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Slowly, the dust clears, and rising from the rubble of the broken and twisted world rises... a hero.

the fanboy

coming this November to an Xbox near you.


Rabid fanboyism aside (and don't worry, I own a cube too), I really dig this. Dig is different from like. You can like something by nodding your head and gently rapping your foot against the floor. You 'dig' something by air-guitaring and puttin' up tha hornz. So I dig this.

And naturally, that is not to say there aren't bad things cropping up in the song. But I'm going to leave that to my fellow compatriots to knit-pick at (weak ending, sparse in patches), since we've gotta get this show on the road. So we'll play it this way. I vote yes, and everybody else prove to me why that's wrong.



The intro keeps pretty tightly to the source tune. (On a broader look, much of the song does.) The low-sounding string patch for the melody (going until :30 and appearing in other places like 1:51) is noticeably weak, but the usage here was better than the low strings in a lot of other mixes & submissions I've heard; they were serviceable at least, and the rest of the higher-sounding strings were stronger.

After hearing some quality drumwork from :56-1:06, I was a little disappointed to see Chad go in more of the beatkeeping direction, but the drums were at good enough levels where they accentuated rather than detracted from the overall package.

The guitar levels are way, way up there, and managed to go over the top of everything else, but despite the "cluttering" I heard enough separation of sounds present and didn't feel that the important supporting elements suffered much. It works pretty well along the lines of some techno-oriented mixes like SGX's "Kick Your A" & bLiNd's "G-Storm" where you're hit with some excessively dominating leads.

Fairly decent work turning this from a tribal orchestral piece to a (tribal-smattered) metal mix. The little arpegiatted notes were a nice touch. The last 2 minutes got a little bit interpretive with the Halo source material, so while not particularly dynamic of a rearrangement to me, it got the job done there as well. The idea for the ending wasn't bad, if not just stretched out too long, but I didn't mind that. Though, again, some things are going on in the second half on the arrangement side, most of the appeal here is in adapting the Halo theme to a new genre rather than overhauling the structure. Nothing risky by any means and not my thing personally, but it was a bit over that line for me.



Lot of mess in this remix. Areas like 1:10 to 1:30 just got problems. They could have been tightened up. The lead string sounds very very gm. Sounds almost SPC. Guitar sounds cool but is way too loud. Whenever the guitar comes about, not much else is heard. Percussion later on is very weak. Check out 1:50 and up.

Will probably get passed, but I think lots need to be cleaned up here. Mastering, mess, sound quality.



ugh. NO

I'm not familiar with the original, and i'm not gonna bother checking it out here's why:

The guitars are WAY too loud. WAY. WAY. LOUD> Not only can't i hear the other instruments, but there's incredibly noticeable clipping throughout the whole song.

fix this.

positive note: i'm pleased by the guitars in and of themselves. nice fat sound, well recorded. just master it before you submit next time.


There's so much clipping going on here. I agree with the mess in the early parts of the mix. The strings early on have so much decay, way too much.

I actually quite like the arrangement, drumwork is nice too. But again I come back to the clipping issues. This isn't just one or two little instances - it happens throughout the mix and it's annoying on headphones.

Fix the volume levels a bit per protricity/vig's comments and fix the clipping/crackling issues and resubmit then it gets a YES from me, but for now NO.

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