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You can reach me at this email anytime (nick.perrin@hotmail.com)

The submission is available for download at a permanent location linked here:

Your ReMixer name

Nick Perrin

Your real name

Nick Perrin

Your email address


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Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile


Name of game(s) arranged

Contra Force (NES)

Name of individual song(s) arranged

Level 2 (Shipyard?)

Title of Submission: "Power Trip"

Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site)

I can't find any info online on the composer(s), but these 3 are credited as such in the end of the game under "SOUND":




Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site)


Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.

Upon discovering the Contra Force games in my search for more and more 8-bit music (and Contra titles), I knew there should be some solid tunes afoot. Even though the game was technically not part of the series at first kind of like Mario 2, the music still kicks butt. I've remade the first level tune but this submission is the 2nd level, the shipyard. Upon hearing these tunes they instantly became 8-bit favourites and just begged to be remade, MAINLY because no one has ever touched this game's music before. In fact, there are still so many 8-bit games out there with great music that because of their lack of market popularity are painfully un-remixed to this day, and it's basically a VGM lover's duty to bring this stuff back. So, please enjoy the track - I hope to capture the feel of the original rather than change it completely, while also expanding upon it.

-Nick Perrin


Damn, I love what you did with this. On the surface, it comes across as a slower, slinkier version on the original, funky even, but there's all sorts of excellent details to this, like the harmonic riffing on the end of some phrases, and the string stabs. I found myself air drumming to some of those great drum breaks. I might have toned down the synth lead some - it overpowers what is already a pretty stuffed track - and the mixing could be a little cleaner, but that's no reason to reject this. Awesome work, please send us more, Nick!


  • 2 weeks later...

This is a stellar arrangement with excellent guitar playing, and relatively good production. The amount of details added is perfect, and it's obvious a lot of care went into everything. The fact that the source is both obscure and awesome is just another bonus.

I think the string stabs could be a little drier, and the synth lead give a bit more verb, but otherwise, Things fit pretty well together. The guitar tone was a little unconventional, but sounded good to me, and fit the track.

I really like it, thanks for submitting this!



Great adaption. Not a terribly hard decision to make here: the source is well done, with plenty of added elements to really make this shine. I'm definetly a fan of the drum fills; they really compliment everything going on.

I agree with Vinnie that the synth lead could be brought down just a bit to balance out the soundscape a bit more, but that's hardly a deal-breaker.




  • Wasn't quite feeling the brushed drums at :42; didn't quite mesh, maybe pulling them back would have helped.
  • The hats at 2:07 seemed to be too loud.
  • The strings at 2:22 also sounded pretty unrealistic for those few seconds.
  • At 2:56, the electrosynth was too shrill/piercing with the highs.
  • Same with the synth brought in briefly at 4:02 & 4:19; too much treble

But aside from that, very solid stuff. Very creative and full of expressive ideas with a badass groove. I'd love to see some production tweaks on this to get everything sounding its best, and I'd hate to not be able to get those tweaks. But if we can't get 'em, I'd rather have this on the site than not. Keep 'em coming, Nick, this is fun stuff.

YES (conditional)


  • Wasn't quite feeling the brushed drums at :42; didn't quite mesh, maybe pulling them back would have helped.
  • The hats at 2:07 seemed to be too loud.
  • The strings at 2:22 also sounded pretty unrealistic for those few seconds.
  • At 2:56, the electrosynth was too shrill/piercing with the highs.
  • Same with the synth brought in briefly at 4:02 & 4:19; too much treble

I agree with most of this (not so much the drum stuff), but even taken all together, I don't think they add up to a no. Excellent, well-developed arrangement and good production besides the little hangups. I say contact him and see if he'll touch it up, but this is more than good enough for the site as is.


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