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Remix Title: Secrets Abound

Remixer Name: NoWave

Real Name: Stewart Griffin

E-mail Address: nowavecollege@hotmail.com

Website: www.nowave.tk

Name of Game: Secrets of Evermore

Name of Song: Halls of Collosia (part 1)

Comments: Formed in the hellfire forge of the People's Remix Competition, this is the one ri-- oh wait, wrong website, sorry. Anyway, it's a remix of halls of Collosia from secret of evermore. I was digging it and thought it sounded decent, so what the hell. Here ya go.


This reminds me somewhat of graylightning's mixes. there's no huge climax, but there's always something new going on, and there's a subtle build. I really like this piece. it sounds truly cavernous, and it brings a new and interesting sound to the table. while it might border on repetitive, i think it's solidy above the bar.



The opening sound reminds me of the Emperor of Balladry from Treasure Hunter G; nice glassy sound. However, everything in this sounds very faraway and distant. The reverb might be a bit much. Vig said cavernous, but for me it's just hollow and thin sounding.

Aside from that, the arrangement is really repetitive. Voices are layered over eachother at different times, but it doesn't really seem like there's much interpretation here; mostly lines lifted out of the MIDI. While this isn't a rip, I wish you'd take some more chances with a song like this.

An interesting sound, but my vote is NO.


I'm assuming the chimes are supposed to be non-harmonic and simply for percussive/environmental purposes, but that does not make them any less annoying.

As for the rest, repetitive, builds a bit, but does not vary at all. Repeat Repeat Repeat, and always present are the nails-on-chalkboard chimes.



The reverb is definitely too much, but reverb is a very personal choice. My view, in this case is it doesn't detract from the mix enough to slant my vote. The glassy flute lead is very piercing on the other hand. Either work with eq on that or lower it an octave.

I also don't know what protricity is referring to non-harmonic chimes, the bell/metal percussion is very much chromatic.

I think this piece would have been much more successful if there weren't so much high frequency instruments. I would suggest lowering the flute/glass pad and chromatic percussion an octave lower. I also would have liked more layers of instrumentation and instrumental changes.

I'm quite torn on this mix, there's some problems here that other judges mentioned and on the other hand this is solid and unique that I'm going with a borderline Yes.



Regardless of anything else, that high-pitch flute lead is painful, end of story. I have no issue with the repeating bell loop, which is pretty clearly chromatic, but the overall repetition in this arrangement and the excessive reverb on annoying instruments kills whatever feel this was going for.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not suggesting that all the reverb has to go, but I think this mix would benefit more from NoWave being a bit more selective in what gets reverbed and what doesn't, along with the level of reverb. Toning down the reverb on those war drums, the chimes, or the strings for example would at least draw some attention to those instruments and make one feel that there's a little more going on in the forefront.

The ideas here are certainly alright, and NoWave's gotten some mileage out of the massive reverb approach, but I have a problem where, when you reverb EVERYTHING, there needs to be something solid to grasp onto and listen to. The fact that that "something" is that piercing flute makes it that much more of problem. It absolutely has to be pulled back.

On a minor note, I agree with Prot on the non-harmonic chimes in one section; when they were backing up some brief string ambiance from 4:19 until 4:36. Gray can pwn me about that later. :-) The notes on the chimes are a little odd, but didn't bother me for the rest of the song.

Overall, like I said when I pimped it for VG Frequency a few weeks ago, this was a solid track and I liked it, but while the feel is very mysterious, it does get repetitive by the time you reach 3:20 and then nothing new happens. Anything you could do to break the monotony there would be appreciated. If you want though, NoWave, just re-examining the production on this might be enough to get this passed with a resubmission. Don't throw in the towel on this one.


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