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Remix Name: Okaa-San no Komoriuta (Translation: Mothers Lullaby)

Remix of: NSF file 26/Town theme (http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/eb0_mother_field1.mid)

Game: Earthbound Zero/Mother

From Remixer: E-Claire

E-mail: andy_t482@hotmail.com ClaireWarren2@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.e-claire.tk

We didn't think it was anyone special, but the folks at VGmix and the WIP seemed to like it a lot, so we figured we'd give it a shot.

Many thanks,

Andy and Claire


Should the piece be rejected solely because of the background noise (I knows it bugs the heck outa me) then you can find a raw version at the following locations...

This effect was achieved by handing the MP3 over to Andy's uncle Jonathan who spent a couple days doing various bits of jiggerypokery to it. We don't know what exactly...but it turned out great.

(Some links may die during the submission process...that's why I mirrored it in three locations)


So yea, piano version of this song.

It basically plays through the original with some pretty nice variation. My issues include the lack of human touch and subpar piano sequencing. This was sequenced, right? One can tell. Secondly, no real chords, just a simple bassline. Its weak. Gotta be more advanced than that.


  • 2 weeks later...

I liked the "audience" in the beginning of the piece, and then as it trailed through the rest of the mix, it oscillated between annoying and distracting, both of which are not good things.

But for the piano piece itself, the first thought that immediately sprung to mind was, "Awww, this is cute" and I NEVER F'N say that. There is some obvious competency with the arrangement, and normally, I would be the first one to push for more complexity or sound breadth. With this song, the minimalsm works completely in its favor, adding to that "Aww" factor.

If it's live, what a horrible piano. If it's sequenced, what a horrible piano.

But I really like it.


I'm still on the fence about the ambient audience effect. I'd like to hear what my constituants think.

edit: for spelling. Cause spelling counts, bitches.


First off, lemme point out that the track being remixed isn't NSF file 26, it's NSF Track 4. Second, I dunno what Prot heard, but I definitely didn't hear much variation. Third, this is an alright piece. My mom heard me listening to it and lemme know that she enjoyed it, and it is ok to just chill around to. But this is essentially a slowed down piano cover of the original that goes for two loops with fairly unrealistic-sounding pianos and audience ambiance that doesn't match the comparable crispness of the piano, exposing it as really fake, which is tough if you want it to enhance the mix.



I've listened to this mix over and over again, and I have to say, that while it's pleasant enough, it's really not very interesting. Basically, as Prot said, the piece lacks the crucial 'human touch' that a solo piano piece simply MUST have.

If you're going to do a piano piece, I would suggest playing it live; this sounds very sequenced.


This effect was achieved by handing the MP3 over to Andy's uncle Jonathan who spent a couple days doing various bits of jiggerypokery to it. We don't know what exactly...but it turned out great.

So how is the bitrate of the background noise lower than that of the piano if this was all recorded live? The world may never know.

Actually, it does. This is a sequenced soundfont, and it sounds suspiciously like this midi.


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