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I kinda vanished for a while, eh?

Well, hell...

Well, I'm working on a track from a game called RPG Maker XP [ Battle #2 ]

I have no clue what to name it, but I have a slight clue as to what direction I want to go in...

Here's the source, I guess. o.o [ I forget a certain someone liked to get onto me for this. ]



And here's my WIP.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKyr2jQgEhg [ Look up for new version. ]

One thing I forgot to mention. I borrowed a theme from two other games, since they're all "three" RPGs. Can you guess?

Any tips would be greatly appreciated...


I like it. I think a lot of effort went into it no doubt. Personally, I think the whole mix is a little on the quiet side, so I would look for a little more volume. If you're already maxed out, I would roll off below 35 hz and see if you gain any headroom. I'm almost tempted to offer to help with the rhythm guitars, but I'm not sure if my sound will mix that well with your track. Check out my mix to see what I'm talking about



Youtube is a terrible place to post your WIPs. If you want to show your stuff off there, it's fine, but it's difficult to tell if production problems are artifacts from Youtube or problems with the track itself. There's a thread dedicated to places you may use for your WIP tracks; I suggest you use it.

Anyhow, onto the mix...

I like the combination of electronic and guitar. However, the balance of the mix is a terribly muddy one. The tracks are too loud, so the guitar work is drown (the leads in particular). As a rule of thumb, it's better to turn down other tracks to get sounds in the front and follow that by turning the limiters up from there than it is to simply make one track louder.

I'm going to shoot from the hip and say it's a bit on the conservative side. The track is also too short - expand it and be liberal with the next minute or so of music and you should be alright, there - the textures are liberal enough as to where just a few changes will probably allow OCR to look at it.

The ending is very abrupt, as if you didn't finish the track. If you didn't finish the track then... well, finish it. If you consider it 'done' structurally then take another look at it and make it sound finished.

The biggest killer, here, is certainly the muddy production, though. Get the leads to shine through the track and be sure to put the background instruments in the background. Otherwise it's a great track, so keep going on it :nicework:.

Electronic + guitar = awesome.

The math is flawless.

I was busy trying to get things level since I did the entire thing through headphones! D:

Dude, I've never gotten that good of a mix through headphones! That's impressive in it own right.

Oh true story... I definitely lol'd at your combination of Ace Attorney and

One! Your guitar work is epic! :

It's my new wallpaper

Youtube is a terrible place to post your WIPs. If you want to show your stuff off there, it's fine, but it's difficult to tell if production problems are artifacts from Youtube or problems with the track itself. There's a thread dedicated to places you may use for your WIP tracks; I suggest you use it.

Anyhow, onto the mix...

I like the combination of electronic and guitar. However, the balance of the mix is a terribly muddy one. The tracks are too loud, so the guitar work is drown (the leads in particular). As a rule of thumb, it's better to turn down other tracks to get sounds in the front and follow that by turning the limiters up from there than it is to simply make one track louder.

I'm going to shoot from the hip and say it's a bit on the conservative side. The track is also too short - expand it and be liberal with the next minute or so of music and you should be alright, there - the textures are liberal enough as to where just a few changes will probably allow OCR to look at it.

The ending is very abrupt, as if you didn't finish the track. If you didn't finish the track then... well, finish it. If you consider it 'done' structurally then take another look at it and make it sound finished.

The biggest killer, here, is certainly the muddy production, though. Get the leads to shine through the track and be sure to put the background instruments in the background. Otherwise it's a great track, so keep going on it :nicework:.

Electronic + guitar = awesome.

The math is flawless.

I see... I've always had a problem with equalizing sounds, but I'll do my best!!!

- goes back to work -

One more thing... Have any tips on sound mastery?

NoEscape was speaking in terms of MHz and stuff which I barely have a clue about. D:

- FLStudio/ All digital sounds -

UPDATE: "Rendering my second attempt. Will be here, within the hour."

Also: I feel special, now. XD - Has acquired another fan -


I'll get my balls busted for saying this, but I use Cool Edit Pro (which is very easily obtained cracked) for my mixing/mastering and it's a solid reference tool for leveling. I use the analyze phase and frequency functions to see where my mix is sitting overall. When speaking in terms of hertz (Hz), the audible range for sound to be perceived by the human ear is from about 33Hz to 18000 hz (18K). Any lower and pitch is not recognized (just sounds like rumble), and any higher just sounds like air (some people claim to hear this). The basic concept for a good mix would be to get all the frequencies to be "about" even when the song is in full gear. I say about because obviously the leads need to be louder and it will show in a frequency analysis. Since you are using pre-rendered sounds to record, I wouldn't worry about EQ (changing the frequency on individual tracks) as much as just using sounds that fit your song. However, if you're trying to learn, then I'll throw out a few suggestions on where instruments should sit in the sound spectrum.

Kick- Should sit somewhere very low, between 40-80 Hz with a spike at 2-3 Khz to add "click"

Bass- Should sit just above the kick at around 80-200 Hz with a spike at 1-2 Khz to add attack (which is the initial strike of the instrument)

Guitar- This one is tough, but I would roll off the lows below 100 Hz and watch out around 3-4 Khz, which will make the guitar sound like it is crackling in your ears (painful) To add bite, try adding a little around 5 Khz.

cymbals- They vary, but the hi hat should sit somewhere around 10 Khz, with the other cymbals placed higher between 11-16 Khz,

I won't go too in-depth because it'll just hurt your head, but this should at least get you started.


I wish I would've gotten that message sooner before making this!


I've put more of a personal touch on here, so you should like it better. Also, I sorted out most of the stereo, and even put in a makeshift intro/outro.

Also, I need to find out why the guitar in the end shorts out, even though it's fine before I render the track.

Also, my drum arrangement skills SUCK! [ So any help on that is GRAND! ]


Glad you changed your hosting. Alrighty, let's hear what we've got...

Hardpanning is... tricky to balance, and you haven't successfully done it, here. Center your panning more, because hardpanning is unsettling to the ears, unless it's either used for special effect or it's properly counterbalanced with another instrument on the other ear.

The beginning is quite nice - I like the piano + flute you had going, there. It's sequenced quite well. The other instruments that come in after... not so much, but it has an excellent start. Spend as much love with the velocities and such on the other instruments and a winner you will be.

The drums are weak. I'd help, but my programs are not compatible with FL at all, sorry :puppyeyes:. Change the drums so they're not so... bland. The instrument itself is bad, the bass EQ has no power, the snare EQ doesn't allow it to be salient, they're too quiet, and the sequencing is poor (I mean, there are all sorts of more interesting beats you can make, there). I know you understand they're poor, to start with - just take what I said as advice and try to change those things up :)

The balance is better, in this mix. Some of the textures could still be put farther into the background, though. Not by much - just enough to emphasis the melodies a little better.

The Song of Storms is a little odd, in there. When it goes into something different it's fine, but the direct rip that plays first is a bit distracting. I suggest you change up the first iteration so it's similar, but not precisely the Zelda song.

The guitar is... um, fake. Nothing wrong with that, but I recommend looking for a guitarist to help you out with it. If you don't want to, please beef out the sound with better distortion, pitch bends (to add a more human sound) and some EQing to the mids/highs in order to make the sound produced more distinct.

Alrighty, hopefully that helps you out. It's far and away an improvement to the last one, so keep it up :))


Thank you. It's quite an awesome song in my opinion. Truth be told, the song sounds like a cross between RPG Maker and Mega Man X (4-6, back in the days of the PS1). :<

You've done a great job, and I hope the judges will accept it! :nicework:


Yoz.:idea: I was listening to the mix again and I thought I would offer some help. Send me the FL session and I'll do a little engineer work. In exchange, I'm trying to start an album project for the Flying Dragon Ost. I can send you links to songs. Will you remix something for me?

  • 2 weeks later...

Ha. I'm sorry I couldn't reply for so long.

I moved out of my old house into a new one and had NO wifi or anything, but now that I'm set up, I can get back to work.

As for that OST, I've never heard it before...

Link me to a few songs! :D

and thanks for the comment! ^__^


As for that OST, I've never heard it before...

Link me to a few songs! :D

and thanks for the comment! ^__^

I made a thread for it. They have a ton of potential, but the production quality is terrible. I'm trying to re-vamp the entire soundtrack if I can. Let me know if you can do any of them.:smile:

Click me for thread

  • 2 weeks later...

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