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EDIT: its over now.


setzertrancer stole the show with his

HE ALSO SINGLE HANDEDLY KEPT THIS EVENT ALIVE because he was the only entry this time around!

There were a number of people who did not quite finish up before the deadline. We kept the original deadline to honor the one dude who made it in time. HOWEVER, we will be having a 2nd viewing party within the next few weeks, featuring the videos of all those who needed that extra week. We already have one extra video ready to go. GET YOUR VIDS FINISHED!


Aight forks, its that time again. The 2nd rendition of the OCR Community Music Video Challenge is drawing to a close. Even as I type, hundreds of community members can be found frantically cutting and pasting and adding fadeouts and credits of all sorts.

Or maybe not.

NEVERTHELESS, you should be excited. Heres why.

OCRMV is a triannual event. It happens thrice as many times per year as your birthday does. It is probably just as important as an event, and it will likely be better attended!

It features your favorite OCR Music!

It features pro video editing and directing from several of this communities finest members! They have had 4 months to GO HARD on these projects, so you KNOW it's gonna be great! Right? RIGHT?!

Most of all, it is guaranteed to be lots of


SO MAKE SURE YOU JOIN US ON IRC TOMORROW at 9PM eastern time for the viewing party!

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