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Phoenix Wright - Gumshoe's Theme in an all new genre Tech-noir!

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If all was Wright in Chicago

Hey, all! This is my submission from FBRC 2009 (Phoenix Wright's 'Gumshoe Theme' with a touch of Perfect Dark's 'Chicago'), with a few tweaks done to the EQ levels ('cause the violin levels made people's ears bleed). I've sat on this for about a month when all I needed to do to it was fix a few EQ levels, lol, but it's been fixed.

I also need a new rain sample (the one I've got sounds like static). Anyone know where to find one?

Other than the rain, what do you guys think? I'm going to submit it, but I'd like to hear if there's something easy to fix in it before I do. Thanks :)

EDIT: Here are the sources (forgot to post them :P)


Hey dude, this is sounding cool.

I think some of the samples sound a little thin, and the intro sounds a little weak.

I don't think this is quite there yet, but its nearly there :D

I'd send it to a judge before you submit, find out what they think of it.

In its current state, I'd expect a resubmit... altho i'm basing this on production, and I don't know shit about it so I don't know. Could pass I guess :tomatoface:

A link to the source maybe? :P

I can be more use with the arrangment :P


I like the melody synths. Panning is high but fun halfway in.

Violin sample feels a bit high pitched at times. It's not the volume that bugs me, it's the pitch. The high-pitched synths notes afterward work fine, but that violin doesn't work well high.

The snare drum sample is rough-sounding. Compared to the fine kick and vibrant synths, it sounds like FL demo snare.

Love the interplay at 2:20-2:40. This is the high point of the mix.

The woodwind around 3:00 starts nice. I appreciate trying to meld it together with the violin, but...

Keyboard around 3:20 seems to hit offkey notes, and playing in conjuction with the violin and flute the mix gets cacophonous at times towards the end.

I love PW music, and I love where you take this mix. You really slow down the source and give it a different life. For everything between 2:00-3:10 you have me absolutely sold. The arrangement is killer and the sound is tight. It's just past the stuff before and after that has a few loose ends that don't sound quite right (a FEW loose ends, the bulk sounds great).

But yeah, to re-iterate, I love.

A link to the source maybe? :P

I can be more use with the arrangment :P

Here are the sources (sorry, totally forgot to post em')

Great to hear some more Garionica!

Dude, this is Tech-noir - this isn't Garionica, at all :tomatoface:. Get your made-up genres right, lol.

As for the crits, I'll change the snare and try to reduce the harshness of the violin more (the range will be difficult to change, however - we'll see what I can do). The cacophony at the end will be changed around a bit, but the piano at the sections mentioned is taken straight from the source (and I personally thought that part was hawt in the source)... I'll mess around with the other instruments and try to make it blend better.

Thanks for the feedback - I'll see if I can get any time on it this weekend (I'm juggling a few songs right now, so we'll see).

Here are the sources (sorry, totally forgot to post em')

Dude, this is Tech-noir - this isn't Garionica, at all :tomatoface:. Get your made-up genres right, lol.

As for the crits, I'll change the snare and try to reduce the harshness of the violin more (the range will be difficult to change, however - we'll see what I can do). The cacophony at the end will be changed around a bit, but the piano at the sections mentioned is taken straight from the source (and I personally thought that part was hawt in the source)... I'll mess around with the other instruments and try to make it blend better.

Thanks for the feedback - I'll see if I can get any time on it this weekend (I'm juggling a few songs right now, so we'll see).

Tech-noir does not exist as a MUSICAL genre so it's Garionica. xD


I really love this theme, and I love some of the things you did with it. It's not quite in my personal collection as it stands.

The strings felt fakey to me at times and I really think some strong bass could really give this peace a life of its own. All of the interesting stuff seems pretty high in the treble zone. I'd love to hear some cheesy synth bass, like from an 80s cop movie, I feel like it would be perfect. Just something like that to accompany the awesome melody of this tune. I think it would give it a ton more atmosphere.

Keep up the good work though, thanks for mixing this track, I love it. There's a lot of great PW music and IMO it's severely undermixed.


It isn't submitted to R:TS yet? Oops, I'll submit it as soon as I tweak it up a bit.

Cheezy 80's synth bass... damnit, that's a good idea, I'll tinker with that idea, for sure :nicework:. Still trying to find time to update it, though, since my weekend hasn't given me any time to work on any music, so far.


I didn't hear the old version, so I'm going dry here. I used the version at: http://www.box.net/shared/f65kbtyqxn downloaded Wed October 21 22:15 PST.

The rain sounds fine. The introduction is pretty hot.

I'm having issues with how dry and treblish the snare is. I think it's a bit loud compared to the other drums. I think you know which snare I'm talking about (there's a lot of snares in this mix after all).

The other issue I'm having is that during some of the breakdowns, the mix feels eerily quiet. There's only a few places that this occurs... 3:26, 3:33 at the end. The silence is jarring and I'd consider filling it with pads.

Violin at 1:57 sounds really bad in the high register. In fact, when it's introduced at 1:17 I had problems deciding if it was a flute or violin. I don't know what you can do to fix it though.

The ending is abrupt still. The fade out, in my opinion, is unsatisfying, and I think I'd rather have a breakdown of the instruments until you have nothing left. I think if you let the ending crawl out a bit more rather than doing a volume fade, it would be beneficial overall.

This is really good though. Arrangement wise it's totally recognizable but it has a very unique take so I don't think it has any problems from that standpoint.

  • 3 weeks later...

I really love the new version. I don't have the old version saved, but the fakiness I mentioned about the strings feels all gone. The bass isn't exactly what I imagined when I suggested the change, but it does feel a lot beefier now and a lot more complete as a track. I really love what you've done with it.

I think I can agree with most of what Arcana said. Still really cool, but could benefit from a little more time and love.

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