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My name: The Music Guy (TMG (not to be confused with TMBG)) My remix's name: "Rock'tuary"

Size: 2.7 mb

Song time: 2:55-ish

Bitrate: 128

Game: Zelda 3 (Link to the past)

Composer: Koji Kondo

Song remixed: The Sanctuary theme

What I used: ModPlug Tracker (mostly), some sfx plugins, a little bit of FL studio and a bunch of samples I found wandering around the net.

Sup Djp,

This is my first "official" remix. At least, the first one that's worth submitting.

Don't ask me where I got the idea of mixing synth Rock Guitar with choir aah's...all I remember is that I was sitting there scripting some PC game (which I've probably trashed by now) and suddenly I realized I was humming the sanctuary tune, and I had these guitars playing along side it in my head. I thought "what the...where did THAT come from? It's tight!"

So I mixed it. Voila.

Hope it's worthy,



80s style Drums start out kind of dull but soon pick up the pace. The sound quality is lacking on this and throughout the rest of the mix. I suggest you use Drums by Slavo at hammersound with FL or you can extract the wav data out of these.

What really dooms this mix though is the uninteresting and not very pleasing lead. It's not hard to find better free soundfonts or synths that can do a better job than this.

Work on improving the complexity of the mix and trying to find your own style.

Overall this is too below the bar to pass. Good effort for your first official mix. This is a good stepping stone for you to gain more experience and along with that the quality of your work will improve. Keep mixing and keep at it. Post your work in the OC WIP forum for feedback for your future mixes.


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