CIaude Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 It literally JUST clicked in my head that Heather vomitted a live(?) fetus. WTF? Quote
Razumen Posted October 14, 2005 Posted October 14, 2005 SH2's water ending just said "Way to go! YOU SUCK" Striving to succeed only to fail is not something I enjoy paying $20-$50 for. How trite. Do you have no appreciation of art or masterful storytelling? What about appreciation of characterization? You obviously have none if you didn't like Silent Hill 2 because James was a "pussy". Kindly take your cultureless hands off my Silent Hill franchise, please. Dude, The SH franchise belongs to you as much as the internet does to Gore, chill. No, it belongs to me. The first name on my birth certificate reads "Konami". So there. So I guess we can blame SH4 on you too then, right? It literally JUST clicked in my head that Heather vomitted a live(?) fetus. WTF? 'WTF' : the perfect three letters to end any sentence regarding the Silent Hill games Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 It literally JUST clicked in my head that Heather vomitted a live(?) fetus. WTF? She just wanted to kill God. Why ..i'd let her have my babies Quote
CIaude Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 But seriously... She vomitted a fetus! And then Claudia swallowed it. She fucking swallowed a live fetus! A bleeding spooky fetus no less! Anyway, yeah, I totally dig SH3. Especially the "Beam" Saber and pointless unlockable shirts. That's just seven different level's of awesome. I also liked Heather's character. She felt so much more vulnerable than Harry or James. And she vomitted a god damn fetus! I don't mean to spark another arguement with UE; but Harry and James got nothing on that. Fetus... Quote
Amaterasu Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 But seriously... She vomitted a fetus! And then Claudia swallowed it. She fucking swallowed a live fetus! A bleeding spooky fetus no less! Anyway, yeah, I totally dig SH3. Especially the "Beam" Saber and pointless unlockable shirts. That's just seven different level's of awesome. I also liked Heather's character. She felt so much more vulnerable than Harry or James. And she vomitted a god damn fetus! I don't mean to spark another arguement with UE; but Harry and James got nothing on that. Fetus... FETUS Quote
Razumen Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 But seriously... She vomitted a fetus! And then Claudia swallowed it. She fucking swallowed a live fetus! A bleeding spooky fetus no less! Anyway, yeah, I totally dig SH3. Especially the "Beam" Saber and pointless unlockable shirts. That's just seven different level's of awesome. I also liked Heather's character. She felt so much more vulnerable than Harry or James. And she vomitted a god damn fetus! I don't mean to spark another arguement with UE; but Harry and James got nothing on that. Fetus... FETUS It's what's for dinner! Sorry, couldn't help myself. Quote
Sentora Posted October 17, 2005 Posted October 17, 2005 A friend and I went looking for the movies that we read inspired Silent Hill lately. So far we've found Jacob's Ladder (Cool seeing it after all these years and being old enough to understand it) and Session 9 (where you can see quite a bit inspiration for James) There was another movie though I've seen on a sig around here, where a woman looked just like Lisa from the first game being chased by a guy in a sheet? Anyone know the name of it, or any other movies that should be on the list? Quote
Sous_Bgob Posted October 17, 2005 Posted October 17, 2005 sweet baby jesus..Silent hill: The Pinball edition Quote
StarZander Posted October 17, 2005 Posted October 17, 2005 A friend and I went looking for the movies that we read inspired Silent Hill lately. So far we've found Jacob's Ladder (Cool seeing it after all these years and being old enough to understand it) and Session 9 (where you can see quite a bit inspiration for James) There was another movie though I've seen on a sig around here, where a woman looked just like Lisa from the first game being chased by a guy in a sheet? Anyone know the name of it, or any other movies that should be on the list? I saw Session 9 after getting the tip from ifirit. The references to James are pretty great, but what I liked the most whas the simple wheelchair that creeps the hell out of you. The same wheelchair that can be found in SH3. For those of you not fortunate enough to be able to watch this movie, I'll show you here: I always liked that scene from SH3. God, these games are cosy. Quote
RazorOutlaw Posted October 17, 2005 Posted October 17, 2005 One of the many, many websites posted by Ifrit had a Lost Memories wherein the fellow scanned the images (it looked like it was from a book) and it showed the box art and description of all the movies that Silent Hill had borrowed from. Unfortunately it was all in Japanese. And unfortunately there are some things that Ifrit posted that I now wish I had saved a link to, because now I'm thinking "Oh cool, I could use this to explain Silent Hill to my friends". It's kind of hard without a reference I can send them to. Quote
ifirit Posted October 21, 2005 Posted October 21, 2005 But seriously... She vomitted a fetus! And then Claudia swallowed it. She fucking swallowed a live fetus! A bleeding spooky fetus no less! Anyway, yeah, I totally dig SH3. Especially the "Beam" Saber and pointless unlockable shirts. That's just seven different level's of awesome. I also liked Heather's character. She felt so much more vulnerable than Harry or James. And she vomitted a god damn fetus! I don't mean to spark another arguement with UE; but Harry and James got nothing on that. Fetus... I don't think you would've wanted that spoiled for you beforehand. So, please remember to mark your spoilers. Thank you. One of the many, many websites posted by Ifrit had a Lost Memories wherein the fellow scanned the images (it looked like it was from a book) and it showed the box art and description of all the movies that Silent Hill had borrowed from. Unfortunately it was all in Japanese. And unfortunately there are some things that Ifrit posted that I now wish I had saved a link to, because now I'm thinking "Oh cool, I could use this to explain Silent Hill to my friends". It's kind of hard without a reference I can send them to. I'm fairly sure that you're looking for the photo gallery of scans (don't forget to bookmark) from the Ushinawareta Kioku (Lost Memories) posted by James Mason. Although most of the section regarding the inspirational works: Materials for Solve and Inspirational Works, have English titles, you might appreciate a full and accurate translation provided by wallofdeath, The Silent Hill Chronicle. In addition to this, the staff at Translated Memories is working on reprinting the images from the Ushinawareta Kioku with an English translation. The reprintings look just as good as the originals, with little to no obvious traces that they are not originals. Speaking of Translated Memories, in the news section, you can find a short castlisting of the confirmed actors who will be appearing in the Silent Hill film. The photo has some publicity shots of the actors with their film cast status and probable character roles. Will that it's time to do another... Silent Hill Film Update: As you may already know, Sony Pictures & Davis Films has official released a film still from the upcoming Silent Hill Film. Although many of you have seen it, can you explain what is going on the image? One probable explanation is provided by Silent Hill Resorts, one of the lesser known SH forums. Through nausiatingly detailed examination, they have broken down the image and offer a interesting explanation into the film's story at that point. (Warning: Possible Film Spoilers) Silent Hill Film Production Image - (The-MagicBox Mirror) Silent Hill Resorts' Dissection of the SH Film Production Image In addition to having already released a production image from the film, Sony Pictures is already setting up space for the film's official website. However, at this point the url simply redirects you to Sony Pictures' main page. It's unlikely that the link will be used for anything else than promoting the SH film. I'll make sure to let you guys know when the page officially opens. Sony Pictures' Silent Hill Film Website (Not Yet Available) Lastly, it has been confirmed that a Silent Hill Film trailer will NOT appear during the preview section for the remake of The Fog. Sony Pictures' theater affliates have verbally confirmed this rumor, but have yet to publish a written statement (and will likely not, since the trailer was a rumored appearance anyway). So, for those who go to see The Fog expecting to see an SH trailer, you'll be sadly disappointed. The Next Silent Hill Graphic Novel: It looks like IDW Publishing is at it again. According to many online comic-book distributors, Scott Ciencin is creating another series of graphic novels following the story of his original character: Christabella, a demonic child residing in Silent Hill. The series, entitled Dead Alive, also sees the return of artist Nick Stakal (Paint It Black & The Grinning Man) with cover art by Ted McKeever, Nick Stakal, Scott Keating and Steven Perkins. From the description given on the distributors' sites, I gather that this series will try to explain the origins of Christabella and why she become what she was in the Dying Inside series. Unfortunately, IDW Publishing has yet to release an official statement on it's website, but it appears that the News Section hasn't been updated since May of last year. Silent Hill: Dead Alive - BCB Comics Silent Hill: Dead Alive - Things from Another World Silent Hill: Dead Alive - Forbidden-Planet Silent Hill: Dead Alive - Rupps Comics Silent Hill: Dead Alive Description: Imagine you are eight years old, undead and pure evil. Your plans to gain ultimate power in the mist-enshrouded haunted town of Silent Hill have left you defeated, a prisoner. Suddenly you are free. But this is what hell really is... because now you are alive and vulnerable and you have competition. May the deadliest win. Writer Scott Ciencin and artist Nick Stakal team up once again to return to Silent Hill for this new five-part miniseries. Quote
sakura_luv_sasuke Posted October 23, 2005 Posted October 23, 2005 Ok, one day i was playing slient hill 2, you know, the really creepy one! I read about that thing...that happens in the bed...and i watched it! Yes, it's nasty, i can handle violence, but that...nope... *Pukes in corner of the screen* Sorry about that! I just needed to say that! Quote
hazardous Posted October 23, 2005 Posted October 23, 2005 Ok, one day i was playing slient hill 2, you know, the really creepy one! I read about that thing...that happens in the bed...and i watched it! Yes, it's nasty, i can handle violence, but that...nope...*Pukes in corner of the screen* Sorry about that! I just needed to say that! Good God, please stop existing. Or at least lay off the bold and type like an intelligent individual. That nearly blinded me. Oh yeah, this is GenDisc. LOL. Now I remember why I hardly come here. Quote
RazorOutlaw Posted October 23, 2005 Posted October 23, 2005 Ok, one day i was playing slient hill 2, you know, the really creepy one! I read about that thing...that happens in the bed...and i watched it! Yes, it's nasty, i can handle violence, but that...nope...*Pukes in corner of the screen* Sorry about that! I just needed to say that! What thing that happens in the bed? SPAWLERS:Mary's murder? James finding Maria's dead corpse? WHAT? WHAT? Quote
ifirit Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 It's Friday, so it's time for another weekly update. Hmm... What to show today, what to show? I'll let you guys decide. What would you kiddies like to see? A) Silent Hill 3 & 4 Piano Arrangements (Live with great production and good arrangement.) Silent Hill 4: The Room Dialogue Clips C) Complete Silent Hill 2 Chibi Download D) North American Silent Hill 2, 3 & 4 Commercials E) Lost Memories: Art and Music of Silent Hill Interactive DVD Preview (HTML version) F) Silent Hill 4: The Room Speed Run Videos G) Silent Hill 3 Fan Comic (Unusual art-style, but great reinterpretation of story.) H) Siren Ripped Game Soundtrack or I) Incredibly controversial Silent Hill Fan Comic (I won't mention why it's controversial, unless it's requested, but despite that the comic is really well-written having both strong character development, psychological depth, suspenseful action and a great 3-D CG/painted art style.) Or, I could treat you guys to some new SH theories I developed. Or, I could go back through some aspects of SH4: The Room highlighting and explaining certain sections of the story over again, hopefully opening up some new perspectives and conversation about it. The choices are completely up to you guys. Let me know what you want to see. (Unfortunately, there are no further details about the Silent Hill Film or SH5. Sorry.) EDIT: Come to think of it, if you want something from the film to chew on, consider this: Will Cybil live or die? Also, would you like to see Lisa in this film (and should she die (or mutate, which ever you want to call it)? Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 I vote for the commercials. I've never seen any of them. Also, in the new EGM, there's a blurb in there about the Silent Hill team creating a brand new horror franchise for the 360. Quote
CIaude Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 I vote for the commercials. I've never seen any of them.Also, in the new EGM, there's a blurb in there about the Silent Hill team creating a brand new horror franchise for the 360. Quote
StarZander Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 C) Complete Silent Hill 2 Chibi Download Well, it's not really complete, since CSH2 hasn't been finished yet. She still hasn't drawn the ending. Quote
ifirit Posted October 28, 2005 Posted October 28, 2005 Yeah, it's been rumored since E3 of 2004 that Silent Hill was going to jump over to the Microsoft side in a completely different package. Akira Yamaoka himself alluded to it about six months ago, suggesting that the next Silent Hill title would not appear as part of the official Silent Hill franchise. Also, with Microsoft releasing the X-Box 360 as the first console, I think Konami wants to capitalize on the first launch bandwagon as much as they can. The more I look into it, the more signs I see pointing to Team Silent not working on Silent Hill 5 directly. I have a feeling that without many of the key producers left on the team as in the first games, Konami is deciding to take the franchise in a new direction under a new title, especially when you consider that Takayoshi Sato (Electronic Arts), Keiichiro Toyama (Sony), Naoko Sato (Sony), Masahiro Ito (N/A), and Yukinori Ojima (N/A) have all left Team Silent. That just leaves Akira Yamaoka and Hiroyuki Owaku, who have been through the whole series, Masashi Tsuboyama (SH2 & SH4) and Suguru Murakoshi (SH2 - SH4) who have consistently stayed with the series. And I fear that Akira Yamaoka is about ready to jump ship after the next game. Silent Hill Television Commercials (North America): As requested, I will post links to the North American released television commercials for Silent Hill 2, 3 and 4: The Room. Please note that these are only available through Game Pressure, so download them, before they are gone. However, if you don't have the compatible players to view the ads, you can always stream them for free. Enjoy. Silent Hill 2 - 45 sec TV Commercial (North America) Silent Hill 3 - 30 sec TV Commercial (North America) Silent Hill 4: The Room - 30 sec TV Commercial (North America) Oh what the heck, I'll throw in the Konami Gamer's Day Announcement for SH4 as well. Silent Hill 4: The Room - 12 sec Konami Gamer's Day Announcement (Japan) ---- If you guys want anything, let me know, okay? EDIT: C) Complete Silent Hill 2 Chibi Download Well, it's not really complete, since CSH2 hasn't been finished yet. She still hasn't drawn the ending. True, but I can post all 216 completed pages in compressed format (.rar, .zip if requested). SH2 Chibi Compressed Files (for Dial-up Users): Cover + Pages 1 - 20 (5.91MB) Pages 21 - 45 (6.66MB) Pages 46 - 75 (9.00MB) Pages 76 - 100 (8.01MB) Pages 101 - 155 (13.8MB) Pages 156 - 216 (10.1MB) SH2 Chibi Compressed Files (for Broadband Users): Part 1 of SH2 Chibi (48.00MB) Part 2 of SH2 Chibi (5.21MB) [incomplete] You can visit the Silent Hill Forum for more info and updates on the topic. Quote
RazorOutlaw Posted October 30, 2005 Posted October 30, 2005 If you guys want anything, let me know, okay? Just tell me everything is going to be "OK" with the Silent Hill franchise. I consider you a guru on Silent Hill, and although I'm asking you to tell me everything is going to be "OK" I know the answer is more than likely going to be "no". And what can I say, the more I think about it the more I think that getting rid of SATO Works was the biggest mistake for the Silent Hill series. I think back to SH3, with it's cursory glances at the characters backgrounds, and SH4 with it's complete disconnection with the characters and I just feel upset inside. Ah, well I'd rather have them jump ship now than to pump out another SH4 (not that the game was terrible, it just wasn't that good in my opinion). Anyway, you posted a link once to a website that had a sound file of James [RAZOR SHUTTING THE HELL UP]. Yes, it's disturbing and somewhat morbid that I would want the file, but it did strike a chord in me. A curious chord that is. I tried looking for that link once, but with over 60 pages to look through, I could not find it again. Care to help a brotha' out? Quote
ifirit Posted October 31, 2005 Posted October 31, 2005 If you guys want anything, let me know, okay? Just tell me everything is going to be "OK" with the Silent Hill franchise. I do keep my ear to the ground about this, but I really can't tell you anything concrete, since I can only speculate. First, remember that Konami is a business, with multiple endevours besides video games, though they remain grouded in entertainment. The Konami Corporation listens very closely to Japanese consumers (as Konami believes they make up the majority of their sales), but Konami is also looking to expand in the worldwide market, so it will also be listening to consumers in North America and Europe, and to a lesser extent Australia, if they know that they can make a profit on the product. Silent Hill 3 was created in response to fan concerns that the first game was not explained and that a true sequel was needed to bring closure to the story (although, I think you can understand the majority of things from the first game). Konami, trusting Team Silent to create a great project, allowed SH3 to be made, because of the numberous awards won by the original Silent Hill and by the huge profits earned by Silent Hill 2. (Critical acclaim + strong profits = more sequels. Yay, bogus math!) As a result of 1) lack of corporate pressure, because this was made due to fan response, and 2) strong profits between 2002 and 2003, Silent Hill 3 was given the time and resources to create a great game (despite certain remarks). Silent Hill 3 became another financial success, so Konami executives, thinking they were on a roll with the franchise (as executives tend to think this way), began adding pressure on Team Silent to produce a game another game for the current generation of consoles. Not to mention, pressure from the media due to Donna Burke's big mouth didn't help much in keeping things quite. However, Team Silent, thinking ahead to the next generation of consoles, had already begun working on what would be the next Silent Hill game (SH4 for next-gen), refining their artistic technique, creating background story and sub-characters, and toying around with extra playables, believing that they had time until the next-gen consoles came out before having to release any specifics of their work. Akira Yamaoka had told executives that progress was being made for the next Silent Hill, showing off the refined artistic style in previews, but did not expect to hear their response: "Release another Silent Hill game before the next generation of consoles." Having to scramble to get the work done, and with only the smaller staff that is used for early production, Akira Yamaoka (then Executive Producer for SH4) had to just grab something off the shelf and try to make it as clean a project as possible. What they grabbed was the extra story content for the actual game, not the base story itself. (Think of it as if they had turned "Born from a Wish" into its own game, while not releasing Silent Hill 2 at all. It would have sucked, because there wouldn't have been a context for Maria's story, not to mention the complete lack of James' story.) This would become Silent Hill 4: The Room. Team Silent was happy with what they chose, but that was because they understood the context, where the story was coming from, but as a player, we were not treated to this context, so the story was weak and, if not poorly-developed, poorly-executed in its context. (It's lack of context was evident in the amount of supplemental materials released after the game, due to gaps in the story itself.) As a result, the game was financially unsuccessful and branded by gamers for Konami's corporate money-grubbing. Adding insult to injury, Capcom (Konami's horror genre rival) released Resident Evil 4 for the GameCube, attracting more gamers to its revamped style and gameplay, making Capcom appear ahead of the curve. This financial failure also came at a bad time in Konami's corporate year, because they had just suffered their third quarter of poor sales in games, in general. As a result, the developers had to really think about how they were going to get that profit margin back. Konami, which has always had a conservative standpoint on business, decided to not risk another flop before the next-generation of consoles. So, Konami officially discontinued the Silent Hill games for this generation. (I've still not re-obtained the official reports on this, but I suspect they've been locked away from public view.) This brings us back to the main question, "what will happen to the Silent Hill series?" If Konami is really willing to move the production team away from Silent Hill to a new franchise based on the same premise, then Silent Hill as a video game series will likely not see any more sequels. However, if the rumors of Konami moving the franchise away from Silent Hill are just rumors, Konami will still go on to produce Silent Hill titles, having the next game be a great piece of work (I suspect), since it will be given the proper amount of time and resources needed to produce a financial success. Konami has learned it's lesson, for now. Either way, Team Silent will continue to create masterful pieces of multimedia art for Konami whether or not with the title "Silent Hill." And, as long as there are smart people who want to create games as art at Konami, Silent Hill will continue to exist. Personally, as long as Hiroyuki Owaku and Masashi Tsuboyama are still working on the story, I really don't worry about the other details, just yet. And what can I say, the more I think about it the more I think that getting rid of SATO Works was the biggest mistake for the Silent Hill series. Absolutely, I hope that Takayoshi Sato gets to head up a project sometime at EA, because you know that that game will rock. In the meantime, I'm going to try to check out "GoldenEye: Rogue Agent." Anyway, you posted a link once to a website that had a sound file of James smothering Mary. (Please watch your spoilers) I tried looking for that link once, but with over 60 pages to look through, I could not find it again. That was a cookie for Sentora. You're not stealing other people's cookies now, are you? Anyway, I'm going to try to create a complilation of links from the thread for my personal documentation. I've saved all my posts so far, but I don't really have them sorted out. If I feel like it, I may ask Night10194 to add an EDIT with the links to his first post. EDIT: I know this is really last minute, but if you haven't carved your pumpkin yet, you might want to try using a Red Pyramid Thing Pumpkin Stencil. If anyone has any other halloween stencils, feel free to post them. Quote
RazorOutlaw Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 That was a cookie for Sentora. You're not stealing other people's cookies now, are you? I'm a very greedy person. I try not to be, but I never thought of checking Dust Fungus' website, but then it was also down yesterday. Anyway, it's nice to hear your thoughts on what's going to happen to Silent Hill. While you said it's not concrete, it doesn't seem as bad as I had originally thought. Lord knows, I couldn't live without Silent Hill to keep me company. Quote
mintman Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Woo! Pictures of the movie on Yahoo. I'm pretty sure these haven't been posted here yet. Quote
UnforgivingEdges Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 Woo! Pictures of the movie on Yahoo. I'm pretty sure these haven't been posted here yet. I give this a resounding YES. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted November 1, 2005 Posted November 1, 2005 I want to see a mannequin humping the pavement in the movie. Quote
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