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tbf he was super talented at sleeping with kids ehehehehehe

Oh cut that shit out already.

Nothing was ever proven and besides if YOU'D spent your childhood roaming around the country performing with your brothers while being subjected to modes of transport that absolutely terrified you and a father who used beatings as punishment for everything no matter how minor you'd grow up kind of screwy, too.

Ah well.

I don't think that the late Michael deserves the title of Best Artist Ever, though. He may have been the King of Pop but part of pop music is personality and presentation and he recorded a few stinkers like every other performer out there. Point of fact is he's not on some unreachably high level and he never was.

It's preference Salluz. Wtf?

There are a zillion and 1 artists that I think are more talented than and would personally, rather listen to than Micheal Jackson.

Flames or seriousness?

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