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MOVED TO MOD REVIEW: This track is close, but not close enough. I need some extra critque so I can get it 'Just Right' before subbing.

Song of Storms remix, done by me; I have some drum plugins but I'm still learning the drum apps and so If anyone would like to, it's a chance to make a wonderful mix, have a listen and let me know if you want to have a go at it.



I'm impressed at how driving you've made it while keeping the time signature. Nice work. As a fellow Song of Storms remixer, I wanna see this kick ass. It kind'a does currently, but I think it's a little too soon to call it finished (aside from drums). The bass and first 40 seconds are great, but then a weak lead comes in. Acoustic guitar isn't exactly kicking ass here either. Then there's the weird harmonic interplay at the end of the melody where the chords repeat the first half instead of returning to the start on the last note of the melody. I might be biased, but that's how I think it'd work better.

Anyway, some dnb/big beat stuff would make for a pretty kickass drum track. Sure you can't do that yourself? The bass and rhythms you have here might be enough to carry the track, maybe with some added percussive layers, or maybe even just something like a crash and a snare. Not to discourage collaborators or make you take back the collab request, I'm just wondering how necessary it is.

In any case, nice work and good luck. :D


While I appreciate the criticism and the enthusiasm, as well as encouraging me to try some stuff with the drums, I think it would be better to have someone else attempt the drums and percussion work. I REALLY suck with trying to slice together a good percussion beat when it comes to trance/techno/dnb.

Anyway; I took what you said to heart, and livened up some of the samples, including the lead-in; and even made some adjustments to the follow-up so that it doesn't quite start over but instead leads into a grandiose performance; and I also replaced the Acoustic Guitar with a overtone of Trance Arps that really add to the piece.

It sounds good, but I think I may have overdone it.

Here's the link to Variant 2:



Looking over the changes that I have made to this track and having listened to it over and over and over again. I think you've got a point that it stands out even without any real perc/drums.

I think I might just submit this one as is, the bass does have it's own momentum and percussion that suits the mix real well and the source, although VERY apparent, blends well with the creative arrangements.


Not sure about the snare rhythm you employ, or the heavy distortion on the lead, or how the ostinato plays under the distorted parts. Some transitions, especially the one at the end of the snare sections, could be smoother.

It's a good revision but it may be too intense with the distorted synth and current snare writing/sound. Find the right balance. I think this could work, with the right edits. Maybe this thread should be moved to wips?


My biggest gripe with this mix is that it feels like a perpetual buildup towards something that it never really reaches. I think the lack of a driving, pounding set of drums is the biggest reason for this, but in addition, there's very rarely any musical elements taking center stage. Your soundscape sounds pretty squashed and not fleshed out, especially with the backing instruments, which just sound weak. More EQing on that end of things and possibly an overall voulume boost to those elements might do you some good so you get more of a balance between your leads and your accompaniment track.

In all honesty, I think most of the sound choices here are pretty bland, which isn't doing your concept any favors. For the record, I think you've got a very interesting idea with this mix that sets it apart from a lot of other mixes of the same source, so I commend you for that. However, if you're looking to submit to OCR you need a lot more work on your overall production & synth design. More appropriate drums for this genre are pretty much a necessity as well. Without them, I can't really tell whether your song is building up, breaking down, or reaching peak energy at any given point, it all feels lacking in direction. Perhaps some more expansion on the arrangement in general would be good, your mix is pretty short considering how little time you spend with a dominant lead playing the melody.

I hope this doesn't discourage you, I think you've got a neat concept that just needs a lot of polishing to get to a state where it'd be good for OCR. Keep at this one, I wouldn't give up on it by any means :-)


I'm all out of ideas... care to share some with me? :-(

Or just be honest, I'll never graze the halls of OCR cuz I'm not a good enough musician. This is the sixth track I've put together, and it's never good enough.

Don't take it personally, I know you were just trying to help; but I guess I don't belong here.


Dude don't get down. This isn't bad at all, but you are right that its not quite there. the snare starting at 1:28 has got to go. Sub it with something less trashy and bitey. What you need the most (desperately) is cymbal work. Throw some hi hats and various crashes in there and the mix will fill up. The low end sounds fine, but since I can't download your track I can't be certain. WOW! I just noticed that you have no kick drum either. Gotta add it. No wonder the mix sounds lacking! Try a steady 4/4 beat and see where it goes. So basically, you need drums. With those, I'm certain the mix will pass the board.


I want to chime in a little bit. I'll agree with what Emu said he knows what he's talkin about and it's not to discourage you. Believe me I know I've been through it and I still go through it now you just gotta have that drive to improve and want to be the best because I do and I hope you do as well because frankly this is really cool.

Try adding more to the melody and drop some of the elements and add new ones to try to end that feeling of 'perpetual buildup' or add drums and I think any type of drums would work, downtempo or more fast paced drums would work although I've never messed with 3/4 time music so I don't know how that would work. Either way you gotta slow it down or speed it up with some more or less elements and you should put a lead in there so this doesn't feel like background ambience.

You definitely shouldn't stop working on this though. You can always sub it still as Rozo pointed out they can get more specific to try to help you with the things that stand out most. Either way, they'll help to get this track up to speed and you'll learn a tons more in the process.

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