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  Bleck said:

Fifteen, actually.

I've been playing it since Open Beta.

The rest of your post is spot on, though. It's a Korean grinder.

Anyway, for anyone actually playing this, I'm primarily on Azphel on the Asmodian side. Take a wild guess what my character's name is.

(Also, until you reach level 25, flying is limited and liable to seem "overrated" for the first couple weeks or so that you play it, assuming you play it for 12 hours a day. Everything is ultimately geared towards PvPvE play in the Abyss, where flight is practically unlimited, but the PvE side of things is just one long grind.)

  Conan The Politician said:
Oh ho, it's not so bad as that. Sometimes I like to switch the brain off when gaming every now and then. It's like daydreaming for a few hours, only to find out you have a good bit of in-game cash and experience afterwards.

Hm. Switching the brain off... I should try that sometime. I would use the grinding in Lineage 2 and mf'ing in Diablo 2 for the sake of worrying about the rest of my life. Maybe this whole PvPvE system is what I need to fully engage me into a game.

  DarkeSword said:
I want to roll Elyos. What server is everyone playing on for Elyos?

That's like asking "what server is most prone to heavy wait times in the queue and frequent, random crashes?"


  DarkeSword said:
I want to roll Elyos. What server is everyone playing on for Elyos?

For Elyos I play on Yustiel. Name's Jovi. My Asmodian character is Uliana on the Kaisinel server. Both of those servers tend to be less crowded than the others so there should be plenty of room.

  EdgeCrusher said:
Azphel is the server that all of Somethingawful is on, legion called TopGoon. So you can take that as a warning that that server will be packed a large majority of the time.

That's good to know.

Gonna roll my Elyos characters on Yustiel, can't decide on what to play except that I've already put a ton of work into an Asmodian Ranger so it won't be another Ranger. *shrugs*

EDIT: Apparently not, Edge. They got scared off of Azphel and are moving to Zikel.


I bought Aion this weekend and rolled with my GF on Yustiel (Elyos). We're still kind of exploring around with the game. The server is actually pretty quiet, which in a way isn't a good thing because low-population servers are harder to find groups on and so forth. But it's still a bit early to tell, we only played for a few hours and hit Level 7 last night before the server crashed.

This game is really pretty. Character customization is great.

  Arcana said:
I bought Aion this weekend and rolled with my GF on Yustiel (Elyos). We're still kind of exploring around with the game. The server is actually pretty quiet, which in a way isn't a good thing because low-population servers are harder to find groups on and so forth. But it's still a bit early to tell, we only played for a few hours and hit Level 7 last night before the server crashed.

This game is really pretty. Character customization is great.

I haven't been out in Poeta for a while now. It may just be that there are less people there in the newbie area. When in Sanctum, Verteron, or Eltnen, there are usually a decent amount of people.

I'm actually in a legion now and I'm a centurion, so if anyone wants to join in, I have the power to invite. We're pretty casual; not really worried about being the best. It's just for fun, and to help each other out, mostly. You can contact me (Jovi) if anyone's interested.


Well keep in mind that I'm also used to playing on WoW where there's a few thousand people online at any given time, so seeing "only" a hundred or so in the starting area seems quiet.

More telling is the fact that the General/LFG/Trade channels are really quiet (once the spammers are blocked). I don't know if that's just because people aren't really chatty on Yustiel or if it's because the gold spammers really have hijacked the general chats in the game.

That's something I really, really want to see fixed. I really could care less about the ethics of gold buying and selling or even their effects on the server economy and an individual's "competitive edge". What I do care about is the endless spamming of the 3 channels to the point where they're unusable without having to block people every hour.

  Arcana said:
Well keep in mind that I'm also used to playing on WoW where there's a few thousand people online at any given time, so seeing "only" a hundred or so in the starting area seems quiet.

More telling is the fact that the General/LFG/Trade channels are really quiet (once the spammers are blocked). I don't know if that's just because people aren't really chatty on Yustiel or if it's because the gold spammers really have hijacked the general chats in the game.

That's something I really, really want to see fixed. I really could care less about the ethics of gold buying and selling or even their effects on the server economy and an individual's "competitive edge". What I do care about is the endless spamming of the 3 channels to the point where they're unusable without having to block people every hour.

Yeah, I don't even have those channels up, so it's possible people just aren't that talkative, or have a legion to help them with stuff. However, every time I come on I do catch a glimpse of it, and it is indeed overrun. They've done a few things already to try and stop the farmers, but they always manage to find ways around it. From what I've heard, development is pretty upset about the situation, and are trying to find a way to stop them. Unfortunately, at this point, if you want people to play with, joining a legion is probably the best way to go. Don't hesitate to whisper me if you need help with stuff also.

  • 2 months later...

Apologies in advance for necroposting, but I just left my legion on Azphel which is in the slow process of imploding on itself, and created a new toon on Yustiel (Elyos, since I'm beyond sick of the Asmodian side of things) and I'm wondering who all still plays this game?

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