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Well like I said, here's a preview of my SH comic. Not much, and it's possible that I'll change the story up.

EDIT: Damn that Photobucket... guess I'll have to post it on DA after all.


I was thinking of asking someone to spiffy up that page with Photoshop, since I have no knowledge of how to use it, but figured that be a bit much to ask someone to do.


Nice, but you should really learn some graphic program skills, if only to CG up your lines a little.

Of course you could leave the lines un-CGed and it will still look nice as long as it isn't too messy, but one thing that really needs to go is that crayon coloring. Either leave it B/W, learn some CG skills, or use some other analog method. :P

Ah, and use a better font, Times New Roman is good for some things, but not for comics. :)

Something a little smoother would do.

Despite all that, I still look forward to your future works. :wink:

2) What was the name of the fast-food place in the South Park area?

Offhand I can only think of the answer to this question..."AEC Burger"...or "AIC Burger" something along those lines.

3) What does the Golden Rooster T-shirt do, and how do you get it?

I didn't know the costumes let you do stuff (save for the Princess Heart one)...'sides, I always stuck with the God of Thunder one.

Nice, but you should really learn some graphic program skills, if only to CG up your lines a little.

Of course you could leave the lines un-CGed and it will still look nice as long as it isn't too messy, but one thing that really needs to go is that crayon coloring. Either leave it B/W, learn some CG skills, or use some other analog method. :P

Ah, and use a better font, Times New Roman is good for some things, but not for comics. :)

Something a little smoother would do.

Despite all that, I still look forward to your future works. :wink:

Actually I used colored pencils, and I agree, color is not my strong suit. If I were to go through with this, it'd be all in B&W.

Here's the Black and White sketch: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/16880673/

The text was Tahoma, not Times New Roman. I though it looked alright for what it was being used for.

I'll eventually learn CG, but it'll take awhile... I'm rather slow at technology.

The text was Tahoma, not Times New Roman. I though it looked alright for what it was being used for.

And that was a good choice...serif fonts (IE: ones with the little flick at the end of each letter like Times New Roman) are not good for comics and other documents...at least, that's what they taught us in the second year. Of course, they taught us that serif fonts were the way of the future in the first year, so I dunno what to make of it.

If I were you I'd make it un-bold...or if that IS the version without bold I'd go for a different, thinner font. Arial is quite good...or you can always go to a free font site and pick up some good comic book fonts.

Of course you could leave the lines un-CGed and it will still look nice as long as it isn't too messy, but one thing that really needs to go is that crayon coloring. Either leave it B/W, learn some CG skills, or use some other analog method.

I concur. However, I think the lines look fine, it's the coloring that off sets the pictures. I would suggest that you use a graphics program to do coloring if you intended. It would look much cleaner and more natural than it does presently. (Oh and don't forget about shading your colors, too. Nothing is worse than solid coloring on skin and clothing.)

As far as text fonts are concerned, I think you should try to get a font that looks more hand-written, though thin-lined, to match the drawing style. If you can write clearly enough, you might even consider writing the text in yourself.

The only part of the drawing that gets me is the hair. It looks incredibly unrealistic. I know that is common with many anime styles, but it just goes over the top for me. Try making the strands come down much more closely to the skull and make them shorter. The back strands bother me too, but if they are part of the character, focus on making them look more messy (as real hair would) and again not as long. They should be about as thin as the third panel, if not thinner. That seems to be a reucurring theme, a lot of the proportions are too think. If you can refine the look to be thinner, you might be able to do more with less.

As it stands it looks good, but I can see that you're going to have problems later when you introduce more characters or locations, because you'll have to pull the panel back more to include the additions (which means having to use bigger panels or smaller drawings, and that can be a pain). However, if you can just make the proportions thinner, you'll be able to maintain a clarity of picture and a well-balanced spacing between objects. Though many comics use separate panels to show detail for each character, especially during dialogue, you'll want to add some dynamics to the interactions by including the characters in the same panels. It just draws the reader in more.

With regard to the story, I can't say much since there isn't much to go from right now, but if you're going to be playing the self-pity angle, you'll need to establish reasoning and proper timing. If you linger too long on it then you risk losing your audience; however, if you don't give proper attention to detail you undevelop the character. Also, to balance out the emotion of self-pity, you need to make sure to offer incentives to the character for looking beyond himself. No one likes a cry-baby, unless you don't want the audience to like the character. Hmmm... I haven't seen that before.

Also, there's one thing I wanted to say about the scripts of Silent Hill stories, which may or may not apply to your comic, TIoG. Silent Hill games always have great one-on-one character interactions that define the series, but often they don't play up on group interactions. Very few scenes in the games have three or more characters at a time and when there are three characters in the scene, one usually just watches the other two interact, until they leave or have finished their role in the scene. I'd like to see more of a group dynamic used in the series, but with continued use of one-on-one relationships.

2) What was the name of the fast-food place in the South Park area?

Offhand I can only think of the answer to this question..."AEC Burger"...or "AIC Burger" something along those lines.

I'll accept AEC Burger. That's one.

3) What does the Golden Rooster T-shirt do, and how do you get it?

I didn't know the costumes let you do stuff (save for the Princess Heart one)...'sides, I always stuck with the God of Thunder one.

The Silent Hill "original" T-shirts, when combined with a certain items, let you do different things. Although, it's not usually obvious as to what. Anyway, the "God of Thunder" T-shirt also does something.


The "God of Thunder" T-shirt improves the firing power of the SMG and Infinite SMG, however, only when the T-shirt is unlocked. That means you'd have to beat all ten levels of the Extreme Mode difficulty to do so, which really doesn't seem worth it since that basically means completing the game to its fullest only to be rewarded with something that actually hurts your ranking afterwards. (Using the special weapons gives your a one-star ranking reduction.) But, hey, if you want to do so, go ahead. (I'm still working on beating the second Extreme level.)

And the rest of the t-shirts?

('cept the golden rooster, apparently, since we've still got a question on that one outstanding)

I can't say what they all do, since I haven't figured it out yet, but I do know what the Golden Rooster and God of Thunder do, since I discovered the Golden Rooster myself and had been told what the God of Thunder did. So, I'll list the shirts that are Silent Hill originals. Also, what the shirts do is based on if and how they were unlocked.

A) Transform: Improves Heather Beam (Unlocked when you beat Easy Action difficulty)

B) God of Thunder: Improves Infinite SMG (Unlocked when you beat Extreme X Action difficulty)

C) Golden Rooster

D) Royal Flush

E) Block Head

F) Don't Touch

G) Onsen

H) Heather

I) Killer Rabbit

J) Transience

K) The Light

L) Zipper

EDIT: Oh. My. God. I cannot believe what I just found out. SIREN 2 is being made. That is totally awesome! I love Siren (Forbidden Siren).

Check out the official Playstation 2 site for a few details, production materials and a teaser trailer. As far as I can tell, the story is set 29 years after the first game. The same events that happen every 29 years in the small Japanese village, but this time things are getting worse. The game's pre-production materials look vamped up for the sequel and it now looks like a PS2 game. The music is even more haunting than the first game, still using a vocal chant, but in a more western-music style than the ethnic chant from the first game.

I noticed that there seem to be a lot of similarities between this game and the original Silent Hill. This is likely due to the fact that the director from Silent Hill directs this series. What I noticed is that the game seems to be focused on the construction of a tower on the island's hilltop, but it resembles more of a lighthouse to me. Also, you'll visit an amusement park in the next game. Hmmm. I'm definitely keeping my eye on this one.

Oh. My. God. I cannot believe what I just found out. SIREN 2 is being made. That is totally awesome! I love Siren (Forbidden Siren).

Yep, I learnt about that awhile ago. Siren is one of the first games I'll be buying whenever I get around to finally buying a PS2.

Still waiting to find out if PS3 will be backwards compatible though.


Oh. My. God. I cannot believe what I just found out. SIREN 2 is being made. That is totally awesome! I love Siren (Forbidden Siren).

Yep, I learnt about that awhile ago. Siren is one of the first games I'll be buying whenever I get around to finally buying a PS2.

Still waiting to find out if PS3 will be backwards compatible though.


I bought Forbidden Siren a few months ago. I played it once, and thought it was really lame. Not scary at all. It was almost funny. Funny in a bad way. Haven't played it since then.

I bought Forbidden Siren a few months ago. I played it once, and thought it was really lame. Not scary at all. It was almost funny. Funny in a bad way. Haven't played it since then.

Most people who played the dubbed version of the game will find it to be bad. Not just bad, but as quoted "laughable." However, those who played the Japanese version found it horrifying, I'm sure. Also, if you're not aware of some of Japan's more subtle customs and cultures, you're not as likely to enjoy the game either. Just know that before you pick this game up, it was created for the Japanese. There will be cultural references and boundaries.

However, for those that understand and embrace this, you'll find Siren to be an extremely rewarding game, especially in the end. That's why I'm so excited about the upcoming sequel which will hit much closer to home.

Check out the European website for Forbidden Siren. It's played in its original Japanese with English subtitles (or that of your choosen language). It's much more scary and exciting than even some of Silent Hill's sites. Plus, there are explanations and details shown about the Japanese culture played upon in the game. Make sure to look closely for clues and to not go back until you've found everything, because there is no going back. Hahahaha.....

When you're done, you can check out in-game videos and gameplay at the official UK Playstation Site. You can then read more about the Hanuda Incident at shibito.com. Or maybe you'd like to see a greeting card from Hanuda Village. You can also see a fan video created by TBWA, which you can download here. Enjoy.

So the english version isn't worth playing at all?

I picked up Siren at Walmart for $9, so if it isn't I can always return it. No big loss either way.

The voice acting is terrible in the English-dubbed versions, but the game itself is still worth checking out, especially for $9. I like the music too, very "Silent Hill 1"-ish.

Isn't Siren the game you can't use weapons on?

Yes and no. The game plays through 10 different characters in a variety of scenarios, each character with different strengthes and weaknesses. Some carry weapons, some carry flashlights, some don't carry anything. It really keeps you on your toes.

EDIT: If you want an honest and funny opinion of the game, check out the review by X-Play (Right-click and open in a new window). I suggest you view it, just because of the good review at the end.

While you're at it check out their thoughts on The Dog Ending from Silent Hill 2. (Link contains SH2 Spoilers)


K, I'll give it a try.

But I'm guessing that if I wanted to play it in Japanese with subtitles I'd have to get the game imported and use a modded system right?

K, I'll give it a try.

But I'm guessing that if I wanted to play it in Japanese with subtitles I'd have to get the game imported and use a modded system right?


Tadashii, but just keep your version and work through the bad accents. They'll be fun when we can laugh about 'em later.


Been keeping track of this post for a long time, hehe...must be since page 40 or so, but never had anything relevant to post. Gotta say though, ifrit, your posts are simply awesome and and a joy to read :) Always something new, hehe.

Anyway, thought I'd post this..


Have you, or any of you guys seen this before? Apparently, this guy took to making a CG Movie series (There's only two parts so far) that tries to tell this really odd story that, personally, I can't figure out. It's Silent Hill to the core though, right down to the good usage of the music.

Whatever the case, the guy who did this is GOOD. (Especially for being just one guy)

Hadn't seen it posted here before, hope maybe it'll provide some new goodies to look at :) Just go to the downloads section on the site, maybe take a look at the trailer, or just download the first two episode-things. They're about 10 - 11 minutes long each, the second one is especially good.

Been keeping track of this post for a long time, hehe...must be since page 40 or so, but never had anything relevant to post. Gotta say though, ifrit, your posts are simply awesome and and a joy to read :) Always something new, hehe.

He is the very heart and soul of this thread. It would have been long gone, if it weren't for him.

Anyway, thought I'd post this..


Have you, or any of you guys seen this before? Apparently, this guy took to making a CG Movie series (There's only two parts so far) that tries to tell this really odd story that, personally, I can't figure out. It's Silent Hill to the core though, right down to the good usage of the music.

Whatever the case, the guy who did this is GOOD. (Especially for being just one guy)

Hadn't seen it posted here before, hope maybe it'll provide some new goodies to look at :) Just go to the downloads section on the site, maybe take a look at the trailer, or just download the first two episode-things. They're about 10 - 11 minutes long each, the second one is especially good.

Now, that was just plain awesome. I'm at a lack for words. He has created something unique, and that's worthy of the SH name (alot more than some of the games). It had a spectacularly spooky atmosphere, the story is interesting, the characters and locations (except his own house) are very wellmade. He used the music from the games, together with some new soundeffects, in an awesome way. It all comes together so perfectly, and it even scared me a little, and I don't get scared at all from games or movies anymore (it's been boring), but now I finally found something great.

I recommend that every SH fan watch this.

Been keeping track of this post for a long time, hehe...must be since page 40 or so, but never had anything relevant to post. Gotta say though, ifrit, your posts are simply awesome and and a joy to read :) Always something new, hehe.

Anyway, thought I'd post this..


Have you, or any of you guys seen this before? Apparently, this guy took to making a CG Movie series (There's only two parts so far) that tries to tell this really odd story that, personally, I can't figure out. It's Silent Hill to the core though, right down to the good usage of the music.

Whatever the case, the guy who did this is GOOD. (Especially for being just one guy)

Hadn't seen it posted here before, hope maybe it'll provide some new goodies to look at :) Just go to the downloads section on the site, maybe take a look at the trailer, or just download the first two episode-things. They're about 10 - 11 minutes long each, the second one is especially good.

Damn cool, watch this

Hey I'm starting another Silent Hill ReMix and I'm wondering if any of you guys can help me in the search of some good voice samples from the game(mabye you have some lying around somewhere?). Any help is greatly appreceated. I dont know exactly how I'm going to do this mix but it will remix "AloneInTown" from SH2 and be a relaxing song with some (hopefully) spooky moments


Hmm....don't know how to help ya much with voice samples, though the OST for Silent Hill 3 has some very high quality voices in the Sun and Lost Carol tracks, though I doubt that's what you're looking for.

Actually, I remember a site that went down awhile back, Silent Hill Media. They used to have voice rips for practically all the games. Perhaps some people still have those voice rips on Direct Connect? Or some other program like that.

Aw well...*goes back to watching the CG video again* :)


I had not seen this site yet; very new and interesting. I really like this guy's approach. He seems to both have an appreciation for and true understanding of the SH series. What I found to be most admirable was his attention to detail and knowing that you need a really good story idea before beginning any production material. (I told you guys that as fans got better with programming, you'd be seeing more impressive fanworks.)

Anyway, just as the FAQ states, the story is pretty easy to follow. Everything is told in a linear fashion and has great supplemental materials to help decipher some of the tricker (unspoken) aspects. The philosophy is somewhat deep, but focuses too much Nietzsche's ideas, in my opinion. (I'd like to see a little more play on the opposing views of the mind and the perception of space.) I really like the monster designs, yet again like the FAQ states, he needs work on his animation. Also, there's something that DJP wrote in one of recent write-ups that seems to fit my overall feelings about the film, "I was trying to explain to someone the other day how, like a single amazing line can make or break any given poem, a single interval in a melody that is JUST right can change things dramatically." This fits into the piece so well, since there was a moment in Part 1 where things just clicked in my head (in the most literal sense) and made the entire piece so much more heightened for me. (Plus, I really like his imagery and metaphors, especially the metaphors.)

A few other minor notes and thoughts about Silent Hill: No Escape: I'm beginning to question his use of blatant attacks on religion and the heavy use of swearing (heavier than normal). However, only while reading Dr. Harvey's (Nice reference, by-the-way) psychological journals do I see the reasoning. It ties in so much with the philosophy and the personality of Michael, but it will not be obvious to everyone. Second, is the use of Brookhaven Hospital during the emergency room scene. I know it seems trite to argue this, but Brookhaven doesn't have the capabilities to handle medical emergencies. Likely, he would have been taken to Alchemilla Hospital for emergency treatment. I only mention this because a small part of the story surrounds it. Lastly, is how he creator depicts the isolation of the town. He shows Michael at the edge of a huge mound blocking the roads out of town, which is the opposite of what the games use (pits, chasms, voids). It seems that he broke traditions on purpose, despite that those traditions would have been better suited to the metaphors used. Maybe we'll see later why.

Hey I'm starting another Silent Hill ReMix and I'm wondering if any of you guys can help me in the search of some good voice samples from the game(mabye you have some lying around somewhere?). Any help is greatly appreceated. I dont know exactly how I'm going to do this mix but it will remix "AloneInTown" from SH2 and be a relaxing song with some (hopefully) spooky moments
Actually, I remember a site that went down awhile back, Silent Hill Media. They used to have voice rips for practically all the games. Perhaps some people still have those voice rips on Direct Connect? Or some other program like that.

As a matter of fact, I have all of Dustfungus' materials before Silent Hill Media became inoperative. Among these materials are the dialogue from the first three games, including some secret dialogue clips. However, as I've written in reviews of your WIPs, you are relying too much on audio effects and atmospheric materials in your work (at least in the past). In addition, I have a completely opposite stance as you in terms of what a "Silent Hill Remix" should be. Though, the majority of rearrangements have focused on the darker and gloomier aspects of the games, that is not the only way to approach it. I'd like to see much more liberal attempts at a remix as a whole. (Hey, even Akira Yamaoka took some pretty radical ideas when creating arrangements in the US version of the Silent Hill 4 soundtrack.)

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