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Guitar Rig vs. Amplitube vs. Waves GTR vs. Revalver vs. ....

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I had the HD500 for a while then I returned it. Not that it was a bad device. It's a GREAT tool with incredible sounds. It literally is what it's named. A POD but in HD. Huge leap forward from the PODxt's tones. The HD500 is also the only one of the 3 that allows you to run two amp models and cabinets at once. The only things I didn't like about the 500 were the complete lack of a power switch and the headache-inducing patch editing. Even using the editing software on a PC is cumbersome, not as streamlined as POD Farm or even the Gearbox software.

I had the HD500 for a while then I returned it.

Same here, for the same reasons as you. I will stay away from the HD line until they actually integrate it into a PodFarm 3 or something.

Was I the only one who liked the PODxt's tones but hated the PODX3's?

Funny... I guess that's the beauty of tastes. I was just the opposite: Loved 2.0, hated XT's and found peace with X3's

Same here, for the same reasons as you. I will stay away from the HD line until they actually integrate it into a PodFarm 3 or something.

Funny... I guess that's the beauty of tastes. I was just the opposite: Loved 2.0, hated XT's and found peace with X3's

All of my songs (every single one) has been on the PODXT. Take that as you will. Some songs have a better tone than others, and sometimes I go back and listen to some of them and think "egads, what was I thinking?". Most notably Omens of Jenova, that tone I used did not lend itself to a low tuned 7 string guitar at all. A total mess.

And then there are songs that, in my opinion, had dreamy creamy tones, like Wily's Requiem. In the final days before my HD500 arrived, I actually wound up crafting one of my favorite tones (a very good Mesa Recto knockoff), but haven't had much luck replicating it with the HD500 (the editing software is pretty unintuitive and can actually be a headache).

My biggest complaint about the HD500 has to be that you can't just double click a patch and load it straight up, you have to drag and drop it to the interface of the patch you currently have selected. The software needs some serious improvement. I'll try and record some samples tonight if I have time, even without the mixing headphones.

Funny... I guess that's the beauty of tastes. I was just the opposite: Loved 2.0, hated XT's and found peace with X3's

I also loved the 2.0, though I never owned one. I bought the metal add on (forget its name) for the XT, I then used mostly the amps that came with it, much better than the factory set for high gain stuff.

I now just have the pocket pod, which is closer to the 2.0. I'm fine with that, but now, when I have time, I'd rather mic the amp, or I might pick the sansamp over the pocket pod.



I have to warn, this is probably not anything remotely close to a good indication of what the Pod HD500 is capable of, I literally dialed in a random ENGL Fireball setting and went to town with it (the lead is a treadplate I think). No real mixing capabilities, so I don't even know what it REALLY sounds like.

edit: for comparison, here is the last patch I made on the XT before I switched over. Still my favorite tone, trying to replicate it on the HD500.


All of my songs (every single one) has been on the PODXT. Take that as you will. Some songs have a better tone than others, and sometimes I go back and listen to some of them and think "egads, what was I thinking?". Most notably Omens of Jenova, that tone I used did not lend itself to a low tuned 7 string guitar at all. A total mess.

And then there are songs that, in my opinion, had dreamy creamy tones, like Wily's Requiem. In the final days before my HD500 arrived, I actually wound up crafting one of my favorite tones (a very good Mesa Recto knockoff), but haven't had much luck replicating it with the HD500 (the editing software is pretty unintuitive and can actually be a headache).

My biggest complaint about the HD500 has to be that you can't just double click a patch and load it straight up, you have to drag and drop it to the interface of the patch you currently have selected. The software needs some serious improvement. I'll try and record some samples tonight if I have time, even without the mixing headphones.

Oh, I think I was unclear: The PodXT rules, it does its job more than satisfying. I was more getting at personal preference and how comfortable I felt with how the sound of the amp modeling developed over the years.

Yeah, the handling of the HD500 is pretty arkward IMO, also that the effect processors cannot handle much more than 3-4 effects in one chain. Anyways I returned mine and I will wait for in integration into the next Podfarm.


None of the HD patches are compatible with each other -- the 300, 400, and 500 all use a different software engine. Each level has a better processor/more memory, so intercompatability is impossible (or so Line 6 says). Despite the HD500 being the top of the line, if a patch is crafted on the 300 or 400, it can only be used on the 300 or the 400.

The 500 also has a better setup on the board itself, bigger screen, and is easier to tweak on the fly. You can get more sounds out of it due to its expanded FX allotment thanks to the upped memory amount.


This thread really makes me want to go out and try that new PodHD. I loved the 2.0, but found it more difficult to dial in a good sound that was complex. Once I learned what the hell I was doing, it wasn't hard to get a good clean with one effect or good distortion with compressor, but after that I got lost. The XT was a dream come true for me, with the interface overhaul on the actual device being great and then the gearbox software helping out a ton. Never owned X3 because Luiza scared me away from getting one due to her dislike of the sound, but I'm really interested in the HD series. I must confess the ability to use two different amp and cab combination is mighty tempting.


new sample for the pod hd500


again, no mixing capabilities, just random tweaking and recording. did random settings for a bass guitar (with my 1 stringed 5 string bass...) and let it rip.

There's no bass behind the later riff, when it jumps up to the E standard chugging. The low B has bass behind it. Oh, and the high E stuff is quad tracked, low B is dual tracked.


I don't know if that's good or bad. Like I said, I pretty much loaded up the amps and tweaked them as I might a real amp -- something you can't exactly do with most modelers and get accurate results. When I can actually hear it in the correct context, I'll be able to hopefully get it sounding better.


Hey Nekofrog, was it mainly the price factor that resulted in the purchase of the PodHD? Or did you think that HD would be a better product?

I am just really curious. I know months ago you talked the Axe FX up big time to me on IRC, and I basically want to know if you feel the same way about it.

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