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Hello again, unfortunately hotmaill.com has a limited bandwidth of 0.1MB so I signed up to Yahoo (as prompted in your site) and e-mailed my song there.

Artist (credited to): DJ Frostee

Song: Demon Clan OC ReMix

email: bupbup78@hotmail.com

(and once again, I don't mind the millions and millions of fan mail) =)

Thanks again and hope to hear from you soon!


I remember the original well enough. It was basically this without the preset synths and simple drum.

You need to go for more. More means more in the way of melodic arrangement. Cut synths and stomp drums might be enough for some people, but not for oc. We're about rearrangement, remixing.



This is so slooooooooooowwwww.............uuuuugggggghhhhhhhhh.......

That gated synth comes in at 1:17 and I'm sitting here like this:


Yeah, like that. It does nothing for me. This mix just lacks any kind of energy. It's so boring. The kick drum just thunks along and the rest of the drums don't really do anything but play basic builds. There's no depth to the sound here either. Sounds flat. Try some reverb or delay.

And that ending sucks. :(



nice bass patch.

oww, that's a kick that makes my ears sad.

most of this makes my ears sad actually.. it's so lackluster and dull.

the ending is impressively unsatisfying.

i could say more but i don't think it would be worth it.



Typical in many ways. Sounds like he's going for a dance mix the way that kick is so loud. Which is a little odd synth the mix is so stationary, there's no energy. It's too laid back.

Next time I suggest working on the compositional aspects. Build the mix, add something unique and interesting to make it your own. More effects processing. Gating is kind of generic nowadays. Not a bad mix, but you can do more with this. Better luck next time.


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