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Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo - Ryu's Theme Remix - The Saga of a Warrior

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Greetings. This is my very first post on OC Remix. I've done this remix quite some time and I've posted on Mobilecastle.biz and Jamglue.com as well, for those listeners who really appreciate the new remix rather the originals. I've finished all the remixes before I heard or saw this OC Remix website before, but I do love the release of the original remixed soundtrack. Okay, long story short. Let's get into business, shall we?

This is my first remix started out by Ryu's theme. I never thought of names for the theme I've remixed but now that I think I had to. The groove for this theme is just simply a spice of trance and some electronica beats. Consider this theme is my most favourite theme of all Street Fighter. Please give sincere feedbacks and I'll look into any pros and cons. Until the next post!



From this theme, I would like to say that, I've heard the remix of OC Team for the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix. It's pretty awesome! Rock, effects and booming sounds!

But, my theme really something light. Still rocks, and I've made it just like I'm in a band jamming from our garage studio. I don't have friends fanatic on game music, they just thought they're grown ups. Music are for every ages, no doubt. For Ken's theme, is my 2nd favourite in list. Due to the brilliant composition, I had an urge to do a remix of my own to keep, and to let the public listen to it! Kindly drop comments on this theme, I'm aware something's not in order to sync the music but it's likely the taste for the mix. Check it out.



Well, Chun Li's a sexy character. You can tell how she dress up, and you wished to have a closer look below the splitting up skirts.. Heh, just kidding, if you're not the one I'm talking about.

Unlike others, I put the techno beats on this because the tune seemed pretty up the fast pace tempo rhythm. Sorry about my English, if you think I'm talking silly here. I'm from Malaysia, not so high educated but very enthused in music, especially soundtracks.

Eventually, all done in original way but just replacing the instruments and all the drum beats and effects, are originally composed by myself (including the previous threads, and future threads as well). Speakers are good to listen to it. Have a pair of headphones? (Audio Technica recommended) Tune in...



Originally, the theme made as in Japanese traditional music. I made it like Red Hot Chilli Pepper playing at it. I've heard the latest, from OC Remix and even Street Fighter 4's themes (f..k..g Awesome!).

The way I made it, yes it's funk. With a lay back drum beats, simply strumming guitars at background and tight distortion guitars, quite amusing and cool new theme for this character. Check it out.



Actually, the original theme really annoying because of the elephants... Hehe... For Dhalsim's theme, it was made traditionally Indian music as well. When I start out this theme, I thought I should do a really groovy feel.

So, I made it electronica too. (Big fan on electronicas!) The starting point with Indian Tabla wacking and the synth came in with a woosh... Listen to it, you'll get the idea...



Truly, I love how the bass guitar composed in the original theme. When coin-up games released in the 80's, it was very hard to listen the clarity of the themes from the game, due with all other coin-up machines blasted their speakers as well. But still, I can remember how Zangief's theme was.

So for this theme, revised as funk.. All the way! Indeed, a touch of Red Hot Chilli Pepper again.. I can't explain much how the groove is, better if you listen to it! Enjoy! (Miraculously remix such a fine tune...)



I know all about the theme's title... Just put it in and let it have a name!

The original has quite a grooving tune. I'm very impressed to hear the new composition when the first release of Super Street Fighter 2. Comparing the 4 new character's theme, I prefer Cammy's...

When I started out, I felt that Cammy's theme should be made of Trance feel. The rhythm's really giving me the sentimental goosebumps. Her sexy outfit, mysterious history made her suited the theme itself. Very interesting character, mmm... Nope, not that I'll fall in love with her...

Okay, listen to it and feedbacks will be much appreciated...




Okay, the original groove withstand the traditional Jamaican Samba groove. I love Samba, would a girl dance with me in this theme?

Never tried that, since I don't have a girlfriend. The theme I've remixed will stick to the genre, the Samba feel won't fade too much, still there... And needed you to listen to it, and click reply for the feedback, thank you!



I'm sure someone here would have heard of Beyond, the famous band from Hong Kong. Technically, Fei Kong's another Bruce Lee, but I can't say it's a bad clone or something, but Tekken really did a good job for Lee.

How I made this, was firstly thought of Beyond. They are the rock band recognised to be best in music compositions, especially their lyrics, deep and meaningful. To make Fei Kong's theme merging Beyond's fame, I made it Rock style. Like Beyond's jamming Fei Long's theme. Not so authentic, try listen to it and see what's the outcome...



Actually, for the villain's theme, Balrog's theme the sweetest... Ah I mean, the coolest.

I supposed one of the great composition of all the themes in Street Fighter series. Apart from the original, I made it in trance version. Yes, it seems like I love trance, you know it quite well. Trance has its own different compositions and feelings, for this attempt, the tune quite a fast pace tempo for the rhythm. Click the link below and you'll see...



Vega's theme in Latin music version. At some times, I figure this theme like for a matador... you know, bullfighting sort of theme...

Anyways, I made this theme, again in trance, but harder... just because, again.. tune's way too fast in rhythm. It can be done in electronica, but I prefer something like hard trance... supporter... heh.

Well then, please listen to it and drop some comments... thanks...



In spite the title of the theme, Sagat's quite an angry man. He laughed only when he defeats his rival. With an eye patch, he wasn't to happy for his life as if he ever gets laid with such a look...

Okay, so I made the theme really jazzy style, because... well, Sagat's theme pretty off-beat. Can't really do much to tune to right beat tempo, but I've managed it. Just take a listen, the whole new version of tamed tiger Sagat... hehe... hilarious...



I wonder, he's from Thailand? Or just being out of nowhere and trying to held captive the country?

Whatever, he's just an insane world dominator and to think he's a real powerful character, why don't you take Gouki or Gouken as part of examples? Or Seth, maybe... If you ever played Street Fighter 4.

So, I made this theme like Chem Bro style, fast electronica drum beat, and some orchestral... (By leader request?) The theme will make you feel intense just because you're fighting the last rival of the whole game right? Follow the link below and you'll know what am I talking about...



The most memorable theme when you start walking into the video game shop, whereby the coin-up machines line up with Street Fighter 2's the first in the line...

I remember how the tune was, and it was really quite rock n roll feel. For this, I dedicate to the fans who love rock n roll and mostly for Street Fighter themes. I don't know anybody out there who have tried jamming this theme, honestly I've tried, even the theme's bit short, but it's fun to jam with.

Listen to this remix I've made, imagine it as if you're jamming in a studio... comments from yall awaits ya!



I listened to your Vega remix as well as this one. I'm just going to be frank.

You need to do more than just import a midi and tweak the sound of each instrument. I realize that you added a bell and a whistle here and there, so to speak, but you need to do a hell of a lot more to it.

I'd say pick your favorite track that you've done so far and focus on it, rather than flooding the forum with midi rips. Give it an original intro and put your own personal flavor into it.

For perspective, compare your Vega mix to the original. Then find Club del Toro, which is a remix on this website of Vega's theme, and compare it to the original. You'll see what I'm talking about.


By posting so many of the tracks, you're basically spamming the feedback forum. Either post it as an album kind of thing with just one thread, or post just a few of the tracks - the ones you're most interested in feedback on.

Hard to give any good feedback on laptop speakers, but I don't need good speakers to tell that SLyGeN's right about the midi rip thing. While you can remix them any way you want, you'd have to do some creative arranging if you want to submit them to ocremix.

Aside from Club del Toro, listen and compare remixes of other songs you know and see how different they are. They're longer, might have different rhythm, might use the melodies differently, etc.. That's what ocremix is all about.

Welcome to ocr tho, it's a great place to hone your skills and share your music. :D

I listened to your Vega remix as well as this one. I'm just going to be frank.

You need to do more than just import a midi and tweak the sound of each instrument. I realize that you added a bell and a whistle here and there, so to speak, but you need to do a hell of a lot more to it.

I'd say pick your favorite track that you've done so far and focus on it, rather than flooding the forum with midi rips. Give it an original intro and put your own personal flavor into it.

For perspective, compare your Vega mix to the original. Then find Club del Toro, which is a remix on this website of Vega's theme, and compare it to the original. You'll see what I'm talking about.


I firstly read the forum rules, and even checked out some other artists' threads and I found out they're only upload a mix in a single thread. I don't wished to flood the forum but I've made many of them weeks ago.

As been advised, I'll make my other remixes in a single thread onwards.

Also, I knew they aren't much changes and sounded exactly the original. I've just started out my journey in remixes, and no doubt I've heard many of the remixes from other artists. They're great, assembling the rhythms and make the tracks longer.

My purpose to make these themes in their original length just because not most of the people did it, I realised that. And somehow, I would make a longer version, in future, after I've done what's from the original length but in different feel and taste.

I appreciate your advises and I'll make sure these will take handy for me to amend my mistakes and improvement. Thanks for listening...

By posting so many of the tracks, you're basically spamming the feedback forum. Either post it as an album kind of thing with just one thread, or post just a few of the tracks - the ones you're most interested in feedback on.

Hard to give any good feedback on laptop speakers, but I don't need good speakers to tell that SLyGeN's right about the midi rip thing. While you can remix them any way you want, you'd have to do some creative arranging if you want to submit them to ocremix.

Aside from Club del Toro, listen and compare remixes of other songs you know and see how different they are. They're longer, might have different rhythm, might use the melodies differently, etc.. That's what ocremix is all about.

Welcome to ocr tho, it's a great place to hone your skills and share your music. :D

hi greetings,

first of all, thank you for listening. i'm glad that actually after posting by yesterday and instantly by today i can hear some comments and advises from the gurus :)

sorry i don't mean to spam the forum. i thought it was like a track per thread. before in hand i did check out other artist thread and most of them one track per one thread. and even posting rules. so now i should have all the tracks i wanted to post in single thread. now what's done been done, you actually want me to rearrange the threads i've posted into single thread?

i'm using laptop do remixes as well. but i don't use the laptop speakers that much, just only 2.1 speakers and my favourite audio technica headphones. basicallly i do remixes using my headphones.

I understand the comparison from mine to club del toro. not only this track but others too. i started out knowing nothing about oc remix and even jamglue. i just started posting up all the remixes i've made on some mobile phones forum. i don't get much replies or comments from there, only moderators appreciate my hardwork...

i done all the tracks i've posted here within the instant inspiration from my own. it's sort of like fast improvise. i had a friend who's a true paint artist and he got his own website 30dayartist.com, he used to free himself a month to start out 40 pieces of paintings in different canvas sizes. years later, every other artists from other countries followed the pace, to show the world what art is all about.

my reason to show my work to the public, it's just the same as my friend did. he knew i love music and he advise me to do something about it. now here i am, no doubt i can compete, or not within the artist here. at least i know how much talent i have for all the best i've given.

also, i did all the tracks like, 4 hours per track. yes, it's all from the midis. i'm not so good in rhythms, i don't play pianos and guitars. i'm just a drummer. you can notice how i arrange the drums for all the tracks. in real life, i only shown one friend who really likes my remixes, my other friends, they just thought i still haven't grown up. hell, music is my life...

thanks for letting me know what should i do in the next step. right, is the length and the rhythm arrangement. i'll take note for that. right now most of my remixes are done and i don't plan to change anything about it because it's based from my inspiration and it's original, from me. which makes my trademarks. sorry to tell you that. other than that, i could do extended versions.

yes, it's great to be here for people who really know how to appreciate the remixes done by unknown people to be known. fame is everyone needs, but most importantly the efforts being appreciated...


Mmm... forum flood. I actually tried to listen to Ryu's theme, but that link was broken.

For something like this, I agree that posting this as an 'album' would've been the wise choice. Of course, I also understand why you did it the way you did (the rules do say to post one song per thread, in order to prevent possible reviewers from being intimidated to review and such), so yeah... now you know :)

Midi rip, bleh. You already know, so let's move on.

The production is a little shallow, while getting muddy at 0:24 & 0:31. The production needs to fill out for the most part (giving the ears something more to grab, overall), and balance out some of the parts when it starts muddying up.

Using the sample drum loop over and over again is like

. It's not a bad beat, but it just stays the same, all the way through the music. If/when you make your next mix, remember the mix the drums up a bit.

Meh, yeah, nothing special. I don't have anything against midi rips, personally, but they'll never be anything spectacular, either. I'll be listening for more remixes from you though.

Oh, and double/triple posting is looked down upon, around here. Try responding to everyone in a single post next time :)

Good luck with your music!!


Alright, it looks like everything has been mainly covered by Gario, Rozovian, and SlyGen so I'm going to keep this brief. I don't mean to be harsh here, but these are pretty much just rips of the original MIDI and those won't ever get past the OCR judges. So, I know you tagged every one of your mixes with Mod Review, but every one of the mixes has a pretty similar set of problems with it that would prevent them from passing.

  • MIDI rip is a big no-no. You can use the MIDI for reference of course, but you need to change up the instrumentation, arrangement, and structure more than you already have.
  • The production is iffy. Some of your samples work better than others but the way they're mixed together is still relatively amateurish.
  • The song length is a problem - generally, only mixes that are 2 minutes or longer have a chance at getting accepted.
  • Your repetitive use of loops is also cause for concern.

These critiques apply to all your mixes really, so if you want to get posted to OCR, you're going to need to improve in all these areas. What you're doing is fine if you're just making music for fun, but know that you're going to keep getting the same critiques if you don't take all the above areas into consideration.

  • 2 weeks later...
Bad VSTs just flooded the WIP thread. Try making a link to where all your songs are. This is ridiculous. Also, songs need work, BAD.

I think what this guy is trying to say is that don't make 100+ threads for 100+ WIP's if they fall into a general category (in this case Street Fighter themes).

I would've reviewed these songs if they weren't all over the place, I just didn't feel like doing all of them if they all had their own threads.

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