chessmaster010 Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 This is my first Creation, I'm going for more of a techno-jam type style, tell me what you think Quote
chessmaster010 Posted May 20, 2009 Author Posted May 20, 2009 Quote
Harmony Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 You should find a way to save your remix as an .mp3 (or a similar format). That way, when we play it on our computers it sounds the same way as it does on yours Quote
Halt Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 I was trying to get him to do this, I think he did. So hopefully he will re-upload Quote
chessmaster010 Posted May 20, 2009 Author Posted May 20, 2009 alright, I found a way to convert it so here it is now also, I mixed it a little different so the sounds arn't as bad as they were Quote
Nubioso Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 I saw this thread I thought to myself...."Anything, originally uploaded as a .midi file then converted over to an mp3 can't be a remix" aaaand I pretty much consider myself to be right. This isn't really a remix. You've added a techno beat below the very well known mario theme song and that's about it. I mean...I hear the small original parts like at 1:40 and at the end, but a few notes in an otherwise almost copy of the theme song isn't going to be counted as a remix. Pretty much sounds like you just imported the original mp3 theme song and sprinkled a few things over it. Sorry man, and I'm not trying to sound like an asshole or to discourage you from trying to remix things, but you've got a long way to go before you get into the area of acceptable remixes. Like I said, I'm not telling you to stop......what's that famous saying, a journey of a thousand miles starts with just one start walkin but yeah, if I uploaded my first beats and showed you my beats today (many years later) you'd see where I'm coming first ones were CRRAAAAP, so don't worry about it man. Practice and the skills will come with time. Quote
chessmaster010 Posted May 20, 2009 Author Posted May 20, 2009 ok, but I got a question also, I'm not trying to sound like a smart ass or anything, real question. Am I supposed to write my own song? or is remixing something completely different from what I thought? I thought I was supposed to basically just put a new beat to it, well, I'ld appreciate a reply, thnx Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 ok, but I got a question also, I'm not trying to sound like a smart ass or anything, real question. Am I supposed to write my own song? or is remixing something completely different from what I thought? I thought I was supposed to basically just put a new beat to it, well, I'ld appreciate a reply, thnx That's the AMATEUR way of remixing, for one who does it to be cool and not to make a good song. From your beat, I can tell you don't want to be amateur, you definitely tried for this song. If you want this to be a kick*** remix (as in something you would find on OCR) you should do the following: 1. Arrangements in any genre of music (e.g. techno, jazz, rock, classical) are acceptable, so long as the genre itself does not conflict with any other arrangement criteria. 2. The arrangement must be substantial and original. Submissions must be different enough from the source material to clearly illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. Acceptable arrangement often involves more than one of the following techniques: Modifying the genre, chord progression, instrumentation, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, or overall composition of the source material Adding original solos, transitions, harmonies, counter-melodies, lyrics, or vocals to the source material Taking the original game audio and simply adding drum loops or using an existing MIDI file and assigning new instruments does not qualify as substantial or original arrangement. Submissions should be long enough to convey arrangement; generally, this requires at least two minutes of material. 3. The source material must be identifiable and dominant. While interpretation and original additions are encouraged, arrangement must not modify the source material beyond recognition. The amount of arranged source material must be substantial enough to be recognized. On to MY critique: Well it DOES have a nice beat, but the problem is you imported the original song and then just "sprinkled stuff over it" like Nubioso said. What I do when I'm remixing is use a program called FruityLoops studio. I make the melody in there and recreate the song from ground zero. Sometimes the beat gets a little out of hand and everything is thrown out of harmony, creating a clashing effect. Basically, clash= NOT GOOD. Also the piano thing at the end is good but it sounds like you just put random notes at the end. Those notes don't match the song, so: 1. The listener is thrown off. 2. The chord at the end is NOT good for an ending. Also OCR doesn't like remixes with "abrupt endings". Quote
Halt Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 I saw this thread I thought to myself...."Anything, originally uploaded as a .midi file then converted over to an mp3 can't be a remix" aaaand I pretty much consider myself to be right.This isn't really a remix. You've added a techno beat below the very well known mario theme song and that's about it. I mean...I hear the small original parts like at 1:40 and at the end, but a few notes in an otherwise almost copy of the theme song isn't going to be counted as a remix. Pretty much sounds like you just imported the original mp3 theme song and sprinkled a few things over it. Sorry man, and I'm not trying to sound like an asshole or to discourage you from trying to remix things, but you've got a long way to go before you get into the area of acceptable remixes. Like I said, I'm not telling you to stop......what's that famous saying, a journey of a thousand miles starts with just one start walkin but yeah, if I uploaded my first beats and showed you my beats today (many years later) you'd see where I'm coming first ones were CRRAAAAP, so don't worry about it man. Practice and the skills will come with time. Bahaha. Your silly. I'm far from the best remixer here. But I can tell you he uses Sonar 6. which works alot with midi. He just couldn't figure out how to export it to mp3 format. He has now. Anything, originally uploaded as a .midi file then converted over to an mp3 can't be a remix" aaaand I pretty much consider myself to be right. Sorry to bust your balls, but your wrong there. Where your right, is. He must have misunderstood what it is to "ReMix" when I talked to him. He used the melody I guess, told him not to but hey, hes new and such, and one hell of a pianist. Just a misunderstanding is all. ;P Quote
Nubioso Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Bahaha. Your silly. I'm far from the best remixer here. But I can tell you he uses Sonar 6. which works alot with midi. He just couldn't figure out how to export it to mp3 format. He has now.Anything, originally uploaded as a .midi file then converted over to an mp3 can't be a remix" aaaand I pretty much consider myself to be right. Sorry to bust your balls, but your wrong there. Where your right, is. He must have misunderstood what it is to "ReMix" when I talked to him. He used the melody I guess, told him not to but hey, hes new and such, and one hell of a pianist. Just a misunderstanding is all. ;P I stand by the fact I'm right. Great...he uses sonar...and it can import and export midi...super...I know this's a good program for sure. Still doesn't change the fact that I don't think you can ever submit a MIDI file and it'll be approved as a remix...and considering he exported a midi file originally, and then just exported it as an mp3, meant that he had a bare-bones midi file to begin with...and I was right in the fact that listening from the midi to mp3 doesn't show a lot of again I was right. The thing that YOU'RE right about, is that you're not the best remixer here...clearly, since you apparently don't have one under your belt ( and yes, neither do I, but hell I haven't even claimed to be a remixer yet like yourself)....even if you were, what that has to do with "I can tell you he's using sonar" is beyond me. So all in all, while I don't doubt your experience with balls, you have failed to bust these. the original poster. A decent way to start out remixing is to do what you're doing in the sense of...get the original piece of music, check how it's structured, arrangement, notes, etc..etc..and try to build more off that than simply throwing in a drum beat. Definitely practice getting a sweet groove down like you're doing because a really dynamic and awesome drumbeat can definitely make a piece more exciting. You've dabbled in putting in some of your own original notes, awesome! That's exactly what you need to do, but you need to do more of it...instead of writing a quick bar right before we're thrown right back into the original theme..... as for your question "Am I supposed to write my own song or what?" Ehh, well kind of, but not really.... It's like taking the recipe for a cupcake or something. You can use the same ingredients to make something completely different, while retaining the similarity to a cupcake if that makes any sense =P Just go listen to some super mario remixes. Check out "Monstrous Turtles" by Zircon which was my personal inspiration for this website. While no one expects you to achieve that level overnight, I'm just showing you how, you can still recognize the main theme he's covering, but there's a lot of his own originality in there as well. again, good luck! Quote
Halt Posted May 20, 2009 Posted May 20, 2009 Nuiboso, it was exported in midi, because Sonar has a midi sequencer, plus, george used GM for this, so of course it will be a .mid nobody ever said anything about submiting a midi. this is the wip boards. hes new, I don't have to be a posted remixer to be a remixer either. I might not be a posted one. But thats beside the point. and nobody says you CAN'T make a remix in GM. Also, I think he just re-exported it as an mp3. . Anyways, more on topic, george is going to rework the thing. ect ect. Quote
chessmaster010 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 Well, thanks everyone for the advise and help, As for the abrupt ending, the song wasn't actually done yet, so that's temporary, I'm going to try re-making the entire song from scratch because, I thought that remixing was where you take a song and just change the beat and style of music, but I'm going to try making a version that's more original. but thanks for all of your opinions and help Quote
chessmaster010 Posted May 21, 2009 Author Posted May 21, 2009 Neblixsaber, Thank you for your all that advise! I'll get to work on a better version of the song. and thanks Halt also for all the time you invested into me teaching me about it Quote
Halt Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Neblixsaber, Thank you for your all that advise! I'll get to work on a better version of the song. and thanks Halt also for all the time you invested into me teaching me about it Anytime george, just hit me up on msn or the IRC if you have a question. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 ok, but I got a question also, I'm not trying to sound like a smart ass or anything, real question. Am I supposed to write my own song? or is remixing something completely different from what I thought? I thought I was supposed to basically just put a new beat to it, well, I'ld appreciate a reply, thnx Woooooah, no way. Absolutely not, there's far more to it than that. It has to have your own original melodies and such. Here's a little something from the submission standards page. The arrangement must be substantial and original. Submissions must be different enough from the source material to clearly illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. Acceptable arrangement often involves more than one of the following techniques: Modifying the genre, chord progression, instrumentation, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, or overall composition of the source material Adding original solos, transitions, harmonies, counter-melodies, lyrics, or vocals to the source material Taking the original game audio and simply adding drum loops or using an existing MIDI file and assigning new instruments does not qualify as substantial or original arrangement. Submissions should be long enough to convey arrangement; generally, this requires at least two minutes of material. of course, this thing had some awesome original melodies thrown in there, so you're certainly off to a good start. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Also something a lot of people misunderstand. ReMixing is NOT JUST Techno. It can be orchestration, oriental, jazz, blues, or whatever the hell you wanna do. It's your remix, but making a techno remix is just a little overdone. Look at Darkesword's artist profile. Listen to his remixes. Some of them are indeed techno, but they have a distinct style that makes the song good. Pay attention to "Ancient Hero" Zelda remix. Notice how there's no trance-y techno beat to it. It's an orchestration. Quote
Rozovian Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Terrible sound, nice drum writing, misunderstanding what ocremix is looking for, said to be a good pianist... Gonna be interesting to hear more from you. Just keep in mind that a common newb mistake is to take a source track, change the melodies, and call it a remix. Changing the melodies is actually not necessary, and you'll find a lot of remixes that use the melody verbatim but that change the backing, rhythm, chord progression, etc. Changing the progression, the structure, the backing,the genre, the sound, stuff like that; is a much more interesting way of remixing for ocr. Keep at it. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Terrible sound, Kinda harsh, don't ya think? Quote
Halt Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Kinda harsh, don't ya think? Not really. Nothings too harsh unless its wrong. Gives george another thing to work on Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Not really. Nothings too harsh unless its wrong. Gives george another thing to work on I wouldn't say "terrible" to someone just starting out. "Nothings too harsh unless its wrong." *cough* Beg to differ. Quote
Halt Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 I wouldn't say "terrible" to someone just starting out. "Nothings too harsh unless its wrong." *cough* Beg to differ. I mean wrong by, the person thats critiqueing it is wrong. I always take things never to be harsh. Just look at it as something to work on. Maybe its not that great? still something he needs to work on. Quote
Nabeel Ansari Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 I mean wrong by, the person thats critiqueing it is wrong. I always take things never to be harsh. Just look at it as something to work on. Maybe its not that great? still something he needs to work on. Have you even met Snappleman? Even though he bashed me so hard (he called me a "douche" on my WIP thread and said I ruined the source) he was STILL right about everything he said. Quote
Harmony Posted May 21, 2009 Posted May 21, 2009 Here's my two cents About the song: This is good work for a beginning mix...better than my first Mary Had a Little Lamb and Lemmings remixes! As has been said, there is so much more you can do than just adding your own beat under the original. However, I think you've got some pretty cool arrangement ideas in here that go beyond just adding a beat. The sounds are basic and I think that's what you should work the most on. Find some better samples and instruments, read through these boards and get some tips on processing and effects to get you started, but the main thing is just to practice. Here I should also say that I don't like that people assume that the goal of every remix should be getting accepted to OCR. IMO, that's a flawed approach to music making. Just make music because it's fun, and when you get enough practice, you won't need to worry about OCR's standards because you'll have the confidence and capability to easily make a song that will pass both your own standards, and those of this site. About MIDI: This is such a huge misconception amongst new guys. Someone should make a thread and sticky it. MIDI is a specification. It is a standardized way that some people agreed upon to pass information between devices. It doesn't sound like anything. Similarly, GM (General MIDI) refers to a standardized set of instruments and their patch/bank numbers. It says nothing about their quality or what they have to sound like. So for instance, you can have a really cheap Casio keyboard with GM mapping that has a super cheesy drumkit. OR you can have Zircon's new Groove Bias (PRODUCT PLUG!!) drumkit which is top of the line stuff that is ALSO mapped to GM specifications. Again, GM doesn't sound like anything. So, if you all understand that, then Nubioso I'll be the one to bust your balls and say that the fact that a song starts as a MIDI has exactly zero to do with it's quality, and thus the possibility of it getting accepted on OCR. You're right, OCR doesn't accept midi files, but that is primarily because, again, midi only defines what notes should be played and how they should be played, NOT the sounds that should be played. I'll bet that most OCReMixes make HEAVY use of midi, and I'd even bet that some of them are ENTIRELY midi based. About the harsh critique: Haha, yeah I think it was harsh, but when someone reviews as many mixes and helps people out as much as Rozovian, you've gotta expect them to be a times. He ain't got time to baby all you noobs! I kid, of course Back to George: So in conclusion, keep doing what you're doing. I like what you've started with. I use Sonar 6 too and it's an awesome program and you've only scratched the surface of its capabilities. You've got plenty of good advice to help move yourself forward so don't stress out about changing this mix up too much. If you like it, if it makes you bob your head, then it's fine. Improve on the next mix if there's something you want to fix. Be your own standard, and just have fun with it man! Quote
chessmaster010 Posted May 22, 2009 Author Posted May 22, 2009 well, I'm trying to find something out with a new mix, but yeah, I pretty much only use GM. I want to start using more of my keyboards sounds because the sounds in my computer pretty much suck, but the onse in my keyboard arn't that great either xD I'm saving up for an Yamaha MO8. estimating I'll have enough money by November/December. I'm currently using a PSR-293. but back to the song, like i said earlier, When I made it, I didn't undersatand what remixing was really, I thought that you just take a song and change the beat of it and add a little bells and whistles to it, I know that's way off now xD so I'll work on a new mix for it Quote
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