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Contact Info:

Name: Tim Albrecht

Email: Tim.W.Albrecht@gmail.com

UserID: 33751

Submission Info:

Name of Game Arranged: The Legend of Zelda

Name of Songs Arranged: Dungeon theme and Overworld theme

ReMixed Name of Song: Legendary

Additional Info:

I always thought all of the original Zelda tracks were amazing source material. I originally made this song in 2008 as a practice piece where I was attempting to teach myself to arrange decent drum and bass percussion, as well as learn a few other tricks along the way. I loved how when the tempo of a dnb track gets halved, it can turn into the meanest hip-hop style beat, and wanted to take a stab at that as well. So, recently, I went back into this track with my better, though still imperfect, mastering skills and fix this thing up some. I went back and reworked the middle drop-out and tried to make it the meanest hip-hop track I've ever heard. I dont know how well it worked out, but I think its some gritty stuff. That dungeon theme, even though its super repetitive, can be reworked in so many ways and still sound so cool. Then I added a tweaked out Overworld theme to the end, something as if Link beat the dungeon and is on his way out. I had some fun with it, its super slide-y and I kinda dig the alternating styles of it. Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy it - it's been a goal of mine to be a part of this site since I started making music. Here is my first submission, hopefully I can make a good first impression!

Oh, also.... I've attached the song to the email, as my usual hosting source is too unreliable.


http://ocremix.org/chip/1804 - Tracks 4 & 1

Beyond adapting this to this genre, I wasn't getting anything substantially interpretive from this.Wow, I thought the drop-out transition at 2:04 was really weak. Clearly 2:07's material was a completely different feel, but getting from part A to part B didn't feel natural at all. See if there's something else you can do with the dropoff that nonetheless feels like it flows.

Back to the DnB at 2:51 in a much smoother transition. We've basically already heard this, so this just felt like a unnecessary retread if nothing was going to evolve there. Either do something more/different with it or cut the fat. The DnB dungeon arrangement also need more melodic interpretation, not just adapting the source to the genre with little other interpretation.

Not a great transition at 4:00, but not terrible. Good take on the main Zelda theme at 4:01. Weird, but interesting. You could have cut a whole minute out of the Dungeon theme arrangement to get to that quicker and not let things drag out. Also, what was up with no resolution at 4:50? You need a real ending.

Some relatively good concepts here that are well-produced overall, but you need some tweaks to get the arrangement clicking fully. Make the DnB more interesting and tighten up the other minor stuff called out and you'd have a sure thing, IMO. Keep at it with this one if you're interested. Otherwise, I like your style and I hope we hear more from you.

NO (resubmit)


The production throughout this is pretty good, and I do like the drumwork you've done with this. I have to agree with everything Larry said. There isn't really much interpretation to the actual source, aside from switching genres. The dungeon theme starts to get a little repetitious after a while, especially after it comes back in. More interpretation is going to help here, but shortening the track might also keep the flow moving a little better.

I'm going to also agree that the transitions and ending definitely need some work. The one at 2:51 was your best transition, but even that has some weakness to it.

I would say that you have a good start here, but the different issues need to be worked on. Keep working on it. NO (resubmit)


Not bad, but the Dungeon parts don't do much in the way of interpretation aside from dropping some DnB beats. This would be ok if not for the fact that there's not much to the Dungeon theme to begin with. Your lead is also weird in that it's legato, so it sounds kind of messy. Might want to try something tighter. Also don't just adapt it straight, do some syncopation or something like you did with the Overworld theme at the end; that'll make it less boring.

Also there's practically no mid-range in this. This is intentional and a trapping of the genre? Seems strange.

Not bad, but needs work. NO, resub

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