Quote
StarZander Posted September 6, 2004 Posted September 6, 2004 Hey, is it true that there're only 4 or so days until SH4 comes out? 'Tis true! Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted September 6, 2004 Posted September 6, 2004 Wow... from reading the SH4 reviews from a few sites already, it seems like the game will suck.. or atleast be the weakest SH game yet. Oh well. Cheap scares? I'm there anyway.... That and escorting idiotic NPCs has been done already in SH2... except I need to do that a lot more apparently. Quote
ifirit Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 Hey, is it true that there're only 4 or so days until SH4 comes out? Actually, that is incorrect. So I feel that I must give out yet another... Silent Hill 4 Update: Silent Hill 4: The Room will be released in the US TODAY. So, go to the store NOW and get your copy. Especially, the Special Edition Version with the special US only soundtrack bundle. For those people in the PAL section of the world (primarily Europe), fear not for you will also receive a special goodie with your purchase of the game. Piggyback, the most prominant game guide company in Europe, has just signed a deal with Konami to bundle a strategy guide with the PAL version of SH4. They are know for having high quality materials, so it should be a nice guide, to say the least. You can read more about it on the front page of their website. [/uPDATE] As to whether or not the game is very good, I can't say yet. (My copy of the game ships today.) But, I like to trust the opinions of the people on the Silent Hill forums over those who write reviews on the game retailer websites, as I feel that they have a better understanding of the developers' views and intentions. I suggest going over to the Silent Hill Forum and checking out the Silent Hill 4 forum (Spoiler-Free, of course). For those already into the mood to discuss SH4, you can check out the Alternate Silent Hill 4 forum. In addition to this, I thought I'd also give you a... Silent Hill Movie Update: Inadvertantly, Roger Avary has given away that he will be screenwriting the script to the Silent Hill Movie. He has apparently met with Samuel Hadida, producer of the Silent Hill movie, to discuss casting, crew and timing of the film. You can read what he posted in his online journal about the matter here. Roger Avary has worked as a screenwriter for Pulp Fiction and as director on the following films: Killing Zoe, The Rules of Attraction and Glitterati. He has also worked on the television series "Mr. Stitch." Though, I'm not exactly sure what the details of where the film production is along in the process, it seems to me that it is still in it's early stages. It will be interesting to see who they cast in this film. [/uPDATE] Say, has anyone figured out what it says on Quote
StarZander Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 ifirit, get on MSN, right now! Please. Quote
The Instrument of GAWD Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 well then, thanks for telling me about the 5 endings in SH1... but since I had the second SH game already I decided to take it up and start it. I was thinking about talking about what i was going through at the current moment, but i think i'll just play through first before i bring anything up about my exprience. sort of a waste of time, sorry. in other news tho, when was SH4 supposed to come out? sometime this month right? and is it just me or did the combat in SH2 take a drop compared to SH1? Quote
BocoDragon Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 I've been going through a great deal of stress recently since even though I preordered SH4 early with the intention of getting the Yamaoka soundtrack, and the EB Games computer says I am eligeable for the soundtrack, the guy who works there stressed that no preorder item is confirmed necessarily. Okay, a fair disclaimer that I might not get it..... But I went back, and a different EB Games guy stressed once again that NO PREORDER ITEM IS CONFIRMED. I MIGHT NOT GET IT. It's kinda creepin me out.... I really want that soundtrack. Aren't they supposed to give it to when WHEN you preorder? Will it ship with the game, or am I SOL? Argh. SH4's already putting me through grueling horror! Here's a topic of discussion: SH4, PS2 or Xbox version? Personally I am getting the PS2 version since it's my preferred console and controller, and because then the entire series is on one system (impossible with the SH3-less Xbox). Surely the Xbox graphics will probably be (ever so slightly) better, and it will probably support in-game Dolby Digital while the PS2 version probably won't. But alas, I don't give a crap. They're probably perfectly identical in most respects anyway. Which version for you? Quote
Global-Trance Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 Dude. If you don't get it, I'll give you (and anyone else that wants it) any Silent Hill 4 soundtrack. I have "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST", "Silent Hill 4 The Room: Inescapable Rain in Yoshiwara -Special Chapter-", and the USA version of "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST". Quote
BocoDragon Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 Dude. If you don't get it, I'll give you (and anyone else that wants it) any Silent Hill 4 soundtrack. I have "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST", "Silent Hill 4 The Room: Inescapable Rain in Yoshiwara -Special Chapter-", and the USA version of "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST". ....Beautiful... Quote
StarZander Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 Dude. If you don't get it, I'll give you (and anyone else that wants it) any Silent Hill 4 soundtrack. I have "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST", "Silent Hill 4 The Room: Inescapable Rain in Yoshiwara -Special Chapter-", and the USA version of "Silent Hill 4 The Room OST". I suppose you only mean the mp3's then? Quote
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