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I like the beginning, it reminds me of Terminator.

I'm not able to remember the source very well, but I'm not really hearing any kind of melody in this and I know Metroid Prime don't skimp on melody.

Nice, though.

I like the beginning, it reminds me of Terminator.

I'm not able to remember the source very well, but I'm not really hearing any kind of melody in this and I know Metroid Prime don't skimp on melody.

Nice, though.

The source is pretty scarce, actually. 8O

As for the mix, this is really not bad at all for what it is, which at the moment is a background track. You'll have to work in an appreciable melody if you want this to be something else.

The arpeggiated filter notes, opposite to most songs, actually start out on the annoying side and become legitimized as the song progresses, especially at 2:40 when they come in for the second time. Not bad.

The beat is variable and pretty good, and the song is catchy. I've had it on loop for a bit while working and it's passed the replay test, although you'll need a better ending.

Lots of potential here, just keep working.

First of all, if at all possible try to keep the download sizes smaller and you'll probably get more feedback. OCR won't accept bit rates above 192 anyways. My first impressions of this mix are quite good as far as listening enjoyment is concerned. What you need to look at here is the relationship between the mix and the original melody. Right now, I'm not sure whether this is a rearrangement of Upper or Lower Torvus. This is one of the few cases where I think the arrangement is too liberal. If you like the interpretation, by all means keep it that way, but the problem is, you won't make it past the judges panel if the source isn't recognizable enough. Don't get me wrong, though. It is an enjoyable piece that you are working on. Congrats. I'd be glad to here an updated version.

I think maybe since I made the song, I'm the only one who can hear the melody because I can hear the melody perfectly fine. But, I re-did the lead and will be uploading soon.


wow 10.1MB that is a big file =p. Definitely try to reduce that size there lol. This doesn't feel that background-ish to me as some other ppl have said it is. Love the drum samples here, that snare is niiice. I think I recognize the source at certain parts as this does feel a tad liberal to me, but I think that a lot of liberal stuff does get YES'd here.

The remix does get a tad repetetive at about 2:25 for me - there's a lot of rinse and repeat in this composition. It might actually benefit you to vary up the synths leads and support melodies a bit more. Maybe add a piano with a bit of delayed reverb at the middle point or something to sorta refresh the ears, so to speak. And the ending is a bit weak indeed.

Over all I found this track fairly enjoyable, but there are definitely some things to tighten up and change. Good job dood :)

The source is pretty scarce, actually. 8O

I guess this song just sounds kinda empty without that little tune bit that comes in at 0:40 and 2:17. It's hardly a lead melody, looking back, but it's the part that stands out most when I try to recall the song.

That tune really wouldn't work with the rest of this arrangement, though, so no more complaints about it from me.


I don't know how to answer that, exactly.

It felt like the arpeggio was too prominent in the second version, maybe louder, and that seemed to upset the balance.


Lets see if I remember how to do this. This is all about the latest (as I saw) mix.

I like all the sounds you have, but to me, there could be some balance work done. Bring some of your lead instruments down and the overall volume of your mix up in places.

You have an ascending pattern that sounds good, but is very repetitive, I'd consider changing some panning on it slow lefts and rights and/or volume to make it seem more varied than it really is.

I really want to hear more low sounds in this. Some bass sounds would really help the kick drum blend in better. Could be a balance issue, could need some instruments or EQ work, not really sure.

As far as structure, it's okay now. I could really see some volume tweaks and tempo changes helping the whole (slow mix) thing. I think it sounds pretty good, I'm just not getting the slow feeling that you may be going for.

Hope this helps.



Okay this is the basic jist of what this song gives me...

It is nice, it has a pretty decent atmosphere, but it could be better.

The slow arpeggiating muted... plucky synth is okay, but I think you could work on its sound. Maybe put a little more reverb on it, maybe put a SLIGHT delay effect on it. It's a bit detuned but I don't know if that honestly helps it sound better or not.

I think the pads you bring at about :30 ish in in the beginning are kind or boring. They just don't have a meat to them that could help the soundscape. Honestly this song should be all about soundscape, and in some ways you do a nice job, but others, like those pads... Just kind of don't add that much. I'd work on beefing them up, or maybe putting chorus on them, adding a tiny tiny bit of delay, work on panning, or try some filters and compression... Anything to put meat into them.

The tinkly bell thing with the delay fx on them... Just too much delay for my taste honestly... I'd either bring the volume down on that instrument in general, and make it background, and put another lead over it... Or I'd decrease the delay being on it the WHOLE song, or I'd reduce the amount of times it has the echo (or lower the volume of the echoes, and pan them better... There is potential for the song to have cool delays all around the ears, you know... Just work more at it)

I kind of recognize the source, but I think you need more, but don't quote me on that since I kind of forget how it sounds...

I think the song needs to build more, it kind of drags on... Since it's a "slow" mix, I would work more on the dynamics of the piece. Bring elements in, take them out, introduce newer ones, combine them in interesting ways, have "small sound" parts to chill everything out, and then build into a climax. You kind of do this, but not enough...

Right now, from my first impression, I just feel like it's a meandering noise-fest... When it could be this detailed and complex um, musical adventure... Just think of drama, use your music in a way to make a point about it. It's like you should be telling a story.

Anyway I hope I didn't get too abstract there, or once again, sound too harsh. The drums and percussive fx are pretty cool... The saw bass helps, but it could be more complexly written, needs more beef to it anyway.

One thing I REALLY liked was that little solo you had going with the phased synth (saw?)... Needs more of that plz

Anyway good luck!

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