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PRC169 - Super Gremlin Land (Super Mario Land + Gremlins 2)

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The People's Remix Competition 169


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition!

Showroom Dummy was the winner of round PRC167 and made the new source Kirby Canvas Curse - Silver Submarine. He also did a bonus mix from that.

OneUp and JerryTerry took the challenge and remixed the song. In the voting stage, only two voters send in their vote (Chickenwarlord and me, last round too).

I hope for more remixes and also voters this round. Chickenwarlord and I didn't vote the same which means we have a tie. JerryTerry and OneUp both where allowed to submit the new tune.

JerryTerry and OneUp may also participate in this round, but both must remix the other source then (so OneUp can remix Super Mario Land - Ending and JerryTerry Gremlins 2 - Ventilation Shafts).

Of course they also may remix their own source, but as bonus mix.

!!!!!!!!!!This thread is also posted in the Renoise Forum.

PRC Classic of the two weeks

For some reason I picked PRC23 this time as classic. Source was Pokemon Gold Surfing Theme. The number of entrants was 5. The results where as follows.

Winner: Bladiator - Poke Me I’am Dreaming

2nd: Serge of Hyrulean Power - Synthetic Surfing

3rd: Nodspaw51 - Tides in the Night

4th: Less Ashamed of Self - Yeah You Can Give Blad The Prize Now

5th: Lasakon - Surf Day Dreams

More information can be found at Doulifee's Place.

This rounds source

This round, OneUp and JerryTerry selected the source.


Yet again I choose a source from Gremlins 2. It has so awesome music and is really overlooked.

Gremlins 2 - Ventilation Shafts


Alright, I select the music from the ending of Super Mario Land on the Gameboy. It's an upbeat, catchy tune, yet oddly there haven't been many remixes (that I'm aware of).

Super Mario Land (Gameboy) Ending Theme:



PRC166 was also Gremlins 2. In that round, I was the only one who submitted a song. I want more songs this time. Super Mario Land has never been remixed in PRC before.


Gremlins 2 (NES) - Ventilation Shafts

AND Super Mario Land 1 (GB1) - Ending Theme

MID Gremlins 2

MID Super Mario Land


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. Limitations at ThaSauce require your entry to be 6MB or less in size. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted in the ThaSauce link by Monday May 3rd at 10:59 am ThaSauce time (Check my signature (below) or the ThaSauce page for the exact time left.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they recieve a free first place vote added onto their score.
  7. The winner of the previous contest can't take part, but he/she can enter a Bonus Mix and she/he has a vote that counts twice.

Doulifee's PRC Archives! For information about the previous contests.



I'd like to try & make a PRC comeback sometime, maybe this week, I'll see how things go with school and all, lol =p

Bundeslang, are you able to rename my account on Thasauce from setokaibarocket to Hardbeat Acolyte, in keeping with this new account & new handle? If you can, it'd be great, I'd appreciate that :grin:

Also, according to memory, mixers can remix one or both sources in their entry as desired, though using both sources is encouraged.


It's enough to remix one of the songs (the winners from last round must remix the source they didn't pick then), like Hardbeat Acolyte said. It's allowed and encouraged to remix both sources in one song.

I'd like to try & make a PRC comeback sometime, maybe this week, I'll see how things go with school and all, lol =p

Bundeslang, are you able to rename my account on Thasauce from setokaibarocket to Hardbeat Acolyte, in keeping with this new account & new handle? If you can, it'd be great, I'd appreciate that :grin:

Also, according to memory, mixers can remix one or both sources in their entry as desired, though using both sources is encouraged.

I cannot rename your account, but if you create a new account (Hardbeat Acolyte) I can edit the stats so that all your songs/votes belong to your new account. It's not much work to fix that. Just tell me when you created that account, then I'll fix that.

I cannot rename your account, but if you create a new account (Hardbeat Acolyte) I can edit the stats so that all your songs/votes belong to your new account. It's not much work to fix that. Just tell me when you created that account, then I'll fix that.

Thanks a lot, I'm going to make a new account now :)!!

EDIT: Done, by new username is Hardbeat_Acolyte

Thanks a lot, I'm going to make a new account now :)!!

EDIT: Done, by new username is Hardbeat_Acolyte

I fixed everything from PRC113-PRC130 and ORC. Can you check that it worked (to make sure the spelling is correct and I didn't link the songs to a not working account). If you want to have the stuff at http://doulifee.com/ edited as well you should try to contact Doulifee. Tell me if it works fine then I'll fix the other songs and votes as well.

I fixed everything from PRC113-PRC130 and ORC. Can you check that it worked (to make sure the spelling is correct and I didn't link the songs to a not working account). If you want to have the stuff at http://doulifee.com/ edited as well you should try to contact Doulifee. Tell me if it works fine then I'll fix the other songs and votes as well.

Seems to be right, thanks =D


Welcome to the voting stage

I was already creating the text for this, but OneUp did a last-minute entry (I'm happy he made it on time). The deadline has passed, you can't submit a song anymore. If you want to add a Bonus Track, just post it in this thread.

The mixing stage is over. There are 3 entries.

To vote, you should do the following:

- Visit the stated ThaSauce Page and listen to all the entries

- Scroll to the form at the bottom of the screen

- Fill in the rank of the entries from first to third.

- State a reasoning for it.

- For Participants, they only have to fill in the first and second place box, leave the third box empty. If they vote, they receive an added first place.

- It's not allowed to vote for yourself.

- Don't vote for your favorite source, but for the best remixes.

The winner from the last round, JerryTerry, both has a vote that counts twice. OneUp also was last rounds winner, but since he participates he doesn't have a `double' vote. His vote can make the difference between Showroom Dummy and Hewhoisiam (when it's a tie).

You have until NEXT Wednesday, May 5th at 10:59 am ThaSauce time to vote, check my signature in the first post or simply the ThaSauce page for the exact time you have.

The winner gets the right to choose the source tune for PRC170 which starts Friday

The songs:

Hewhoisiam - 12:01

Showroom Dummy - Race to the Finish

OneUp - Mario Band Ending


It's results time.

The votes are in.

Total number of mixes - 3

Total number of votes - 3

Maximum Score - 9

Minimum Score - 5 (with voting)

OneUp and Hewhoisiam did their best, but they couldn't stop Showroom Dummy. They both received 6 points and a last place wooden spoon.

And the winner of PRC169 is Showroom Dummy with 8 points!

Congratulations Showroom Dummy. You didn't score the maximum, but almost. Hewhoisiam and OneUp tied for second place, probably because OneUp missed the voting Bonus.

Showroom Dummy, you may select the source for PRC170. Send your source to me (with a MID/MP3 file if you can) by PM.

Other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer PM @Ocremix) before next Friday, May 7th at 11:59 am Eastern US Time.

You may select any source from any game, as long as it doesn't have an Overclocked Remix and it hasn't been on PRC before. Check it at the list:


http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above).

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