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Played some of this at a Wal-Mart today, and it was just as awesome as the first two Mario and Luigi games. The small bit of writing I saw was excellent, as always, and the music was Mario all the way.

I'm surprised there's not a thread on this game yet, does anyone have it? I'd love to hear some comments.


I played it and then replayed through all three to get the full experience. The third one is probably my favorite, though they're all so good.

-Art design is incredible. The animations are so smooth and vibrant. The ending to Luigi's level-up sequence makes me smile.

-Music is really damn catchy, and I don't think there are any songs I dislike (no Joke's Ends here...).

-Writing is hilarious as usual. Bowser is awesome.

-Controls are great; a lot of the problems with the first two have been ironed out by now. Bowser's battle controls feel good (especially 'excellent' punches).

One of my favorite parts in the game is when Luigi gets stuck in the unconscious sock-like monster and is hopping around talking to other sock-like monsters. So ridiculously awesome.


Ummm... I like it. But I'd like it more if it had less mandatory stylus and microphone situations. I'm all for the technology, but quite a few times in this game I feel like it was included solely for the sake of inclusion, and that takes away from the flow.

Actually, flow is probably my biggest qualm with this game. For more than just the reason above, this game is lacking. A few other little problems, but nothing game breaking.

Besides, I'm such a nintendo consumer whore, it doesn't even matter.

EDIT: The good points that Hylian listed strike true for me as well. Also, someone said it was short? I've been playing for 10 hours. I don't think I'm close to done...


I was going to buy this game at work (GameStop) when someone already traded in a used copy. Long story short, the other employee took it out of the "HOLD" drawer and sold it 15 minutes before we closed (I.E. the time I could buy it). I was sad, but at least it made some kid's day.

When I asked the kid who traded it in how it was, he said he really liked it, but he was already done with it because it was too short.

When I asked the kid who traded it in how it was, he said he really liked it, but he was already done with it because it was too short.

I'm guessing he didn't constitute what "too short" meant, huh?

chaos_deception or anybody else who beat this - what was your playtime? I'm guessing we have different concepts of what a good playtime might be (I'm in what I think is the final dungeon for FFIV after 34-ish hours, and I think the game is too long), but just curious.

I haven't played any of the other Mario and Luigi games, but this one is sounding really awesome...deciding between this and Kingdom Hearts DS, and so far I'm leaning more towards Bowser's Inside Story.

(I'm in what I think is the final dungeon for FFIV after 34-ish hours, and I think the game is too long), but just curious.

^The last savepoint in that game is so god damned far from the final boss. UGH.

I registered around the same amount of hours in FFIV and I'm ~10 hours into M&L and I think there might be another 5 in store before the end...

^The last savepoint in that game is so god damned far from the final boss. UGH.

I registered around the same amount of hours in FFIV and I'm ~10 hours into M&L and I think there might be another 5 in store before the end...

Cool, thanks man! To me personally, that sounds like a pretty ideal game length (I started getting bored with FFIV despite any interesting story developments after about 20 hours, but generally feel obligated to finish the games I start haha).

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