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Final Fantasy 9 - Tree of Life (Arrangement of Cleyra's Theme)

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Hi Guys !

Here it’s my mix of Cleyra’s Theme from ff9, a melody… very nice. I love it! So, I try to make an arrangement faithful to the original’s spirit (very joyful!!!), but with a new atmosphere.

I tried to make a progression in the instruments. It begins in the Celtic’s style with only flute (and woodwinds), violin, harp, and pizz. I add in the 2nd part percussions like xylophone and bells. And the piece finishes in brass band...

I find the result very fun!! :)!!

I think it’s a nearly finished. I have now to add percussions (like tambourine an djumbe and snare drum). At that time, I only use Final as software, and I don’t have sounds I want for percussion. This version is ready; I’ll see percu in a next step. In fact, I’m not sure other percussions are really necessary.

So, what do you think about this?


Well, I'm not sure. In general it's not bad at all – I do definitely like it – but it does stick pretty close to the source material and that might count against you. As far as adding percussion, that's up to you. I don't think it needs it.

The one thing I had an issue with was the xylophone. Because of that, the song goes from sounding like a beautiful ballroom waltz to low-quality carnival music (which I personally feel the source material kind of sounds like as well, even though I do like it). If this is something you were looking for as far as the 'fun' goes, you hit it dead on; however, I do think it would sound better without it (or, if you add percussion, it could end up sounding better with it).

If you want to make it fun then consider blending this with "Eternal Harvest", which has a faster tempo and does have a Celtic flavor. It may help.



Thanks Shinigami for your comment !

Yeah, maybe the xylophone is to see again. It's a midi sounds, I've the real instru on Final but not enough low. I'll see!

I know that the melody is a little close to the source, but the arrangement is in the instrumentation. I think it makes the difference.

I work on percu, I’ll see the result. If I get something better, I transmit.


I listened to your remix and overall I think it's a pretty good remix, although it is very close to the source, but I personally don't find anything wrong with that, I'm more of a faithful-to-the-source remixer myself. I like the fact that it's an orchestral remix, I make orchestral remixes too. =)

However, I have a few suggestions on how you could improve it.

Firstly, I think you should increase the overall volume, the song is kind of quiet.

Also, in some places the melody becomes a little muddy because of all the other instruments - try increasing the volume of the instruments that play the melody and decreasing the volume of the background instruments, just to make it sound clearer if you know what I mean.

Some percussion would be nice, but not too much, maybe some cymbals and timpani or stuff like that.

I agree with Lady Shinigami about the xylophone - although I don't think it sounds bad, it's just a little too loud.

Also, I find the ending a bit sudden, maybe adding some reverb on the harp, some decrescendo strings and some quiet wind chimes would help finish the song in a calmer way.

Nice work on the arrangement, just try playing with the volume a little bit and it'll be even better! =)


I agree with Archangel - the song winds down too quickly I feel.

I'm not sure whether it is YouTube distorting the volume levels or anything like that, but it also sounds like the horns are too loud in the latter half of the song - they drown out the rest of the instrumentation. Otherwise it seems like a nice song.


I listened to your remix and overall I think it's a pretty good remix, although it is very close to the source, but I personally don't find anything wrong with that, I'm more of a faithful-to-the-source remixer myself. I like the fact that it's an orchestral remix, I make orchestral remixes too.

Otherwise it seems like a nice song.

Thanks for your nice comments!!!

Firstly, I think you should increase the overall volume, the song is kind of quiet.

I agree with Archangel - the song winds down too quickly I feel.

I agree, the volume overall is too low. For the first version, I made a unique record (just to see the global style). So, I can’t increase volume without saturation. But, in the definitive, I’ll make a record for instrument one by one, and I can play on volume.

I agree with Lady Shinigami about the xylophone - although I don't think it sounds bad, it's just a little too loud.

You’re right; I’ll reduce volume for xylophone. At the moment, I don’t manage to get a just proportion between melody and accompaniment. I’ll work on that.

Also, I find the ending a bit sudden, maybe adding some reverb on the harp, some decrescendo strings and some quiet wind chimes would help finish the song in a calmer way.

For the ending, it’s what I wanted, the effect sudden. Fanfare with brass and timpani disappear straight of, to leave place with only the harp and the flute. I think the effect is good. But I agree that the last accord with woodwinds don’t work. I’ll change that !

Thank’ s for your suggestion :)

  • 2 years later...

Well, first thing, I think it's way too low in volume. A few db up in volume would help. I have my volume all the way up and it's still just too soft.

The hat percussion element is a little too exposed.

I don't know if that xylophone works, especially when it runs up the scale, it sounds way too fake.

I also think when everything comes in, it all gets way too cluttered.

I'd EQ some instruments a tad, try to get more separation. The reverb is very far away for things like the harp, which is fine, but I think a few things (like the flutes) could sound a bit closer in range, otherwise the song is at risk of sounding flat.

It's a nice arrangement, it just needs more work, and a perfected and deliberate sound.


Thanks for your comment!

I've tried to correct points you noted to me.

Tree of Life v2 : http://www.reverbnation.com/bluelighter

Xylophone was the own instrument made with a synthe of FL. Maybe the problem is contrast with sounds made by Finale. So, I used marimba with GPO sound and reduced a little.

I've also added more of flute and trumpet at the end to accentuate melody. Finally, I’ve a little reduced the loud part.

So, I could increase a little volume of the whole piece without saturation. But I think it still too low. Does someone know how increase volume of on orchestra piece, yet normalized?

Is there other point to review? It’s the first time I use Finale for percussion, like fanfare or tam-tam. Is this enough realist?

Thanks for your help!

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

A few things to note:

I like the general light-heartedness of it all, and I like the pizzicato strings a lot. From 1:13 it gets better.

However, from 1:49, the melody line is drowned out by the rest of the instruments. Not sure if that was intended, but it's difficult to pick it out. The slowing down from 2:30 to 2:35 is anti-climactic in a not-very-good way: yes, it's meant to be anti-climactic, but it doesn't sound as if it's been resolved. The percussions are left hanging, and that makes all the other parts sound terribly disjointed, I find.

Also, I found the lower percussions a bit overpowering in the introduction (and the sections where there wasn't much of a bassline).

The piece ended well.

  • 2 weeks later...

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