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OC ReMix License: "Hold" music at a business

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Long time listener, first time caller. To say I love the music you guys produce is a huge understatement, it really is amazing stuff.

An e-mail went out at work today which asked people to submit original pieces of music which would be used as our hold music. My mind instantly went to your site. I reviewed the content policy and it seems like it'd be fine, but I wanted to make absolutely sure that it would be okay to use for this purpose. It's particularly weird since we wouldn't be able to preface the hold music with "THANK YOU FOR HOLDING. HERE ARE SOME PHAT TUNES COURTESY OF OCREMIX.ORG."

Thanks for your response, again you guys are badass.


If there's no way to credit ocremix for the music used (e.g. in a youtube vid description, shownotes or the end credits of a movie) then you don't need to.

In the case of public or semi-public performances where accreditation is not reasonable, responding to audience inquiries with this information will suffice.

I'd say your hold music would count as such.

Tho if you're supposed to submit original music for the hold music I don't know if you can use OCR stuff. The source materials aren't owned by ocr or the remixers; the remixes are derivative works of copyrighted works. Dunno. Anybody more knowledgeable about stuff like this?


Thanks for the responses guys. I kinda figured it was just about the same as this line:

"Live performance or playback of OverClocked ReMixes may occur in commercial, for-profit spaces such as stores, private clubs, or other gatherings, so long as no cost is explicitly associated with listening to them and no endorsement of the commercial entity by OverClocked ReMix can be inferred."

But did want to double check.

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