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So just yesterday I managed to get to play with someone on OCR (or was it his brother?) and I'd have to say I thought I did well considering the connection was choppy for me at best. Sure I lost but it felt different from a regular loss.

He didn't hold up well with my simple combos but soon as I hesitated/lagged I was fucked. :lol:

Still learning though and I hope to face him/her? again. :)!!

yeah that was me. lol.

I dunno why it was so laggy but your rachel is definitely better than mine and I think the fight would have been much different if it wasn't so laggy.

And when I was playing Jin, if you noticed I kept doing his little sword attack....yeah that was cause I was trying to do his flying icicle thing. I hate ps3 controller =(

yeah that was me. lol.

I dunno why it was so laggy but your rachel is definitely better than mine and I think the fight would have been much different if it wasn't so laggy.

And when I was playing Jin, if you noticed I kept doing his little sword attack....yeah that was cause I was trying to do his flying icicle thing. I hate ps3 controller =(

I was wondering what the hell you were trying to do! :lol:

I was getting way too into it that I missed such awesome opportunities to slap you around with George and finishing off with baden-baden-lily but NOOOoooo either the lag that was occuring or my own hesitation waiting for the lag to register 5 seconds from the past to show me if I hit or not.

I also like how one can cancel out another's distortion drive attack if done in time. Also learned that Rachel's lighting rod pods can shatter Jin's ice projectiles; never noticed it in arcade mode but did in our match. :)!!

I want in on this shit, people! :-x

Just add us on XBL then!

Also I played some more ranked matches online last night...lot of spammy scrubs, although some might say the same against me as Noel for doing the down + A drive then the down + up + A drive, run towards them, and repeat :lol: . But it seems like a good number of people don't think about using block for the most part. My crowning achievement was making a Jin ragequit for destroying him though after he thought he had the upper hand in the first round!


This game is awesome. Played it in arcades months ago, played some more the past week.

Highly recommended, especially for those who like Guilty Gear.

Want some advanced strategy? Try Dustloop.

Me, I play Noel and Nu, thinking of picking up Taokaka.

Ok added. Let's play some BB later people!

Sorry I didn't get to invite you to play today, as Newt was over at my place and we can't get a network vs game going on with more than 1 person in the same room, even if we both log in XBL :-( . We'll get some games sometime though!

So thanks to Newt, I nabbed myself a Street Fighter 4 Tournament Edition fightstick today from Gamestop, and we proceeded to play a lot of BlazBlue. For someone who has never been acquainted with arcade-like controls before, the fightstick was really natural for me for this game, and I can't wait until my left wrist recovers from such endeavors (it's hurting like crazy).

I'm starting to feel much better vs. Nu, although she's still a pain to face as Noel. One mistake on Nu's side from letting Noel hit her with a drive though and it's over, unless you manage to pull out the barrier burst and knock her away.


I really like Rachel, but lately it almost feels cheap to even use her since she is so powerful in so many ways and can even control the wind. She takes damage very, very badly though..

I really like Carl Clover nowadays because he's all trickery and mindgames over just dumbly throwing off fireballs or rushing in like with most other chatacers. And nothing is quite as fun as playing volleyball with my sis, Nirvana for 50% damage on the enemy. You can even tell they get totally disoriented by that.

I really like Rachel, but lately it almost feels cheap to even use her since she is so powerful in so many ways and can even control the wind. She takes damage very, very badly though.

That's the thing though about her, make one or two mistakes, and chances are you'll be crushed when using her. Being able to control the wind itself is a blessing in her case considering it can enable her to escape many dangerous situations. Then again even with it, it never guarantee's safety or victory...

Would it be fair to compare her to say.. Akuma/Gouki..?



But I suppose it beats

(god I wish I could make a gif of that, too fucking funny) :lol:

Yeah, she does feel a bit like Akuma in that sense. I just don't like fighting her as Carl or something, because she has some very unexpectedly good close range options.

That electricity is like Blanka's.. I hate it. Love it when I'm Rachel though. lol

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