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Actually, Legend of Legaia is still enjoyable, at least to me...it was the first RPG I ever played, and after playing it, realized I couldn't stand the fighting structure of general RPG games...(i.e. one basic attack) although Suikoden and now Wild ARMs have remedied this with spectacular magic effects...I've never really played any of the Final Fantasy games, although Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption kind of makes me want to go and play Final Fantasy II(IV)


After playing Secret of Mana I was super stoked to play Evermore, but that game waaaaay overdid it with the mazes :( It made me stop playing.

Looking bad, as a kid I didn't realize how poorly translated a lot of the dialog in those retro games were. But even now it doesn't detract from my enjoyment of them. There's only one game I loved as a kid that I just can't play anymore, and its... Super Mario World. It just feels so tedious now... no where near as fun as Super Mario Bros 1 and 3.


What about game boy color, period? Or regular game boy?

I saw the mention of the old pokemon games. I sat down a few weeks ago to try and start blue version again. I put like over 100 hours into that the first time around. Beat everything. Loved it. But i didn't even get a badge. Not because of the game, but because of the game boy color. I couldn't see a thing. No back light. I haven't even touched that thing in years. I can't even imagine "The Brick". (regular game boy) I don't even know how I ever could see on that piece of crap.

Ha. Anyways, just thought I would throw that out there.


Secret of Mana is glitchy but excellent. A little too heavy on spell and skill grinding but it's great nonetheless.

The sequel is even better, imo, and it is massively disappointing it never got a US release outside of the ROM and English patch.

After playing Secret of Mana I was super stoked to play Evermore, but that game waaaaay overdid it with the mazes :( It made me stop playing.

thats a game i would not mind playing again. I loved that game.


I too loved Secret of Mana, though again, magic grinding sucked. It wouldn't have been quite so bad if you could carry more than four of those walnuts for MP, but I understand why they didn't allow that.

Honestly, though, I didn't like its sequel, SD3. Combat and gameplay slowed to a sluggish pace, it was much more visually confusing, and I honestly didn't find too many of the characters all that interesting. Not that Secret of Mana had characters with any real depth, but at least Mana had a discernible sense of humor. I *can* see why people like SD3 more, I personally just don't.


I pretty much hated everything about Secret of Mana. The color palette is childish. The animations are clunky (and outright nonsensical sometimes). The dialog and story were laughable. The battle system feels like it's constantly 2 seconds behind you. The music is...well, it grows on you. Except for The Oracle and the intro to the boss theme, which both to this day make me gnash my teeth and claw at my eardrums.

The music is...well, it grows on you. Except for The Oracle and the intro to the boss theme, which both to this day make me gnash my teeth and claw at my eardrums.

They grated me too...

Game wise, I'd probably have to say T2: Judgement Day for the SNES that was handed down to me by a friend who just wanted to get rid of it. Tried it out and at the time, while stiff it was playable. These days while I can still beat it I can't bring myself to completing it again.

Another would be James Bond Jr for the SNES, beaten it perhaps once or twice and that's it... Wouldn't come back to it where as SCIV I can come back easy.

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