djpretzel Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 Not half bad... - djp Hey DJP, judges, etc. This is a remix of "Black Omen" from the Chrono Trigger OST. It was made for the PRC 19 and won second place. Personally, I am not a big fan of Chrono Trigger (I like Cross more), but I had some fun in making this remix. The original had a creepy feel to it, so I figured I could mix those creepy elements with some quirky sounds to create this "unstable" mood for the song. From what I've heard , it seemed to work, although it didn't rub some people the right way. Oh, well. You can't win them all. Anyways, this was made in Fruity Loops using free soundfonts and it was encoded with Goldwave. Enjoy. By the way, there might be a glitch in the mp3... Just a tiny glitch in the song; For some reason it works fine normally, but every time i upload it to GCities, it glitches in the same damn spot. If so, use the VGMix link: I would have liked to have the right ID3 tags in it, because it pimps PRC, but it's ok. Thanks. =====
Liontamer Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 - "Black Dream" (ct-3-11.spc) Had the chance to hear this three weeks ago when Navid put this up at VGMix, since I didn't have a chance to vote on PRC19. When I first heard this one, the sounds were questionable, since they were sparse and pretty generic-sounding, so I wasn't too hot on it. You probably won't like it after one listen. After more though, I really came around to appreciating it, so don't let this one go after a quick look. It sounds much more cohesive after several listens. The sounds at the outset are particularly sparse, and generally remain like that, but Myth adequately fills up the space with everything he's got here, even with a minimal low-end presence. Cymbals should have been toned down, and the finger snaps in the middle were too loud, but other than that, the rearrangement of the track I know as "Black Dream" is excellent, really takes the source material in a unique direction, progresses nicely, and makes up for any shortcomings in the synth choices. I'm much more solid on this one on those grounds than Haroon's recent Dream Egg mix, since the production was stronger. The panning was fairly solid and picked up well at the end, the separation/mixdown was excellent, and the percussion was nice and varied. Great job on making the whole greater than the sum of its parts, Myth. You've improved a great deal and have some ways to go, but I enjoyed practically everything here. Quirky material with solid results. YES
Protricity Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 Issue with this song is at all times it lacks structure. Lots of areas where you hear one instrument play, or two alone with no accompany and simply nothing else going on. Theres also a great deal of repeating. No bass whatsoever. The notation is significantly sub par. Audio deformation at 2:25. Percussion is very simple and overuses crash. Only thing this song has going for it is the collection of cool sounding presets/sfs. Perhaps one could call the lack of bass/accompany, and overall excessively minimalistic notation artistic or stylistic but I simply call it very amateur. NO
Vig Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 No bass+no structure+no direction=NO vote. There are lots of cool ideas going on, but they arent finished. this could be passible if there were low end, and if the ideas were completed in a cohesive way.
DarkeSword Posted August 19, 2004 Posted August 19, 2004 Prot, I gotta ask you, what the hell do you mean all the time by the notation? Do you have the sheet music in front of you or something? Noob. Anyway, onto the mix. Where's the bass? This thing needs something more than just kick. It sounds so unsupported like that. Nice percussion work though. Audio deformation at 2:25. Nice interpretation, to be sure, and personally I don't have a problem with the structure. However I DO think you need a meatier bassline and some more accompniment throughout. There's an emptiness that pervades this mix (LIKE THE EMPTINESS IN MY SOUL or something). Nice ideas, flawed execution. Work more on this. NO
GrayLightning Posted August 20, 2004 Posted August 20, 2004 Gotta agree with liontamer on this one. Very catchy and unique. Yes at times it's sparse, but I think it works. Percussion and drumwork is nice. Lots of interesting instrumentation and I like the arrangement. My biggest issue here is the bass is indeed weak, but I can hear it fine on my headphones. Also the bass is panned kind of right, I think it should be more centered, personal choice perhaps. Yeah it's got some issues, but it's pretty solid in my book. YES
Malcos Posted August 21, 2004 Posted August 21, 2004 This is too empty. Even though it is sparse at times, if the bassline was more prominent it wouldn't have mattered. I thought that the mix actually got progressively worse in terms of instrument balance - you could at least hear the bassline at the beginning of the mix. I think the thing that lets this mix down is not the idea, but the execution. With just the right instrument levels this could be pulled off. But as it stands, NO
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