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There are some parts of this that are awesome, but a lot that....aren't.

The guitar playing on a whole is nicely done, perfectly fitting a heavy metal doom rendition. Unfortunatly, it has some noticeable sync issues with the drums. This takes away a bit from its intensity.

The percussion arrangement overall is pretty well done, nothing mind blowing, but surprisingly authentic. Nice samples, too. However, some parts feel a bit bland, and could have used some phat metal fillage. For example, the hi-hat rhythms leading up in the beginning do well, but around :20, it really needs a build up. You know, like snare + floor tom going boomboomboomboomTAKATAKA on the snare. It's surprising that with such energy in other parts of the piece that this section was so lifeless.

Arrangement and sync qualms aside, this is simply too short. Many will argue that speed metal/death metal/bunny metal....whatever...needs to be short, but this song screams for a solo and some harmonic development. What this is presently is a very promising Work in Progress. Keep going with what you have, give us at LEAST 3 minutes, and you've got a winner.

So, until there's some fine tuning and musical elaboration, NO.


This is the same riff repeated over and over. the recording is good, but the players arent together as much as they should be. add pads or something, i dont know. anything to elaborate. what's here isnt enough. it needs to build more.



sounds great!

problem for me is, aside from the beginning and the end it follows the original pretty closely.. just a notch down tempo-wise, same exact melody, progression, and even stylistically similar.

this wouldn't be a problem if it provided additional material in a B section or something of that nature, but then the mix just ends without warning. resubmit?


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