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Well, since I saw it 3 min after it was posted, I guess I'll review first. I feel like you have a similar problem with the intro as your other track. The lead feels like it's kinda all over the place, and it's hard to get into it. Also, the sustained note at 0:53 is a no no. It was way too loud in my ears and didn't go well. Again, the drum arrangement is solid, and I feel that effort has gone into it. The rhythm "guitar" settings sounds way too fuzzy and cheesy too be passable. I also noticed that the snare in this track is more than a little weak, and I know you can do better. I'm hearing a lot of over compressed settings again, and it's not too pleasing, even for the genre. Again, I like the ornamental stuff I'm hearing in the background (music box settings and such). I'm a fan of the track, but I think these issues should be addressed before you begin mastering it for submission. Again, keep at it, as I could see this track being at home at OCR.:smile:


Er, what's the source?

IMHO the intro at the beginning needs some music before you can tell there's notes here. At 10 seconds it's fine, but before that the stutter doesn't come across much as notes. AT10 seconds however, there's a bit 'OH, it is music!' So, I dunno. Mixed on this bit.

I don't really hear snare, I hear claps, which are okay. I'd still like to hear a snare added. If you really wanna drive it slow, I think this would sound good with a half time snare. Just a simple beat on every 3 where you've got the drums going, in addition to the clap. The lack of snare more apparent that 2:42. It's very funky. I don't even know where to begin with that. Fun stuff.

You might consider cutting this down to around 3:30-4:00. As is it's a bit repetitive. If not, you need to do something to keep it interesting before the break at 3:49. Also, at that break, there is some fuzz that I think should be gone. That break ought to be clean to contrast the, well. Stuff and things that's happening elsewhere.

All and all this is pretty close to ready.

And >.> It's usually when I say that <.< someone else >.> better than me <.< comes along and >.> steals my thunder <.< cause I missed something important...

Er, what's the source?

Perfect Dark - Same name

Anyways, nice remix, I'd say it's a tad too close to the original source though, but you did add alot to it, the bass is very nice. Maybe tinker with the reverb though, it's a little too up close for me when it really starts kicking off :)

PS AWSOME strings


I'm hearing quite a bit of overcompressed clipping in this track, particularly when the drums hit (bass + snare). There's just not enough space in the track for it with all the textures - tone down some of the sound in there.

The trumpet sample grates against my ears... Please change the sample to a higher quality one, or just change the sample completely.

I think it's an interesting remix idea, making a dirty remix of this track, but right now the sound is just overlapping too much to allow room for the production. The repetitiveness of the track isn't good, and it'll be hard to tweak since it's not exactly the most varied source. However, there's certainly more in the original than the first few measures of the track that you use. Listen to

at 1:38, for more source ideas. Also, don't be afraid to use the action sequence theme from that area, as well (it's also in that vid, towards the end). There's more than enough ideas to generate a varied remix from, you just need to break away from the most recognizable portion of it.

It is a good remix, but it still has some way to go, as it stands. Good luck with it.

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