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OCR01227 - *YES* Final Fantasy 9 'Shepherd Won't Alone'

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remixer name : Tuba Lin


name of game remixed:Final Fantasy 9

I'm sorry my English is not good.

The original music is in FF9 OST disc 4 track 9.

This is my first game music remix for OCR.

I use Roland SC-8850 and cakewalk to make this music..

Several years after I listend the original music,I got some idea about the prelude part and flute and harp part,but I stopped for some reason.

One day while I'm listening the OC rimixes I suddenly realize that I should arrange something for submission to OCR,and this is it.

If I missed any imformation that should provide,or any feedback just e-mail to :

tuba@pchome. com.tw and/or tuba_lin@hotmail.com

Thanks for the great site,it let my thought and dream flying free.


ALRIGHT! Finally. This is well arranged. Its good to hear an orch arrangement that isn't all about OMG I GOT GIGASAMPLES LO1LOLOL!1OL1OLOL!OL1LOLOL!1OL. Never thought too much of the original, but this guy gave it a great deal of variation.

Everything that counts this remix has.


eh, I mean



Unlike with Zelda, where an orchestrated-style version of the Overworld theme has already been used as in-game music and done for countless remixes, hearing "You're Not Alone!" done in the same orchestrated manner is at least a fresh genre choice for the source material.

The samples are average but they aren't just flat-out crud, and I was impressed by how relatively well the dynamics turned out. Even though most of the instruments don't sound great, there's at least some meat on all of them and the manner in which they're produced is reasonably humanized. The first 10 seconds of the intro were bleh, but things certainly picked up after that. For those that would crap on the sample quality, I've heard way way worse. It's got a lot of finesse for something with samples like this.

Personally, I'd rather hear OMG-by00tiful Gigasamples :wink: all day, but Tuba here has made quite a lot out of a little. The ReMixing forum should be consulted so Tuba can hook it up with some higher quality (and free) stuff for the future, but, otherwise, solid work. If this doesn't make it, I'll admit I won't die over it, but I can't hate on this.



Alright, you've managed to use your sounds really well. They're not the most amazing, but you've put them together in such a way that a pleasant texture comes a across. Very nice!

The arrangement is quite nice. I agree with Prot about the variation; good stuff through and through. The transition at 2:10 is kinda jarring, but it's followed up with a nice execution. Everything melds together nicely and sounds full and grandiose. Nice flute work too.

Yeah, as Larry says, no way I can 'hate on this.' Nice work.



Very nice work. I agree with all the judges. This is definitely above the line, good arrangement and good orchestration.

Why must we compare everything with high end samples? The SC-8850 is hardly little. It was a standard, until a few years ago in most japanese studios and a favorite tool for videogame composers in japan. Even Uematsu used the SC8850 for a lot of his composition work in the late 90s. The samples and quality are certainly better than most "legit" soundfonts.


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