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Tone down the hyperactivity and stuff, buddy. Also, it's interesting to read what YOU think of your mix, what you think you might need help with or what sound or style you were going for.

Arrangement is very conservative, basically sounds like a midi rip with rewritten drums. If you're planning on becoming an ocremixer you've got a few things to learn. Writing your own arrangement is fun. Learn it. :P

Then there's these things called reverb and eq, and this thing called velocity. Learn to use them, they're kind'a important.

How long have you been making music?


So far so good. You still have a lot to learn, tho. Hang out here on the board, listen to other ppl's works, learn from their mistakes, learn to listen for the same problems in your own mixes. Also, listen to lots of music, well-mixed, well-performed, well-composed music, and compare that to your own. Listen to the stuff that gets posted on ocremix, cuz most of it is hobbyist stuff, so you know it's something you can do too if you learn the craft. Be on the lookout for new tools, new synths and effects, new samples, new things you can use. You're not gonna get a remix posted on ocremix this year, so don't expect to. Just make music, learn, improve, and one day, maybe next year, you'll hear from someone that knows what they're talking about that you should submit your remix.

Above all, enjoy it. That's important. Welcome to ocr. :)


Mmm... drums need work (like the other track I commented on, there). Again, a lot of the sounds need to sound more human (although the beats change up considerably more in this track than the other one I commented on). Velocities + reverb are a good idea, like Rozo said. I like the drum track itself, though - it has a lot of flavor in the beats, here.

Check some of the notes, there - some of them are off from the source (like the 0:12-0:14 honky tonk piano). Fix em' up.

The samples are midi throughout (I even recognize them, sample by sample, lol). Look into some free soundfonts or vst/vsti plugins for your instruments - it'll improve the sound by a whole lot.

Like Rozo said, reverb is important. You really can't do much with midi, though (unless you double up the instruments and custom-make the delay/reverb, but we won't go there). Get better samples, then mess with reverb and such to give the sound a richer, more realistic sound. Dry won't fly, here.

For OCR specifically, conservative is not acceptable. If you don't care about that, then don't worry about it since it's not a bad thing, per se. If you look at OCR as a goal at some point, though, then be aware that they don't accept music that's too close to the source.

Welcome to OCR, by the way :P


I'm new to OCR so I won't tear you up like these guys (lol). They are both right in almost everything they're saying, especially with Fx and such. This track is absolutely bearable to hear. To be honest, If I heard this on Youtube, I would probably think it was the original work (not a good or bad thing). However, my only advice would be to tone down those toms at 0:56 and 2:00. They are too hot for the rest of the mix, making it sound a little awkward when they come in. Other than that, just keep at it and play around with changes in the midi files to come up with new leads or harmonies to expand the overall work.

*Edit- EEEWWWW MAN! Nobody welcomed ME to OCR! Nor commented on any of my threads!

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