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Hello mr DJp,

Here is my remix

I hope you like it. It is of subtune 7 from the C64 version of X-Out. Subtune 7 is a short synth loop, of about four bars of fluttering synth, which you can hear throughout this track. It was done in Reason2.5 over the course of, ooh, about a year and a bit, I guess. It's taken ages, but I've finally put it to bed. The "LiquidX, I kill your donkey" sample was kindly provided by richBRF.

All the best



I pimped this one back in late July for VG Frequency:

Liontamer[/url'>]Binster - X-Out "LiquidX Remix (VGMix Version)" [VGMix2 #62]

Along with hanging out with A Scholar & A Physician, Martin Binfield has come out with some impressive stuff in the past few months, so if you haven't heard his ICO mix "Icon," you're doing yourself a great disservice. Following up on the ethnic/techno hybrid of Icon, Binster's got some thick-sounding techno on deck with the long-awaited release of this X-Out mix on VGMix. At times, this one sounds a little rough around the edges, but the groove is excellent. Hopefully, Binster follows through with this C64 release by dropping this one on R:K:O as well. Martin's not sure if he wants to submit this as is for OCR yet, so I'll just have to wait patiently, but you fans out there need to get aboard on this one. I could use a few adjustments on the EQing side to not let some of the end feel as cluttered, but this is strong work overall that you won't be disappointed in.

http://remix.kwed.org/sid.php/2730/Xout%20(subtune%207).sid - Subtune 7

As long as the SID source tune checks out, I'm all for this one; In all honesty, I vaguely recall confirming it since this actually got released only a few hours before I joined the panel and I had given comments while this was a WIP. No differences I'm hearing in this version compared to the VGMix release, BTW.

Kinda lo-fi near the end (definitely wanted more distinct sound separation throughout the track, especially from 3:17-3:46 going towards the finish), but like I said the groove is good, the sounds works well together, and the ideas develop well throughout.

Been waiting for this one to come along since I got accepted for the panel; very cool work per the usual, Martin. Looking forward to you submitting Gauntlet 3 "Blue Wizard Is About to Die" if you haven't done so already. Always good stuff.



binster's description of the original is accurate,

which means there's quite a bit of elaboration going on here.

enough to overlook some of the strange mixing decisions (too much sizzle on in the high end and not enough oomph in the upper-low end)


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