djpretzel Posted October 6, 2004 Posted October 6, 2004 email sub file Final Fantasy IX - Save The Queen (OC ReMix).mp3 - djp ReMixer name: Uboichi Real Name: Uub Jacobson E-mail: Remix Info: Game: Final Fantasy IX Original Song: Rose of May I was listening the other day to orchestral mixes of Final Fantasy games in general, when I realized there we’re hardly any orchestral mixes of Rose of May. How could this be possible!? No orchestrated version of my favourite Final Fantasy song!? Something had to be done about that! So I decided I’d make an orchestral ReMix of my own!
Liontamer Posted October 6, 2004 Posted October 6, 2004 Samples are used pretty poorly. The wind lead at :13 sounds very unnatural, drums at :40 are pretty flat. Find out how to articulate your sounds better for a more natural feel. I felt there were sound balance/separation issues at 1:36 once a lot of elements came in. The strings and winds sounded very shrill and overbearing at this point. More of the cluttering happens around 3:42 for the big finish. Basically felt like 2 lengthy iterations of the material with no real dynamic contrast happening throughout the mix which comes across as minimal development (even if you factor in the drums returning at 3:42). 4+ minutes of this isn't particularly interesting. NO
Protricity Posted October 10, 2004 Posted October 10, 2004 Off notes at 1:03 something. Pretty straightforward arrangement. Below the bar for orchestra. Way too standard, trite. Then loop loop. Some rearrangement at the end, not too impressive. Sorry, just below bar. NO
GrayLightning Posted October 10, 2004 Posted October 10, 2004 Orchestration is more than just using orchestral instruments. There is a lack of understanding of compositional and soundstage issues here to create an orchestral set up. For one, there's no orchestral placement. Everything sounds centered. There are tonal problems here too like around 1:40 with both ify notes and the brass just doesn't blend well in the mix with the strings. Not bad at all, it's average. I suggest you work more on your style, orchestration and execution. Listen to more orchestral music and perhaps buy a book or two on the subject. Keep up the work. Orchestration is perhaps the most difficult musical art. Keep learning and better luck next time. NO
analoq Posted October 16, 2004 Posted October 16, 2004 a rather expressionless sounding orchestra sound. and a monotonous one at that... why aren't the various sections trading off the theme? instead the strings just play everything with extra stuff around them. this is lacking contrast and tension. no
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