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So every week I go to the comic shop and buy a load of comic books. I am a big fan of superhero books and pretty much all the superhero stuff I read right now is from DC. This thread is for discussing all the stuff going on in the DCU right now.

So right now there are a couple of really great, big storylines going on: Blackest Night, which is DC's big event that came out of the Green Lantern storylines; World Without Superman, which is running through all the Superman books and explores all the New Krypton stuff going on; and Batman Reborn, which runs through the Batman books and explores how the Batman family is carrying on after Bruce Wayne's supposed death.

Is anyone else reading, or am I the only one? I'm really digging what's going on in the DCU right now.

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I have to say, I am digging Batman Reborn. I was kinda afraid that when he would die, it would be a cheap cop out temporary death, but the way they are setting things up makes me think it will last a wee bit longer. (I hope, really... because well.. this new approach just rocks.)

I love the Damian / Dick interactions, the way the city is adjusting to a new batman, the new batgirl... I just completely missed out on the new Red Robin, which probably keeps me happy in the "Burce ain't comming back" world.

Not sure I like Batwoman so far, but I'm ready to give her a chance, the series has been... well not to my liking so far.

All of this is coming during a lull in Green Arrow / Black Canary, but I'm keeping interested. I am, however, staying the hell away from Blackest night because I need to limit what I purchase... I already have a long box full of comics and it is a fairly recent interest of mine...

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