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This is a lot cleaner, bro (and lowering the bitrate makes me smile :razz:). By the way, there is more than enough source in here, so don't worry about being liberal (and it's very interpretive at the same time, so I think the arrangement is great from that point of view).

This is really, really good stuff. Personally, I never liked that tone for the guitar, but that's just me. I think the instruments in the orchestral part that comes in at 2:12 could be balanced better, as it just sounds like a mesh of sound, right now (and the trumpet sounds a little inhuman, atm, from what I could hear). Clean up the orchestra. Yeah, that's really the only fault that I can find in this, now.

Other than that, it's pretty much there. Try PM'ing Fishy or someone familiar with guitar music (like Sixto or Nekofrog) and getting their opinion on your guitarist skillz, as this is beyond what I can say about guitar music :)


Ok, i messed around with orchestra/trumpets/violins and separated them more from each other. Other than, i don't know if there's really much more i need to do before subbing thise...finally! :D



One thing you need to do is get the file under 6mb... bringing it down two kbps should do the trick. Sorry, site standards and all :P.

Also (and I just noticed this, lol), did you really call it Fight For Freedom? I don't know - I have a feeling someone might get upset if he ever found out. I'm not telling you to change it or anything, but did you do that on purpose? :<

I'd say the mastering could use a very small boost in the lower end of the mids, but it would be fine without the boost, too - just something to toy with, if you wanted to make it perfect.

Otherwise I agree - there isn't much else you need to do with the track. Good luck with submitting it :-P.


When i named the remix that, i didn't think anything about it. It was just the first thing that came to mind. lol Any suggestions??

I'll give it a boost in the low mids and see how it comes out and lower the kbps just ever so slightly. :)

Call your song, "The Sudden Change of Perspective Just Made this Fight Epic!" Or "The Epic Change of Perspective" in short. :P

Or if you want to be really cheeky, call it "Fight for Freedom (Copyrighted?)" or something of that sort.

Alright, i must be missing something. I guess someone else on here has a song called Fight For Freedom? Anyways. I kinda like The Epic Change of Perspective, although The Sudden Change of Perspective Just Made this Fight Epic! is a pretty awesome name too! lol :D niiiiiiiiice


No, Megadeth has the rights to that name (hence the link I made).

Dave Mustane might not be happy if he saw that (and because he has contributed to VG remixes, himself, you can be sure he visits here often enough to realize you totally snagged his song title :tomatoface:).


This is one of my oldest requests... I've always loved the Boss Battle music in Yoshi's Island. This is a pretty valient effort. I'm thinking it might be struggling to find some structure tho... there isn't much to "hold onto". It throws a lot around quite early... Try listening to "Hangarmageddon(E1M1) OC Remix" from Doom. This is an oldie but as a listener I find this one captures my imagination as I can almost picture a battle of guns unfolding before me.

I'm really excited that you've decided to work on this piece... It's not an easy one at all. The source music is already impeccibly timed for suspence and dramatic effect so to produce something of greater value you will need to really stretch yourself. Samples need to be clearer. Try to perhaps write the music as if Yoshi IS fighting and defeats Bowser. How might you arrange and time different parts of your score to reflect the battle? When Yoshi starts "winning" how might you commincate this though the music. I think you did think about this while making it but it's not quite there and the execution is a bit too muddled.

The credits for Yoshi's Island are equally awesome, if you haven't seen or can't remember the credits, find and listen to them too! They might help you in this one. Also don't be afraid to collaborate with another artists to achieve a greater sound. Looking forward to seeing some of your future work bud, on this and other mixes.

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