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This is something from 2007. It's an incomplete, concept remix of a DDR song, but not in the usual style. This is MaxX Unlimited and small parts of Legend of MaxX as if they were arranged for an orchestra.

Orchestral work is definitely not in my element and I know that I can use better samples for many of the instruments, but it's an idea I like and I'm just throwing it out there. It's a pretty basic arrangement. If there is any considerable interest for completing this then I may have to look to others for assistance (maybe a collab? who knows) because I know I'm not one of the best to pull this off. But let me know what you think anyways.


Source music...




This is a really cool concept. I'm not super familiar with the source, but what you have definitely isn't bad at all! I'd like to hear more :D The plucked viola(?) at the very end reminded me of Treetop Tumble from DKC. Very nice.


Haha, this is an awesome source and you've taken it in a really surprising direction, which is really cool. I can't help, unfortunately, due to my limited knowledge, but I say just continue in the direction you're going and get the skeleton of the song finished! This is already a great arrangement but could be a really cool collab!


Wow, I wasn't expecting that at all. This is pretty good, and I think if you add more length to the song as well as build on it a bit (more meat, cresendos possibly, etc.) then it would be amazing. Sounds like you just need to flesh it out, but I like what you have so far. :nicework:

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