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in case you didn't already know (you should).

the main draw factor here was a song by our very own zircon, feat pixietricks! (already announced on OCR's front page) Awesome.

The other main thing seems to be the new playlist. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand it seems "interesting", and I'm open to trying out a new workflow. On the other hand I'm distressed by the fact that you can't swap the two panels to how they used to be in earlier versions anymore. So if I want to keep my old playlist functionality, I'd still be able to do it, but then I'd have audio clips/etc on the top, which would be somewhat awkward. Either that or I'd just end up throwing out the audio/pattern/automation clip section entirely, which ironically is the exact opposite of what seems to be intended -_-.

But, as I said, I'm open to trying new things. And I admit, as cool as my spiffy color-coded-gradient playlists look, it's also pretty neat to have a whole crapload of blips and bars that visually show you stuff.

I suppose if I'm using this "new style" of playlist, then it actually MAKES SENSE that the default zoom on the playlist window is "Close". That always always bugged me ever since they changed it for version 7 or 8 or whatever. It made no sense because when you alt+click it, it resets to Medium anyways. Nyyargh.

Gross Beat seems like a neat toy, but not free, so that's mostly a moot point.

IIRC there's also improved multithreading support, but it didn't really affect things for me--my desktop rig still handles everything fine, while my laptop CPU still chokes on anything but the most meager of projects, despite me fiddling around with settings (yes, I have tried the obvious).

What else? Oh, they changed the look+feel of the FL Wrapper, and also all the default FL plugins that don't have a specific GUI. Something is weird in that ever since I upgraded from version 7 (ish?) the "bars" of the FX plugins didn't display correctly. whatever. Anyways, FL Wrapper has some nice changes in how it works--there's a nice "Wrapping Settings" menu that's a lot more useful than the old dropdown menu if you're trying to get VSTs to play nice with FL.

(edit: actually I'm pretty sure they just changed the look of the "bars")

Does it seem weird to anyone else that they STILL have pattern 10 as "Main Automation"?

I had trouble with the whole registration thing, so I gave up and went back to 8. Is it cuz I bought FL 7 XXL and not 8??

shouldn't matter if you bought it online, did you try downloading a new reg key? I had to get a new reg key to unlock it.

I too am annoyed at the lack of swap panels but I don't use clips much so I can just close that section entirely, it's mostly disappointing because of the reasoning behind it(reflex said on IL's forums that they did it because they basically intend to phase out patterns entirely, which is a horribly counter intuitive idea that makes no sense to me)

  • 4 weeks later...

Gol is pissing me off. It was his decision to phase out patterns (my method of creating music since Scream Tracker 3), and just now I found out that he's behind the terrible new color scheme. You used to be able to color your pattern blocks any color you wished. Now you can color them in about 8 shitty pastels, Making red look only slightly different from brown and literally making black the same as white. His reason for this is because one person changed his skin (yes, this had nothing to do with patterns at all) to have white text on white buttons and then complained about it. To Gol this meant locking down the palette for everyone. Great fucking decision.

All of the functionality of FLS is ebbing away for me. I am very likely going to go back to FLS8.



I don't see a reason to switch back yet myself but I'd agree that the program seems to be developing regressively now. if it gets worse(for instance phasing out patterns entirely) I might switch to renoise or something, kind of want to get back into tracking anyway but I'd need an excuse to force myself to learn a new program again

Gol is pissing me off. It was his decision to phase out patterns (my method of creating music since Scream Tracker 3), and just now I found out that he's behind the terrible new color scheme. You used to be able to color your pattern blocks any color you wished. Now you can color them in about 8 shitty pastels, Making red look only slightly different from brown and literally making black the same as white. His reason for this is because one person changed his skin (yes, this had nothing to do with patterns at all) to have white text on white buttons and then complained about it. To Gol this meant locking down the palette for everyone. Great fucking decision.

All of the functionality of FLS is ebbing away for me. I am very likely going to go back to FLS8.


Umm, you can change things to any colour you want, hit the plus button it brings up a colour chooser.

Umm, you can change things to any colour you want, hit the plus button it brings up a colour chooser.

Not in FLS9 you can't. Read the thread in looptalk. Here's the result of me choosing "pure" colors and the resulting washed-out pastel shit forced on me by gol:


EDIT: I got the dll loaded into IDA and found a color picker breakpoint. Stay tuned for a "bite me, gol" color fixer patch for v9. (Hilarious--the second time I've ever cracked anything, and both times it was a program I legally owned.)


  • 2 months later...

The "swap panels" in the Playlist/View is missing in FL 9, please add it again.

This is one of the worst changes to the program.

Patterns was one the main reason im using FL.

Im keeping FL 8 but start looking elsewhere and going with Cubase 5

which introduced "Track Folders" and DP has chunk window

exactly what u guys trying to get rid off.

After every creation comes destruction !


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